Two Can Play That Game

Story of Us

I hurried to the school entrance to see if Kai that Dou-nevermind, he was nice to me today, was there. I waited for five minutes. Everyone was hoarding out of the school like a bunch of bumblebees targeting a single flower, yet Kai still wasn't here. Maybe he got caught up on something, I thought. I waited for 10 minutes, than 20 minutes...he still wasn't here! I just spent 35 freaking minutes for some who didn't even bother showing up! I glanced down at my watch in panic mode, my work was in 5 minutes but I promised Kai that I would be here to give him his blazer back. Well... I didn't particularly promise him, I just didn't want to hold on his blazer for more than I needed to. What if I got it lost or something? That blazer alone costed more than I was worth, I would be in more debt for my whole entire life -_-. I bit my lip and looked around. Here goes nothing, I swiped out my longboard and made a beeline for my workplace, the famous Seoul Yummy Gardens( haha my name). Ha! I made it!

I swiped my card in just in time for the clock to tick. My boss's daughter, Lana, clicked her heels over to me. She wasn't exactly the friendliest person on earth, you get what I mean. I nodded my head for acknowledgement, and she sneered,

" Looks like you got here on time, eh? The kitchen needs one more helper, the garage needs a couple workmen, there are new arrivals and I need you to unload it in the garage and assemble it in the kitchen. As for waiting..." She glanced around and smacked her lips,

" You just have to wait for orders, kay? Oh, and," She continued as she turned away, " Namjoon and Rian are on their breaks, so I need you to fill them in until closing time, which is FYI, 12:00 am. You will get your salary increase by 10% tonight." I watched with my mouth agape at her as she walked away. Seems like I would have to pull an all-nighter again for the third night in a row. Gee thanks. But, I'll still get my salary increase! Yes! Must think about positive stuff! I fist pumped myself, got my uniform on and got to work. I went to the truck with new arrivals. I was so surprised, it wasn't one truck of new arrivals, they were four trucks of new arrivals. I looked around and I couldn't find any other loaders. I sighed, I knew it, I was the only truck unloader here.

Kai Pov.

I sprinted to the entrance to see if LuSeal was there. Get it? LuSeal, Lucille? Haha, okay I guess not. But anyways, by the time I got there she was gone. Seems like she didn't remember what I said today, it's alright. If it wasn't for JooKyung and Sookyung clinging on to me I would've got here on time actually. Whatevs, I'll just piss Lucille off more tommorrow until she knows who the boss is, I already formulated a new plan-"Hyung!" I knew that voice everywhere. Tao was snuggling in my neck and hugging my waist. I turned around to find Exo smirking at me( I know Kris already left, but I started this fic really early, so I'll just keep Exo as 12), Chanyeol was like,

" Let's go celebrate your first day here since you've came back from Australia in Seoul Yummy Gardens!" The boys cheered. I just stared....... and stared.....and stared....... and then laughed,

" What kind of name is Seoul Yummy Gardens! Like seriously! Whoever made that name up is seriously demented! But sure! I'll celebrate with you guys for our since-daipers-to death brotherhood friendship!" Everyone cheered, I thought of something evil and started,

"But Suho hyung, your paying!!" Suho widened his eyes and whined the whole way there. On our way to the restaurant all the girls flocked to our way, and I even checked a few babes out. After getting their numbers, I totally forgot about the Lucille incident and felt invincible. I stepped in the restaurant and I was stunned by how 'gardeny' the place looked. Everywhere were flowers and flower pots and greenery and trees and grass and fruit bowls and-okay I'm rambling, but I just couldn't conclude its beauty in words! I sat down near the reception desk for easier access to the waiting, ordered our favourite dishes which were like 500 of them and I tapped my fingers while waiting. Exo and I were talking and catching up on eachother when a loud noise ruined our brother bonding moment. Our eyes went to the open door to the other side and there was a guy carrying boxes to a certain place. He dropped the box and everything fell out of it. There were like fish, rotten eggs and spoiled vegetables. The stench was unbearable, however, the guy remained unfazed. Beakyun whined,

" People we chose the wrong seats! I wanna go change a spot-"

" Shut up!" Chanyeol hushed," That dude looks familiar! Maybe he goes to our school?"

I squinted, he did look kind of familiar, however, a rather hot girl went up to him. I shushed everyone,

" Guys, this is drama! Are they an item?" we were all on the edge of our seats trying to watch the juicy drama when the girl yelled,

" You good for nothing nitpick! I gave you this job because I trusted you, well, clearly you don't want my trust. Clean up this mess right now, you only did this for what? Ten  minutes and you're tired, later, go to the kitchen. "

" But Lana-shi," the guy tried to reason," I've been moving boxes for 4 hours straight already, I think my arm is going to fall off-"

" You shut up! We need to assist the rich people of Seoul!"

The guy's eyes flickered over here and turned away quickly, seeing this, the girl took this chance to punch him to the ground. I stood up quickly and took huge strides toward the guy, I smirked at the girl. Well, two can play this game. You wanna hurt that guy, I won't allow it, cuz' that guy's -a girl? And she's...Lucille. Her eyes looked up at me in shame, her face was bruised in purple and black. That got me mad.Only I could hurt her, noone else can ever touch her, cuz' only I can bully her. I looked at the girl, whose face was priceless, probably because of my beautiful face, and growled. She was hot, but ever since Lucille lended me that pencil in class, she became my target. MY bullying target. Mine and noone elses. Since she wanted to hurt Lucille, she would have to go through me first. Lucille's game with me can get delayed, but that girl?

Ha, let the games begin. I would never let Lucille get hurt again.


I know this is super bad. I rushed it! SORRY! I actually don't know what I was writing in this paragragh. Hope you guys give me a lotta love. Thank you! I'll give a shoutout to my subscribers if I get 15 subscribers! SOOOOO, subscribe please!!! The next chapter will be way better. Soooooo, what will happen to Kai and Lucille? What about their game? What game is Kai even talking about? Stay in tuned to find out!




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I'm also sorry for any grammatical errors, for I didn't edit any of the chapters that well. Plz bear with me!


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