The Girl With a Life

Story of Us

           Ok, guys I'm so sorry about not updating everything for so long. I had a really huge writer's block and thought of giving up but today I stumbled across this and decided to give this another try. Hope you guys aren't mad ! Lub Ya!!

P.S Some pictures are lost


            I smell pancakes and bacon and eggs and orange juice and... MY MOTHER!!! She looks down at me and brings my breakfast to my bed which is a big surprise since she never tolerates food anywhere other than the kitchen. I look up and her beautiful face, free of wrinkles, which to my surprise, is glowing. When she smiled at me, time seemed to have stopped and her eyes became like crescent moons. It was mesmerizing. I was about to reach out and caress her face, but my fingers went right through her. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. Next, to my horror, her face started to shrink and wither away, the light was blinding..... 

            I jolted awake, sweat lining my forehead. I glanced down at my bed sheets, they were all wrinkled and tattered by the hands of moi. I looked at my alarm clock, which read 5:00 am. I placed my messed up head back on the pillow and slept...


              Two more seconds and I'll be late! I chucked my last paper from my paper route at some random house and l heard an 'oof!'. I debated in my mind whether to stop and check what was wrong, but I shook that thought off and aimed straight through the doors of my school. I peeked in the classroom and thank god, my math teacher wasn't there. I opened the door and tried to creep in and not catch any attention, but that idea surely failed. The moment I stepped in the door some disgusting, wet spitball landed in my hair. I mean, I know I'm poor and can't afford name-brand shampoos and conditioners and that my hair is somewhat dirtier than the girls in my class, but you didn't have to do that to me. I heard the whole class erupt into laughter and I in my breath and counted to ten, trying miserably hard not to make a scene. Just when I thought I could let my guard down, some dude just had to yell out, "Spitball Fatass!"

              Okay, just to clear this up, I am not a weakling or a 'strong' girl that will tolerate and hold in bullying of any kind, whether it's for me or for someone else, so the most rational thing I did was...I kicked his table until it nearly cut his chin and smashed my eight-pound bag on his table, making the most horrifying sound ever. His smirk slowly faded when he saw how furious I was. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when the teacher Ms. Lee, walked in.

              "Lucille! I will not tolerate bullying of any kind! Go and sit down, you're causing a scene." I sighed, so much for good timing. I swear, the teacher hated me. Well, i hated her, so, peace. 

              Just when I was taking out my math textbook, I heard a BANG! Everyone got startled and looked up, a tall dude with a slightly bronze skin tone and a slightly good figure walked in wearing a messed up uniform. His tie was loose and astray, his top three dress shirt buttons were popped open, and his whole attire just looked lazy in general. Not to mention his hair, it was soft-looking, but it was so windblown and messy that it was unbelievable someone could look like that. He had a small bruise on his left cheek that caused some giggles, but he had this emotionless expression on his face and his eyes just screamed out 'lazy'. Nonetheless, all the girls in our class, including the teacher,(excluding me)were swooned by his appearance. I may have been a little behind on the trend these days, but seriously, what exactly is goodlooking about that piece of...person? Ms. Lee coughed and tried to keep the cool I was pretty sure she lost already and asked,

              "New student huh? Lemme see who you are... Omo! You are the director's son that the principle talked to me about. Kim...Jong...In, right, where do you want to sit? Since you are a new student, you get to pick your seat."

               I blew my non-existent bangs, there was no such rule about new students picking seats, Ms.Lee was soooo buttkissing him just because he was the director's son. Everyone looked at him, especially the girls, who were so eager to know that they began eye- him. Kim wheverhisnamewas looked around lazily, what does he not do lazily? And said, "Call me Kai, and I wanna sit..." His eyes scanned the room and found me, the end of his mouth curled upwards and said the most hateful thing on the planet, " next to the spitball fatass."

                 Here I was, minding my own business and doodling in my textbook, to look around and find all the girls whispering god-knows-what evilly to eachother looking at me, and the dudes saying that he lost his mind. Although I generally didn't care about this kind of stuff, to have found these things out of other people's mouths hurted more than I could imagine. Even Ms. Lee was baffled. She shuffled her papers around looking for something and answered him, "Okay Kai, you can go sit with orphan girl in the back."

                 Orphan girl?  That stung a lot. I wasn't an orphan girl, I was a girl with a life, a girl with a rough life.


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I'm also sorry for any grammatical errors, for I didn't edit any of the chapters that well. Plz bear with me!


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