Pretty Brown Eyes

Story of Us

After that horrible class with the Douche and the huge- line-up I had to endure to get to the cafeteria ladies, they told me that pork belly had run out. I was like.... FUMING! I heard the cafeteria ladies apologize to me for a bit, but I was too hungry to care. I literally crawled back to my locker and draped myself on my locker door, trying to imagine the Food Network. I took a peek at my schedule and it was study hall, there was nowhere for me to go withour causing trouble so I decided to make my way to the library. But I guess luck wasn't on my side today because when I was minding my own business trying to make my way to the library, I slipped on a banana peel just infront of the library door and fell right inside, tumbling on a bunch of book carts and tables, making a really loud noise. It was so embarrassing!!! I looked around, seeing noone I knew saw my most tiest moments, I tried to stand up, point my nose in the air and act like nothing had happened. I walked straight to the Nerd Hangout and sat down at the coziest and comfiest chair in the history of armchairs. My English class waas studying for a Shakespear play called Hamlet, so I decided to get a head start. Just when I removed a book from the shelf, I saw two adorable brown orbs staring stright back at me on the other side through the shelf. They weren't mesmerizing for me, but I found the depth and colour of them so pretty, and the double eye lids and the long lashes made it unique in its own way--okay, I sound like some lovesick poetic fangirl trying to write a poem about her bias's eyes. I felt like time has stopped as I stared in them. Both of us didn't move a millimetre and just simply stood there, heck, I had no idea whether this person was a girl or a dude! Suddenly, my binders dropped to the floor and broke that beautiful moment in history and I scrambled down to pick up my binders. After I finally realized how awkward the situation was, I rushed out of the area to and safe place where noone could see my dumb moment.

I soon recovered from that situation and belive it or not, forgot about it while being immersed in Hamlet when the chair across from me squeaked and I felt weight on the table. This guy sat down quietly while sqirming around to fit in the chair. It was quite funny actually, you would definitely laugh at a sight of a tall guy wearing a bandanna across his face in a pretty hot day trying to sqirm into a chair that was clearly too small for him when there were other seats available. He looked up at me and I stopped laughing immediately, his eyes were the same as the ones I saw through the shelf, wide open and searching for mine. He also had a dark blue cap on, so I couldn't really predict who he was just with his eyes, for I wasn't that close with any boy to make out who was who just by the eyes. I guess he thought my reaction was pretty funny, because then he started chuckling softly. His voice was deep and husky. For some unknown reason, I started giggling at the awkward atmosphere as well, soon both of us were have uncontrollable laughing fits. After being shushed by the grouchy librarian a couple times, he wiped his eyes and leaned towards and whispered," What's your name?"

I leaned towards him as well, I guess which took him by surprise and whispered back, " Lucille Lu, what's yours?"

"Nice name," he said, " You can call me--" "Pretty Brown Eyes," I finished for him. "You have the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen on a guy." Than I leaned in a bit more, " Are you sure you're a guy?" He stared at me like I grew five heads with his eyebrows raised and everything. Not wanting him to think I was a weirdo (which I was), I quickly recovered," I was kidding. I'm just saying that your eyes are pretty. No hard feelings." Seeing his stoned expression, I opened my mouth to explain again, but this time he cut me off.

"Relax, I wasn't mad, I was just kinda taken aback by such strightforwardness. You know, you're cool." His eyes slowly formed into cresent moons. I smiled too, " Well, seriously, what's your name?" He leaned back this time, with much difficulty of course and answered coyly," Just call me Pretty Brown Eyes." We talked about a lot of stuff in the remaining study block, ranging from academics to sports, movies to food, our favourite singers to even our past crushes and embarrassing moments. It was a nice break from all the drama in the morning.

"HA! You really farted in front of the boy you liked? That's so epic! First you peed your pants in front of him and then you farted? Talk about a romantic sense!" Pretty Brown Eyes was exploding into silent laughter. If |I didn't know better, I would've thought he was having a seizure. Good thing noone was around us or else we would've been in huge trouble. "Stop it! Don't you DARE tell anyone else or I will cut off your balls-that is, if you have any," I was trying to sound serious but failing miserably. "Hey," I started again," How come I've never seen you before even if we have the same stady block?"

He answered breathlessly," That's 'cuz I never come here, good thing I did today tho, best decision in my life. I guess you're here tommorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that?" I smiled,

" I come here everyday you idiot, in case you haven't noticed, you gotta come here everyday in order to score the top 1% in the nation. And BTW, why do you have a bandanna across your face? Is it because of an accident or something? I swear, it's okay, you don't have to hide infront of me, we're already friends. I won't judge you because of your face or anything. Even if you are really um, not that good-looking, your eyes and personality makes up for it." Pretty Brown Eyes looked at me stoned again. Did I struck a nerve?

"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm not the best talker here and I don't know how to ask things without being rude, please don't be mad at me--"

"Chill," He said, then he leaned back again and winked at me," I keep this bandanna with me because I'm afraid the girls will all flock to this peice of handsome ," He pointed to himself. I rolled my eyes, typical cocky dude. He flailed his hands in front of my face.

"No dude I'm serious! The girls do kill to see me flash a smile at them! I'm a lady-killer."

"Then how come I ain't dead yet?" I remoarsed. Pretty Brown Eyes opened his mouth for a rebuttal, but I put my index finger on his lips indicating for him to hush. I was like,

"Fine, you are good-looking, kay? You're the best looking guy on the planet. You can be in the 'iest Men 100" list." He laughed, with his eyes crinkling. His laugh was kind of cute, I guess.

"You're the amesomest girl I've ever met in my whole entire life! You could be my soulmate!" He said playfully. I rolled my eyes playfully again and said back to him," Soulmates it is then." I held my hand out for him to shake it. Before I knew it, the bell rang. As we stood up to gather our stuff, he leaned down to my ear and whispered in his huskiest voice, "My homeroom is class 4A, you can find me there, Soulmate." He then looked down at me, his eyes crinkled up again, let out a belly laugh and walked away. "C ya tommorrow!" I think, maybe it was me hallucinating, but I think I saw 'Park--" on a piece of paper sticking out from his book.

I racked my brain to see if I knew anyone possible in class 4A with the surname 'Park'. The only possiblity was that super insanely popular guy in the 'Golden Circle" EXO named Park Chan something. But that Park Chan something definitely couldn't be Pretty Brown Eyes. He doesn't just talk to anyone, so don't even think about him talking to me. Maybe it was someone else, yeah, it had to be someone else. I've never gotten a really good look at Park Chan something, but i'll bet he is eye candy. I wondered if I had any classes with Pretty Brown Eyes the whole way to my next class.

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I'm also sorry for any grammatical errors, for I didn't edit any of the chapters that well. Plz bear with me!


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