Meeting Kai, Not Kim Jongin

Story of Us

             I looked up as that Kai dude sat down beside me. I saw him smirk in a fail way, scoffed and turned around. I tried listening to whatever Ms. Lee was saying, but something just didn't feel right. I noticed a good amount of girls staring at him with their mouths ajar, scrutinizing his so-called 'beauty'. B with curiosity, I turned around to see what really made him attractive. I scanned him up and down like I was inspecting pork belly. Mmmmm, reminds me, I haven't ate breakfast this morning, maybe for lunch I should get some pork belly. Wait, no! I knocked on my daydreaming head a couple times and went back to staring at him.

             His dark messed up hair? It looks so soft but hey, messy is not my style. My eyes went down to his eyebrows and eyes. His eyebrows looks bushy and thick, does he use brow pencils from Sephora or something? How can a dude's eyebrows look so.... captivating girly? My eyes travelled down to where his two orbs were, both of his eyes were shut and what surprised me was how his lashes travelled a million miles long. I blinked to see how long my lashes were, ugh! I couldn't even see them! I stared at his fascinating nose nostrils and thick lips for god-knows-how-long, along with his sculpted jawline. Wow, dudes are fascinating....

             Suddenly, one of his eyes popped open and my eyes were met with those dark orbs of his that meant much more than the surface. My thoughts were shattered when the Kai dude smirk his trademark fail smirk again and whispered,

            " Like what you see?" Unbelievable! How can someone just blurt out something like that to a person of the opposite without even knowing them? I diverted my eyes back to my notebook from that unappetizing douchebag. The bell rang and everyone gathered their papers. WHAT? Class was over already? I didn't get a single thing down! I glared at that Kai douchbag and he just, of course, gave me that evil smirk of his.

            I tried walking to the canteen through the massive sea of people to get some pork belly, when everyone suddenly parted ways. Oh yes! I could now walk in peace! Just when I thought god was on my side, I looked up to hear and see three pairs of heels clicking on the floor. The Hotties were walking....They were the self-claimed hottest girls in the school, or even Seoul, keyword: self-claimed. Wait a minute, they were walking towards me! The leader of the pack Park JooKyung pushed me against the locker, and me, too slow and dense for my own good, didn't react. My eyes followed her as she strutted to...Kai douchebag! Tchhhh, should've guessed it, the air-head and the douchebag should get together. Everyone started whispering about how golden if they were to get together, the hottest girl and the hottest boy, they would be the campus couple. I saw Kai douchebag looking at me seductively and lowered his head to whisper something into Jookyung's ear as she giggled. I turned away, trying to get away from the drama to meet my pork belly(yeah meat rocks!)when Jookyung's twin sister SooKyung pushed me on the ground. This time everyone was looking at me. I felt heat creeping up my cheeks, not from embarrassment, but from anger. I looked up to meet eleven more pairs of eyes. Omona! They were the 'Golden Circle', the best-looking and the richest boys in the whole of South Korea, they also called themselves EXO. Okay, no time for that. I stood up and glared at SooKyung in absolute anger. Everyone started to chant,

            "Fight, fight, fight!!" SooKyung looked at me and smirked, I mean, what is with popular people and smirking? She had the power so she wasn't afraid to put me down. I was actually surprised that noone came to help me. This was bullying and could develop into physical assault for god's sake! And the teachers miraculously disappeared too. SooKyung eyes leaked out despise and seemed to be daring me to hit her. Ugh, a total attention seeker. Fine, if that's what you want, I'll give it to you. I swung my palm and it flew across her cheek. SLAP!!!! Gasps could be heard through the hallway. SooKyung held her cheek dramatically and tried to resent back, but I held her wrist and twisted it behind her back. I suddenly let go to let her breath, gathered up my books and met the eyes of the freakishly tall dude of EXO, I think his name was Park...Chan...Something. He looked at me and grinned a lopsided grin, and stuck out a thumb. I was really surprised, he didn't smirk! Just to be nice I guess, so I smiled back, only for him to smile wider, like, how could anyone smile like that?

           Okay, now HE was attractive, way better than the Kai douchebag. Than...the the bell rang. NOOOOOOOO!!! What was with bells ringing so soon today? I needed my pork belly!!! I groaned, picked up my books and ran away, only to hear that Kai douchbag yelling,

            "Spitball Fatass, see ya next next class!!!!" NOOOOO! Why do I have class with him, why can't I have at least one class with someone decent? Some one like Park Chan...Something? Okay! Stop daydreaming!!!!




Kekekeke, now she technically met Chanyeol, and what's Kai gonna do next? Stay tuned to find out!!!          

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I'm also sorry for any grammatical errors, for I didn't edit any of the chapters that well. Plz bear with me!


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