Manage you, Manage me

Manage you, Manage me

As requested, Taemin woke up extra early to prepare the traditional breakfast Onew wanted. If his father had heard, Lee appa is sure to be jealous. He was so darn sure that his son would never wake up two hours earlier to prepare food for someone that is not himself. Firstly, Taemin never cared about food. He was the type who would forgo breakfast for that few precious minutes of additional sleep. Secondly, it was not for himself. Enough said.


He carefully prepared the demanded food in his own kitchen before bringing it over to Onew’s.


“Onew-ssi! Are you awake? I’ve brought you your breakfast!” Taemin knocked on the door while balancing the breakfast tray between his right hand and his hips.


No one answered.


“Onew!” He called louder, knocking once again.


“Urgh, what is it? So noisy!” A grumpy man opened the door.


Onew’s hair was a mess, his eyes still closed and his stubble visible.


The manager had to bite his lips to prevent himself from laughing at the adorable sight. Who else could see Onew in his current state now?


Instead of feeling disgusted, Taemin felt lucky.


“Good morning! I’ve brought you breakfast, just what you wanted.” Taemin chirped happily, proud of his cooking.


“Thanks but no thanks. I’m just having toast.” Onew walked away, leaving the door open for Taemin to invite himself in.


“Wh-what? Wae? I woke up early to make you this!” The younger asked, “You said you wanted it last night!”


“I said: I’m having toast. Have it done while I get ready.” The singer ordered before disappearing into his room.


Taemin was beyond frustrated.


What the hell?


He placed the tray down on the counter before reaching to pull at his hair in annoyance.


The inexperienced manager made his toast with gritted teeth. Is this what his father has been warning him about? That Onew is not as perf- no, just different, from what he sees on television? Maybe it’s just the grumpy hungry man in the morning. Onew will get over it once he’s had his breakfast!


Taemin set the toast on the table and himself on a chair, impatiently waiting for Onew to come out. They had about a little more than an hour left to their first schedule of the day.


“Onew-ssi! Hurry up or we’ll be late!” Taemin called out from the kitchen.


And the next thing he saw was a freshly showered Onew coming out from the master bedroom walking towards him. The fanboy soul in him started hyperventilating and he had to turn around before he gets a panic attack.


Onew was looking as good as in those photo-shoots. He was just naturally good looking without all that cakey make-up; his hair combed suavely and his stubble cleanly shaven. Onew smelt refreshed and manly.


But the façade was broken the moment he spoke:


“You call this toast? I never knew there was any way to go wrong with toast.” He spoke nonchalantly, making a queasy face at the bread.


“Stop complaining! First, you wanted the breakfast spread, and then you wanted toast! Eat it and go! We’re going to be late!” Taemin finally exploded.


Onew just rolled his eyes indifferently, took his toast in his mouth and walked past his manager and out the door.


Taemin swallowed his anger and moved quickly to catch up with him.


The ride to the studio was long and dry. Neither was willing to look at each other or start up a conversation. Taemin was pouting, looking out through the window into the big city; while Onew was calmly reading a book.


They were thirty minutes late for Onew’s comeback special on the music show. The crew has already started filming the other artists since he wasn’t here yet, and to save time so they could end as stipulated.


The moment they arrived, the humble manager went around apologising to all the directors and coordinators of the show, explaining the bad traffic conditions on their way here. All he could do was bow profusely, requesting for their understanding.


Yet on the other hand, Onew was still giving trouble to the make-up artist and the hair-stylist.


“Onew-ssi! Work with them so you can start work already! We are so late and here you are, giving them trouble!” Taemin chided.


“You’re such a stuck-up. If your fans knew the kind of artist you are, you’d probably lose all of them!”


Onew blatantly ignored the younger boy’s command and continued his difficult ways.


Taemin was determined not to let Onew step all over him; and he can never let Onew know he’s such a er for him.


It was only after another thirty minutes was Onew ready to be on stage.


As he entered the stage, all the noonas had left their work stations to watch the star singer.


The moment he started singing, Taemin was melted down to his knees. His one and only idol is performing right in front of him. He was so near to him, the live performance was absolutely fascinating. Usually for these kinds of music charts, Taemin was never lucky enough to get studio access. He’d only seen Onew on screen.


His voice was honey-like laced with a tinge of velvet. It’s the kind of unique vocals that actually sounds beautiful and mesmerising. He sang with so much passion; one could not imagine what else Onew could be doing for a living besides singing. He was an artist made for the entertainment industry.


When Onew performed the next upbeat song, the thrilled fan was singing and dancing along. If he wasn’t manager, his skills would’ve put him on stage dancing next to his idol.


Taemin forgot about the grudge he had against Onew and is completely bribed into loving Onew again.


After the long day, Taemin sent Onew back to their apartments to rest and prepare for tomorrow.


“You can sleep in a little longer tomorrow morning. Your schedule starts at noon, a dance rehearsal for your upcoming concert.” Taemin stated briefly as he stood outside Onew’s door.


“Do you need me to wake you up? Breakfast?” He asked conscientiously.


 “Yes, wake me up. I’m beat tonight. I’ll tell you what I want tomorrow.” Onew replied before disappearing inside.


Taemin let out a tired sigh and cracked his neck. He twisted the knob before heading back into his nest, changing into his Onew fluffy bedroom slippers, heading for the bathroom for a nice warm shower and a good night’s rest. 


Let me know what you think! 

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Just re-posted chapter 15 again! :D


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LilyEO #1
"Did you even realise, you just made a national popstar - Onew - your ?"
Ahahahaha X"D you totally conquered my esteem with this, I'm still laughing after half an hour :) Good boy Tae, that's the way you take the lead!!
I really liked the idea of Taemin being Onew's manager and Onew being an :)
Wahhh I misssss this one. Reading this all over again. :)
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 15: "And his response was a kick which sent him flying off the bed." I can totally imagine that. Ahahah
panda-kawaii #5
Chapter 15: I just felt like I was on a roller coaster throughout the whole thing xD This story is so freaking awesome>~<
Chapter 15: daebak! Bold Taemin XD loved him like that.
the y time was nice :D
the end was cute too!
I really really liked this fic XD your fics are always sooo good :D:D:D <3

LOL your gif ;) i knooow what fic you're thinking of kekekeke *hugs*
Jessii #7
Chapter 14: I just find your story and... well that's so cool !!!! and cute, and amazing, and awesome, and funny, and.....
Chapter 15: Asddfghjkedkanrofbk AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
“Taemin-ah, do you understand how much in love I am with you?”
Awwwww thisssss thats too damned sweet man!!!!!
Hwaaaa i loved thissss !! QAQ *cry ugly* *claps* greatttt storehhh!!
And i wished for a full *pout
Chapter 15: This is the cutest ending ever. :)
Chapter 15: I love this story. :)