Manage you, Manage me

Manage you, Manage me

“Taemin-ah, come here.” Mr Lee beckoned for Taemin over from the bed.


Lee appa was admitted to the hospital for severe sprains in his right wrist and ankle. He was involved in a struggle between the idol he was managing and said idol’s fans. The doctors predicted that this was going to be a long stay, given his age and frequent overworking of his body.


Taemin walked gingerly to his father’s bedside. His face was streaked with worry as he rushed down to the hospital from home.


“Tae-ah, I’m sorry for getting into this state,” He chuckled, “Can’t fight the aging huh?”


“As you already know, I’ll be staying here for quite a while. I need you to help me. It’s just the right time since you’re having your Summer break, and I can’t exactly rely on Taesun.”


Taemin listened attentively; he would do anything and everything for his father. His brother is studying overseas anyhow.


“I need you to take my place and manage Onew.”


The young boy’s breath hitched for a moment at the request. Manage Onew? Didn’t his father know he was crazy over Onew? To be Onew’s personal manager?


“M-manage Onew hyung?” Taemin’s eyes were sparkling at the offer.


“I know, you’re a big fan of his, but no one else was willing to take over.” Lee appa sighed deeply, “And I think it’ll be good for you to face reality at your age.”


“Trust me, Tae-ah. Onew’s not that perfect as yo-“


“Aniyo! Onew is The most perfect human being alive! He’s everything a man wished they ever were.” The child exploded to defend his idol, “He’s kind, sweet and everything nice! Are you actually blind to how he treats his fans?”


Yeah sure, Tae. If Onew is that wonderful, why would he push a fan from behind, pulling me to crash down with her? I wouldn’t be here in this stinking place with all the antiseptic smell and ugly ahjumma nurses. Please!


“Yeah whatever. So are you going to do it, Taemin-ah? I need to answer back to SM, else someone will be forced to take over and I’ll be eternally indebted to them.” His father shrugged, quite impatient.


Taemin hesitated for a moment; thinking that this must be too good to be true. Managing Onew: Seeing him close-up, travelling around places with him, the best seats in the house to his live performances, living under the same roof as him!


“Ne! I’ll do it! I’ll do it!” Taemin burst with excitement.




“Onew-ssi, this is your new manager in place of Manager Lee.” The general artist manager introduced, “He’s the son of Manager Lee, Lee Taemin, so you’ll be in very good hands.”


The general manager was speaking so very courteously, so much it almost sounds she’s speaking out of fear rather than respect.


She stepped aside to reveal a slim boy with jet-black hair. He was wearing simple jeans and a graphic tee, warmly coated in a varsity jacket. The dongsaeng was beaming brightly, excited to meet his idol in person for the nth time. Except this time, he’s not a fan, he’s the manager.


“This boy? Are you freaking kidding me? Has he even finished school?” Onew remarked bluntly.


Taemin’s generous smile was instantly flipped over to show his dismay.


Was this really Onew? He would never speak like that. He must be having a bad day. Idols are humans with feelings after all.


“Annyeong, Onew hyung!” Taemin bowed his head down respectfully, waiting for Onew to acknowledge him.


“Don’t call me hyung. I don’t even know you.” He yawned, “Since we’re done here, aren’t you going to prepare to send me home, manager-ssi?”


The younger rose up, quite appalled at the behaviour. Then once again convinced himself it was because of the bad day. He immediately set off to get everything ready for Onew to return home quick for a rest. His father had given him a typical list of routine what-do-dos before and after every schedule. Onew’s schedule for the next three months had been planned out by Lee Appa, so all Taemin had to do was follow-up with them.


“So, Onew-ssi, what would you like to eat for breakfast tomorrow?” Taemin asked sincerely, ready with a notebook and pen in his hand.


“Toast and eggs? Appa says you like that.”


“For breakfast, I would like seaweed soup with turnip and fish, served with rice and kimchi.” Onew continued his hostility.


“W-what? You have an early schedule tomorrow; I can’t afford the time to make you that!” Taemin flustered.


Why the heck would you suddenly want that? Appa said you never liked traditional Korean food too much.


“Is that my problem, Taejin?” He challenged.


What the hell is his problem?


“My name is Taemin! Fine, I’ll make that.” The manager finally huffed out.


When they arrived at the dormitory building, the two men rode up the elevator in awkward silence. More like an angry silence, on Taemin’s part for refusing to speak to Onew for the rest of the ride in the car. Not like Onew could care less, anyway.


As the elevator stopped at their level, Onew pushed his way out without any civility, butting his manager to a side.


 Taemin clenched his fist at the rudeness of the whole situation.


He stomped behind Onew, following him to their apartments. As he was about to trail Onew into the house, he bumped into the elder’s back.


“What do you think you are doing? Your apartment is next door.” The singer questioned, irritated.


“Ah! Mi-mianhe…” Taemin stuttered out.


He’d forgotten the arrangements his father had mentioned to him. The fan was just too occupied with the thought of living in the same house as his second (highly contestable with the first) favourite person in the world.


The embarrassed boy scooted out quickly to the dorm next door and let himself in. His father would often sleep there if the schedule next day was earlier, otherwise he would return to his home to see Taesun and Taemin.


The condo was kept clean and tidy. Of course, what one would expect with the minimal residency. Taemin lugged the rest of the luggage he was carrying with him in to the space. He was going to stay there for as long as he is managing Onew, since there would be no one home in any case.


He started unpacking his daily necessities which included a wall size poster of Onew from his personal favourite photo-shoot, two of his favourite Onew-themed mugs (one for drinking and the other for brushing), his Onew fluffy bedroom slippers, his favourite Onew towels of different sizes, his favourite Onew bedsheets and pillow cases.


Basically, anything that you can think of would be Taemin’s favourite Onew thing.


He initiated his re-designing of the spacious empty apartment, filling up his house with all his love for Onew as was his heart.


Despite the rough start they both had, Taemin was convicted that it was all because Onew had a really bad day, and that tomorrow would be a fresh new start. He would re-introduce himself properly and get to know Onew properly, like he’d always wanted to.


Annyeong! Start of a new fic x) 


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Just re-posted chapter 15 again! :D


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LilyEO #1
"Did you even realise, you just made a national popstar - Onew - your ?"
Ahahahaha X"D you totally conquered my esteem with this, I'm still laughing after half an hour :) Good boy Tae, that's the way you take the lead!!
I really liked the idea of Taemin being Onew's manager and Onew being an :)
Wahhh I misssss this one. Reading this all over again. :)
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 15: "And his response was a kick which sent him flying off the bed." I can totally imagine that. Ahahah
panda-kawaii #5
Chapter 15: I just felt like I was on a roller coaster throughout the whole thing xD This story is so freaking awesome>~<
Chapter 15: daebak! Bold Taemin XD loved him like that.
the y time was nice :D
the end was cute too!
I really really liked this fic XD your fics are always sooo good :D:D:D <3

LOL your gif ;) i knooow what fic you're thinking of kekekeke *hugs*
Jessii #7
Chapter 14: I just find your story and... well that's so cool !!!! and cute, and amazing, and awesome, and funny, and.....
Chapter 15: Asddfghjkedkanrofbk AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
“Taemin-ah, do you understand how much in love I am with you?”
Awwwww thisssss thats too damned sweet man!!!!!
Hwaaaa i loved thissss !! QAQ *cry ugly* *claps* greatttt storehhh!!
And i wished for a full *pout
Chapter 15: This is the cutest ending ever. :)
Chapter 15: I love this story. :)