Manage you, Manage me

Manage you, Manage me

“What? His stay in the hospital is extended? Does Taemin know?” Onew spoke anxiously to the General Manager.


“That’s probably expected of him, always forcing himself to look strong. Manager, can you get more assignments for me?”


“I need to help Taemin.”


Onew ended the call with the General Manager calling to inform that he has to be managed under Taemin for a little while longer and if he’s fine with it. Of course Onew had to be grateful for this arrangement. Since the kiss, he’d realised he wanted Taemin by his side more than anyone in the world. Taemin is the only fan he needs to support him all the way…just like he used to.


Used to.’


Onew let out a bitter chuckle, mocking at himself. For being so helpless when Taemin is probably now in agony next door and he wasn’t there by his side to hold him in his arms, to let the independent boy lay his head on his shoulder to cry on. He cursed himself for being so cruel to Taemin, knowing perfectly well in his heart that the angel was more than just a replacement manager. Taemin was more than anyone in his life.


How he would always smile at him so happily again despite all the misery he’d made Taemin go through. How he would always expect so much out of this idol despite seeing the real person he is behind the camera. How he would always comply with any unfair requests the singer would ask of him.


Onew regretted how he forced himself on Taemin. He’d honestly thought he would be able to have Taemin submit to him with that kiss. Never did Onew expect the exact opposite reaction from him. Perhaps because he was angry then, the feelings conveyed were wrong and possessive. And what he said after was even more unforgivable. He did not think of Taemin that way at all.


Just maybe, Taemin would be happier managing someone like Minho instead?


But would Onew be happy with that?




‘I’ve left for my schedule. I’ll be on time. You don’t have to come.’


That was the note Taemin found on Onew’s table when he let himself into the idol’s apartment to wake him up and get him ready. Did he forget that Onew had an earlier schedule? Was he late that the idol had decided to leave without him?


Taemin was utterly broken hearted since last night. He was still wide awake when Kibum left close to dawn. There were so many things on his mind: his appa, Onew, his appa, Onew…


Even so, he’d made sure to clean himself up so he doesn’t appear weary to Onew. He didn’t need a second stab in his heart. But now it was difficult not to break down then and there. Tears from last night came back to haunt him and it was getting increasingly harder to breathe right. His hands clutched at his chest as it tightens from the hurt. Onew was trying to distant himself from Taemin. He probably never thought Taemin was sufficient to be manager of the famous pop star, and now he didn’t even need Taemin anymore.


The younger ran to his room, throwing himself on his bed and started weeping noisily. What should he do? Should he quit? Should he apologise? Does Onew want him back?


These questions kept rolling in his mind as tears continue to fall from his already swollen eyes. The only thing he knew now was that Onew didn’t want him around anymore. He only convinced himself that Onew was jealous of him being too close with Minho; jealous of Taemin, that is. Taemin had long figured by now that Onew has taken a liking to Minho. Why else would he throw a fit each time he sees Taemin with the frog prince, and particularly when it concerns Minho.


There was only one place Taemin could turn to now: Family. He suddenly missed his appa, his umma, and even Taesun. He wanted to return to their open embrace that was full of love and warmth that Taemin needed so bad now.


Taemin picked his fatigued body up and washed himself in a warm shower before heading to the hospital to see his father. He needs to know that his appa his safe and well.


“Taemin-ah, why are you here?” Lee appa was surprised to see Taemin coming in mid-day.


He should, at this time, be with Onew at one of his schedules.


“A-ah, Onew gave me a day off to see you, appa.” Taemin lied.


He couldn’t tell the fall-out he had with Onew; that Onew wanted him out of his life now. He couldn’t tell his father that he’d failed at managing Onew; that Onew was so disappointed in him. He couldn’t tell how he was devastated at knowing his idol already had eyes on someone else; that Onew had no interest in the young naïve boy at all.


“Tae-ah, why are your eyes so red?” His father asked with concern.


“Ani. I-I just got shampoo in my eyes when I bathed before I came out.” Taemin smiled awkwardly, “Yea, it kind of stings now that you mention it.”


He took the chance to rub at his eyes, to prevent the tears from pouring out in front of his father. He’s supposed to be strong now and not be a burden to his ill father…just like he was for Onew.


Lee appa pulled his son to sit on his bed, ruffling his soft hair before speaking again, “Tae-ah, I’m your appa. I know when you’ve been crying and when you’ve had soap in your eyes. I’d practically bathed you up.”


His father let out a chuckle, remembering the days when Taemin was still young. The father and son would enjoy baths together, and sing their hearts out in the shower, only to be yelled at by Lee umma every time. Even as a child, Taemin had never cried twice over having soap into his eyes. Taemin, once bitten, always knew to wash them out quickly so it wouldn’t hurt at all.


Taemin was quiet, refusing to return his appa’s gaze.


“Taemin-ah, let’s just say you did have shampoo in your eyes.” Appa sighed, “Didn’t you always know to rinse them quickly to avoid the pain?”


The son knew exactly what his father meant in sub-context.


“Appa…but I don’t want to!” He sobbed out softly, “I don’t want to wash this foam out of my eyes…”


“It was me who’d washed them in…I fell in love with this pain. How could I rinse it out of my eyes, out of my life now?”


Lee appa looked at his disheartened son with worry. Although he was unclear of the story behind that led up to Taemin being here, he understood this was all because of Onew. That his son was letting his precious tears fall because of Onew. Lee appa sometimes wondered if he’d played a part in the indulgence of Taemin in Onew; that maybe he himself was the root cause of this ‘sting’.


Lee appa sat up gingerly on his hospital bed, bearing the burn in his right ankle that was still under treatment, to hold Taemin tightly. While it was tearing Taemin’s heart, it hurt the father even more to see his son in this manner for the first time. Taemin was a boy that took a lot to break him down.


“Taemin-ah, how about going back to enjoying your Summer break again?” Lee appa asked finally.


“You were supposed to be exploring the world outside, not deal with my responsibilities. I’ll just have someone to take over until I’m ready to go back.” 


Annyeong! First off, sorry for the late update, was waiting for my chibimoe to update so...blame her XD 

A little more of the angst before a sweeeeeeeeet Ontae! 


Let me know what you think! 

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Just re-posted chapter 15 again! :D


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LilyEO #1
"Did you even realise, you just made a national popstar - Onew - your ?"
Ahahahaha X"D you totally conquered my esteem with this, I'm still laughing after half an hour :) Good boy Tae, that's the way you take the lead!!
I really liked the idea of Taemin being Onew's manager and Onew being an :)
Wahhh I misssss this one. Reading this all over again. :)
afiercesong #3
Oh my feels!
Chapter 15: "And his response was a kick which sent him flying off the bed." I can totally imagine that. Ahahah
panda-kawaii #5
Chapter 15: I just felt like I was on a roller coaster throughout the whole thing xD This story is so freaking awesome>~<
Chapter 15: daebak! Bold Taemin XD loved him like that.
the y time was nice :D
the end was cute too!
I really really liked this fic XD your fics are always sooo good :D:D:D <3

LOL your gif ;) i knooow what fic you're thinking of kekekeke *hugs*
Jessii #7
Chapter 14: I just find your story and... well that's so cool !!!! and cute, and amazing, and awesome, and funny, and.....
Chapter 15: Asddfghjkedkanrofbk AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!
“Taemin-ah, do you understand how much in love I am with you?”
Awwwww thisssss thats too damned sweet man!!!!!
Hwaaaa i loved thissss !! QAQ *cry ugly* *claps* greatttt storehhh!!
And i wished for a full *pout
Chapter 15: This is the cutest ending ever. :)
Chapter 15: I love this story. :)