The Two Born Babies

The Battle

The Two Born Babies


It was midnight. It had been hours while Kris and Suho were still thinking about what powers the two about-to-be-born babies would have. Well, if they were going to be the strongest, obviously, they would have the best of the best right? Suho lay his head back on the sofa and rested for awhile.

 "I wonder when they would be born..." Kris whispered to himself. but Suho could hear it.

 "Be patient, they should be born sooner or later," Suho said while having his eyes closed.

 "I thought it would be fun," Kris mumbled again.

 "Yah, do you think we travelled back to the past just to have fun training the babies for the battle? Get your mind right, we are now trying our best to save the Tree Of Life!" Suho jumped out of the sofa, furious.

 "Why do you always take my words seriously?! I was just letting out a comment! No need to be so angry and stop kickin' up a fuss on almost everything that I say!" Kris now, having daggers in his eyes.

 "Hello?! I have to take every word you say seriously now because WE are going to be leaders of ten boys, and now you are here, acting childish! And you need to change your attitude, young man!" Suho exclaimed at him.

 "Well, I guess YOU should be the one to change! You are always here, trying to pick up an arguement with me whenever I say something!" Kris shouted back.

  They argued for hours and hours non-stop until they eventually fell asleep.

 "Ring!! Ring!!! Ring!!! Ring!!!" the alarm clock rang.

 "What's so freakin' wrong with this stupid alarm clock?! You are even worser than what i have in my house in 2013!!" Kris said, while trying to stop the alarm clock blindly.

 "Mind your words, dude. You are no longer a child free to say anything you want," Suho said to Kris, who was still attempting to stop the clock.

 "Now, are you trying to start arguing again? I still haven't got the last of you last night," Kris was too tired to talk back with energy.

 "You started the topic first. But, I guess now we have better things to do. We have to go to the Tree Of Life and asked for its advice," Suho replied.

  After both of them got ready, they proceeded taking walk to the tree which was about 20 metres far(well that is quite close, isn't it). Upon reaching, they greeted the tree with a tiring look on their faces.

 "I see that you guys havent gotten enough sleep. Who told you to argue yesterday?" the Tree asked while their eyes widened, showing the 'how did you know?' face.

 "Uh..." both of them stuttered, not knowing how to answer back.

 "Now its you guys fault, so I ain't gibe you extra rest for this. Fix it, you guys. Already teenagers but still argue like 5 year-olds fighting over teddy bears and stuff. Now, lets get to the point. Hmm... from what I see, one of the babies would be born on March 26 while the other on April 20. Now, I guess you guys should handle the first to-be-born baby first. I know, I know you guys aren't nannies but i will be helping in producing the necessities so you guys won't have to go to markets, and that would save a lot of time," the Tree talked again.

  The two men sighed in relief upon knowing that they didnt have to travel far. And soon the day came.


First Couple POV (March 26, 1990)

 "It's alright dear, you will be fine. It is going to be over very soon," the husband reassured his wife.

 "Okay, i will do my best to get the baby out, fine and healthy," the wife who was in pain gave her husband a weak smile.

  The nurses rushed the wife who was lying down on the bed-like pusher(I don't know hwo to describe, I know my english is bad ><) into the emergency room. The word that stated 'Emergency' on top of the door lit up in red colour. The husband sat down on a chair, clasping his hnads together, hoping that his wife would be fine. They were a really passionate couple, who dreamt far and there was true love between them. But unfortunately, their lifes would not go as they planned. The husband was getiing impatient and started pacing back and forth in front of the emergency door. Soon after, the door opened. Just like what other husbands do, he rushed towards the doctor with panic written all over his face.

 "How is my wife? Is she alright? Is the baby okay?" the husband inquired continuously, sweat dotting his forehead. 

 "Congratulations, the baby has been born and the mother is fine and both are healthy," the doctor gave an assuring smile.

  The husband's face turned from worriness to a smile plastered on his face. He was beamingly proud of his wife to be able to manage to pass this obstacle and he promised to treasure his wife more, especially when the wife gave birth to such a wonderful and handsome baby.

  It had been a few days before the wife and the baby could finally be discharged from the hospital. Gleefully, they headed for the car and drove out of the parking place. The husband was too happy for words that meanwhile driving, he was talking to his wife that he didn't notice that his car was heading towards a tree. As soon as the couple realised it, they were extremely shocked. But it was too late. The last thing the wife did was to protect the baby in her hands so that he would not suffer any injury. With that, their car collided into the tree with a loud 'crash'. The couple became unconsious while the baby was still whining and crying.

Kris & Suho POV

 "Ready?" Suho questioned Kris.

  Kris gave a nod. They were hiding around that area, waiting for the crash to happen. They couldn't do anything about the parents, but all they knew was that they had to had the baby taken out of the car, as soon as possible. After waiting for a few minutes, they heard a loud 'crash'. The couple became unconsious while the baby was stil whining and crying. It may seem like kidnapping the baby, but they had to do it for the sake of the Tree Of Life. They hurriedly and sneakily rushed towards the car and grabbed the baby slowly away from the mother's arms. Before leaving, he heard the mother, who gathered all her energy to say to them,"Pls take care of the the baby for us. His name is Xiumin and we will be forever grateful to you." After that, the mother let out her last breath before passing away. It was such a tragic scene but they had to run away fast. After running a few metres away from the pathetic car, they heard a loud explosion. Turning around, they saw the fire engulfing the car, trying to burn it into ashes. They scurried back to the Tree. From, there they had to take care of the newborn baby until he was old enough to know that he had powers and to understand what was happening.\

Second Couple POV (April 20, 1990)

 "Please take care of the baby, if I do not manage to pass through this," the wife told the husband as warm tears fell from the corner of her eyes.

 "No! You will manage this well! You will!" the caring husband replied to the wife with a anxious look.

  The wife already felt that she could not manage to survive this, but she told the doctor,"If there was only one choice of survival, the baby or me, please save the baby. I will be totally grateful to you." The doctor then nodded, showing his approval.

  It had been 30 minutes already. Still no doctor has came out of the emergency room. The husband felt very worried. He then noticed two wierd figures that were sitting a few metres away from him, but chose to ignore it. He crossed his fingers, hoping for the better. Then the doors opened, and soon after, the husband ran to the doctor to ask about his wife and the baby, but noticed the doctor's disappointed look, which made him more tense.

 "Im sorry to say this, but we could only manage to save one. We followed your wife's instructions and gave first priority to the baby. I am sorry but to say that your wife has passed away," the doctor replied in a sad manner.

 "HOW COULD YOU, YOU FREAKIN' DOCTOR! YOU ARE NOT EVEN FREAKING WORTH THE TITLE! HOW COULD YOU JUST SAVE THE BABY INSTEAD OF MY WIFE?! YOU DIRTY OLD HEARTLESS CREATURE!!!!...." the husband scolded the doctor while slowly losing grip on the doctor's arms because he knew it wasn't the doctor's fault. He knelt down crying loudly while he kept saying 'sorry'. 

  After a few days, the baby finally could be discharged. By then, he already mortaged/sold the house, and every other property that he and his wife own. He finally got some money to escape from reality and fly to another country to live another life. But now he has a baby in his way. He blamed the baby, he hated him.

 "It was all because of you, that now your mother is dead... You are going to be responsible for her death and no way im bringing you overseas to lead a happy life..." the father whispered to the baby in a crazy manner( he is kind of depressed ). He then went out of the hospital and since he had his car sold too, he has to hail a taxi.

Kris & Suho POV

  Now, Xiumin is almost a month old. But they had to proceed to saving the other baby. They had already witnessed the husband's reaction that day and probably knew that he would kind of go into depression. So, they tailed the father. He went into a taxi. Doing the same, they also hired a taxi and followed him from behind. But before that, in the hospital they heard the conversation of the father to the baby. The father talked to loud, to be honest.

 "So his name is Luhan, huh?" Kris said.

 " Yeah, it's a rather nice name though," Suho replied.

  Then, they saw the father and the baby alighting from the taxi. They followed suit. Hiding behind trees, they secretly continued to follow the father. From what they could see, it was obvious the father was lost in his own world that he didn't even notice them behind him. He finally stopped somewhere. Somewhere in the woods. Is was creepy. It was dead silent, except for the noises that the forest animal made. Then they realised something. This place was familiar. It was near to the Tree Of Life, probably about 1km away(is it too far? haha). At first they thought the father was going to kill Luhan so they prepared to save him. But instead, the father was smart enough to not kill him lest the police find out. The father just hid Luhan there, and left him crying. Soon after the father left, Kris and Suho rushed to Luhan and brought him to the Tree Of Life.

  That was when they realised it was not simple task raising ten boys because one was already a headache, and now, theres two.





Hi, so now, the story is just beginning sorry for the short chapter one. But this is short too. But dont forgot to leave a comment on anything about this and, I'll be bringing in the boys by birthdate so yeah, the love romance will start later... Love ya guys!! :p I didnt read this again, so there might be a lot of grammars. I don't know what this story is leading into but yea, just enjoy heeeheee~~ And sry again for just words and no pictures or colour D;. I'm still new to this... 


Chelise <3

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Ninja101 #1
Chapter 3: Aww baby lulu scaring ppl with his power <3 <3 and unicorn lay >.<