[004.] The Fair

My Heroine, My First Love (Editing)

Your POV

As soon as you tidied everything up, you walked up to him. "I'm done, let's go."

The both of you walked to the park nearby; the walk was pretty quiet, but Lay didn't mind — he is aware of your nature, so he is perfectly fine with it.

Furthermore, as long as he was with you, it really doesn't matter anyway.

As for you; you were just happy that Lay was finally doing fine, his injuries recovered.

The two of you took a seat on a bench that was facing a pond; it was nice and peaceful, just the way you liked it.

"So, Celeste," He started off, taking a sip from his latte. "Why don't you visit us any more?" He looked directly in the direction of the pond.

You turned your head in his direction. "God, why is he so attractive?" You thought.

"Because we're both..." You paused for a minute; thinking of a word to describe your situation. "Busy." You took another good look of his side profile.

He stop sipping from his latte; he then turned to you and locked eyes with you.

"Hey, we have an entire week to ourselves this week." He frowned slightly. "You should've contacted us or checked up on us before you get to jump to any conclusion."

"Anyway, we're going to the amusement park later." He smiled, showing his deep dimples. "Want to joing us?"

"Sure." You started off. "If you pay for me." You joked.

It was beautiful; how the sun shimmers on the pond.

"Do I get any advantages?" He joked back.

"I'll give you discount whenever you come to my shop. Deal?"

"Deal." He laughed along with you.

15 minutes into your time spent with Lay, you felt a head drop on one side of your shoulder.

You looked over and saw Lay's head leaning on your shoulder; since you pitied him, you left him alone.

He probably spent the entire of last night practicing, and hence, lacked sleep.

You left him alone for about an hour to an hour and half, letting him enjoy his sleep; until you had to go, and you felt bad if you were to just go home with Lay lying on a bench, looking like a hobo.

"Lay." You shook him slightly; his eyes then fluttered open.

Scanning his surroundings, he replied you. "Oh, I must have fell asleep." He then scratched the back of his head, letting out another one of his dimpled smiles.

"Well, I have to go home." You rose from your seat then turned to him. "You should go home and get some rest."

The sound of your phone buzzing woke you up from your sleep; you let out a groan before reaching out for your phone.

"Meet at my place? -- Lay"

"Oh, right; we swapped numbers last night at the park."

You almost forgot that you were going out with EXO today; you quickly got 

Dressed in a long navy coat, white v-neck shirt and jeans, paired with brown boots; you walked to EXO-M's apartment.

You rang the door bell and after a minute or so, Luhan opened the door.

"Hey." You smiled a small smile as he held the door, moving to the side, letting you in.

"Oh, I didn't know you were coming." His voice icy cold, as his face stayed straight.

As you moved in, your jaw dropped a little. "Good or bad thing?"

The straight face on his face then quickly changed to a lop sided grin. "Bad." He mocked.

Sliding past him, you slapped his arm playfully as you laughed at him.

By the time all the members were done with preparing, you guys left and drove off to the fair. You were pretty tired so you knocked out on Luhan's shoulder.

At feeling a small drop on his shoulder, he turned to his left; his eyes then landed on your face. Luhan couldn't help but blush at the interaction.

As he was analysing your face, he couldn't help but notice the resemblance of his childhood friend and you. "Why do you remind me so much of her?" Pain painted his entire face.

Due to the bumpy ride, your head kept moving back and forth; noticing that, Luhan gently held the side of your head to lead on his shoulder, placing it back to its original position.

"I wish I knew how she's doing; I heard her mother died in a car accident, and her father passed away due to cancer. I wonder how she's doing now." He smiled weakly at the thought of it.

Feeling his eyelids drop lower, he, too, dozed off; with his head leaning above yours.

"We're here." Kris announced as he quickly got out of the driver's seat. You woke up feeling weight above yours; your eyes then landed your Luhan's head.

Looking at the position you guys were in, you couldn't help but blush.

Luhan slowly lifted his head above yours, as you quickly moved your head away from his shoulder.

Scanning around, you felt a sense of relief; the rest of the members were too absorbed in their own things to pay attention to you and Luhan.

As soon as you guys got out of the car, the members, excluding Kris, Lay and yourself dispersed into pockets of groups, running to different directions.

As Kris paid for the tickets, the rest of the group were jumping in awe at the surrounding.

While most agreed to sit on rides, Kris disagreed; claiming it wasn't his style, so he passed.

Before you could even say anything, you were dragged away by Chen and Tao.

"Celeste, Celeste, let's ride this one." Tao yelled excitedly as he pulled you by the arm; dragging you here and there.

He pointed to a rollercoaster, it was named Hurricane.

The members, including Kris, went to line up for the ride.

Kris stood silently by the side, hoping not to be noticed; luck, however, wasn't on his side, you took notice and pointed it out.

"Kris." You called out softly, seeing him turn your direction you continued on. "I thought rides weren't you style." You mocked.

"Damn, I got caught by Celeste." He mentally cursed himself.

He let out a cough. "Well, it looked fun." He cleared his throat before turning away.

You let out a small chuckle at his reaction.

Kris was one with a tough image, no one in the world would expect a guy like him to have such a cute side to him; any girl would be lucky to have him.

When the rides were over, you guys decided to just go from booth to booth.

You guys walked over to a booth; they handed you guys guns to shoot the balloons with.

Whoever manages to shoot all five balloons at one go, gets a prize.

Chen, knowing you were bad at shooting games like these, challenged you; and because you terribly, he won.

"Hah! I won." Chen was all over your face; he smiled like a maniac, jumping around — you couldn't help but also smile along.

The rest of the members could only laugh at the boy's chidlishness.

"You only won because you were lucky." Tao fought back; seeing the members' interactions, a feeling of warmth attacked you; you've never felt like that in a long while.

Once Chen was done flaunting his riches, you guys then moved over to another booth; one of the booths happen to caught your eyes.

The booth had banners hung around the entire booth, hoops in the middle; if you shoot 5 hoops in a row, you'll win a prize.

"Oh, that panda's cute." You started off, staring at it in awe; Lay noticed it and decided to try and win it for you.

"Here." He handed you the panda as you excitedly took it in. "That's for saving my life."

"Zhang Yixing, you're the best." You grin happily staring at the panda in your hands.

"They are such a cute couple." A group of girls mumbled as they walked past the two of you guys.


Luhan's POV

I was resting at a table in a cafe with Tao; it's rather surprising considering he has an energy span of a kid — unlimited.

Looking out of the cafe, my eyes landed onto two figures hugging each other; Celeste and Lay.

I felt a pinch at my heart, I gripped tightly onto my coffee cup, trying to ease the pain.

"What is this feeling?" I shifted around a little.

Tao obviously noticing my fidgetly movements, questioned me. "Are you alright? You look..." He paused for a moment, trying to find the right word. "Uncomfortable."

I snapped out of my thoughts; beaming a fake smile at Tao's directions. "I'm fine, my stomach just hurts a little.


Your POV

You quickly pull away from the hug as soon as you saw people staring at you.

You pushed the door open and entered the cafe; then joining Tao and Luhan at their table.

Noticing Luhan's fidgetly movements, you asked him. "Luhan, you okay?"

For some reason, you could see right through Luhan. He was abruptly broke out of his train of thoughts. "Uh, yeah, why?"

Still not convinced by his words, you pulled on his wrist, dragging away from the table. "Hey, I'm bringing Luhan somewhere; we'll meet up with you guys later." With that, you quickly ran off.

Whereas Luhan could only be dragged away by the girl. "Y-yah, what are you doing? Where are you going?"

You beamed at him. "Lifting your mood; we're going to an arcade."


Luhan's flashback

"Nana-ah, where are we going?" A younger Luhan asked, as he was being dragged like how he currently is.

"We're going to an arcade; I know when you're down you always go to the arcade." You grinned playfully at him.

It's true; Luhan would always go to an arcade whenever he's down.

You noticed that in him since young; unlike some of his other friends, you could see right through him.

"How did you know?" Luhan asked; shock written all over his face.

"I'm not dumb, I notice it; you always rush to the arcade when you're sad." You grinned childishly at him; as he could feel his heart melting at your words.

Though you could tell that he was sad, you just didn't know why; and your curiosity was basically eating you alive.

"Why are you sad?" You asked hesitantly, almost as if you didn't want to hurt him anymore than he already was.

"Max died." You quickly turned to him; Luhan had his head held down, eyes looking on the floor. Max had been with Luhan since he was 7, and throughout that 5 years, Luhan had learnt to be accustomed to the dog's existence; and now, all of a sudden, he's gone.

Your heart broke at the sound of his voice; he sound broken.

"I'm sorry." You patted his back.

end of flashback


"It can't be her, it can't be the Nana I know." He thought, his eyes still attached to the girl's back figure.

"We're here!" You sang as you stared at the arcade ahead.

You dragged him to one of those clawing machines and attempted it; you won him an odd badge, with a really weird looking symbol imprinted onto it.

"Oh! I always wanted one of these!" He cheered as he held onto the badge.

Curious, you took a small peek at it; that sign, you could remeber that anywhere, any day.

It has three connected circles on the top and bottom, circulating around another circle in the middle. "That childhood friend of mine always wanted that, too. He'd always talk about telepathy." You brows frowned in confusion.


While walking around the arcade, you guys laughed and joked about anything and everything; he would brag about how he would always win games in the arcade.

As he bragged about his high scores and whatnot, you couldn't help but feel a sense of security when around him. "This feeling; I haven't felt it in a while." You thought as you smiled at him.

While you laughed at his corny jokes, he felt a gush of nostalgia hit him. "This warmth feels familiar." He, too, returned the smile.

You guys then proceeded to Dance Dance Revolution; you didn't tell him, but you were pretty good at this game. So, obviously you would win.

"You lied, you didn't tell me you were good at this game." He argued with his bottom lip jutting out, arms crossed across his chest; like a little kid, he stomped out of the arcade.

"But you didn't ask." You retorted, making a face at him.

Rolling his eyes, he spotted the members. "I found the members." He then pointed towards the group of them.

You guys then proceeded to where they were at, while they did the same. "Did you guys have a fun date?" Chen taunted, making some weird face.

"We weren't on a date." Luhan quickly covered up.

The rest of them members didn't seem very convinced though; they nodded their heads and agreed sarcastically.

The day ended at the fair,you had a blast; it's been a really long time since you enjoyed yourself like this.


Lay's POV

After our day at the fair, we immediately sent Celeste home before returning to the dorms.

Reaching the dorms, I immediately washed up and hit the bed; comfortably lying on my bed, I shut my eyes only to reopen them again.

Whenever I think about Celeste, there's this weird bubbling feeling in my stomach that I just can't ignore. I never experienced anything like this before; is it love?

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Omg. -fangirls- We pass 100 subbies!! Whoa i never believed it would pass 100!! ♥


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Chapter 4: it felt like ages since an update~ <33
Chapter 3: Author-nim. When are you going to update? -whines-
Chapter 3: THIS IS GOOD; upDATE! ;;;
Chapter 19: Fighting on SATS! DO your best authornim!!!! Psst. i still ship celeste and luhan...
Marshmallowfluffland #5
Chapter 19: Do good in sats
In other words good luck authormim
Chapter 1: i like this series so far even though there is a lot of grammar! I will continue on my free time :>
Chapter 15: no... i want her to end up luhan... -sighs- i guess my life is over... *crys a river* hopefully she ends up with him in the future?/
Chapter 17: I missed this story. Its been a while author-nim. i like layleste! i perfer them over luhanleste... why did you have to put a cliff hanger!!!! >:c
Lilly44 #9
Please update! What happened between krystal and lay? >_<
MyDeerUnicorn #10
Chapter 15: i had finally have karma points to upvote! I love this story! :P
This story really needs to be feautred!