Is he an angel ?

My Beautiful Guy .

*Jaehyo* :" i'm sorry for not protecting you . "

The next day ...

Zico and i was walking out from school together to have our lunch , when we saw jiyeon and jaehyo together , but somehow i felt uncomfortable . I ran up towards them and asked if the would like to have lunch together , zico looked at me with the "you wanna die" look , i immediately look away from his eyes . Jiyeon and jaehyo agreed and we went to eat together . I found that jiyeon likes jaehyo as her actions towards him was so obvious . I pulled jiyeon aside and ask if she was serious with jaehyo , she nodded shyly . I dont know why i've got a feeling like before , long time ago . Suddenly a flash back i saw something , i saw a boy and me i was celebrating his birthday . But i just couldnt figure out who is that person .

After that i went back to school to take back my guitar that i left in school , and when i took back my guitar i got an inspiration and slowly i sung this song  (listen to this when reading^^)

*jaehyo was outside the door looking at cheryl playing the guitar*

i sense that someone is outside the door and i open my eyes and saw jaehyo outside .. i was shocked that i hide my guitar behind my back , cuz nobody ever listen to my singing and his the first . I look at him and asked him shyly : " why are you still at school ? "

" if you can , why cant i ?" he replied . and he offered to take me home , i told him that its late and i told him to go back , but he insisted , so  i had no choice but to let him take me home . on the way home , i was shivering as its winter , jaehyo notice that i was cold and he pulled my left hand and put it into his big large coat , the feeling was really warm .. i really wanted time to stop at this moment , but i thought of zico and jiyeon , i reluctunly had to take my hands off the coat . But jaehyo pulled me close to him and our lips almost touched but i push him back and ran back home because jiyeon is my friend .

*jaehyo was looking sad and turn back and walk back to his house*

*jiyeon saw everything including the part where jaehyo pulled cheryl's hand and put it into his pocket*

*jiyeon realised that jaehyo likes cheryl instead of her*

The next day of school i had to act as if nothing had happen between me and jaehyo . I mumbled to myself that jaehyo is just a friend i cant get confused . And zico suddenly jumped out behind from my back to scare me . I was shocked and almost fell on the floor but jaehyo came and caught me , i quickly stood back to the original position i was standing . And zico asked if jiyeon , jaehyo and me is free tonight as he wanted to have a party at his house . We nodded our heads and agreed to meet at 7pm tonight at zico's house .


While partying , zico requested everyone to have a sleep over since its saturday tomrrow , we agreed and seperate girls and boys room . But for some reason i feel that jiyeon is giving me cold shoulder to me and trying to show me how close she and jaehyo was . But i thought i was thinking too much so i didnt really care . Then zico requested to tell ghost stories , i was so scared that i had to stay by beside zico , jaehyo off all the lights when jiyeon took the candles . i was in between the two guys . And zico started the story , and suddenly he shouted : " BOO!" at me , i was so scared that i totally hugged jaehyo which was beside me . And when i look up and i realised that it was jaehyo and i immediately act normal , and i didnt dare to look at jaehyo .

And zico was laughing over there , i pouted at him , and he continue laughing . And then zico continued another story , suddenly i felt so sleepy and my eyes were in the verge of closing . suddenly my head lean against jaehyo shoulder and i fell aslept .

-Jaehyo part -

I was so shock that cheryl lean against me . my heart started to pound faster and faster *bom bom bom bom bom* And slowly i started to fell asleep too .

-Jiyeon part -

*thinking in heart*

, hey off from jaehyo oppa . he's mine .

i'll make him mine someday . just wait and see .

*jiyeon hatred against cheryl grew stronger and stronger*


-Zico Part -

*Continuing his story when everybody is already sleeping . *

*zico didnt really care about cheryl and jaehyo because actually zico was a lil drunk *

The next morning , cheryl and jaehyo and woke up at the same time , they looked at each for a moment and realise and back off .

cheryl part

i looked at him embarassly , i wanted to back off but instead he pulled my back again , and hugged me . my hands wanted to hold him so badly . But i was afraid that the rest will see . And again i did the same thing to him like what i did that day .. i pushed him back . And i walked towards the kitchen and made breakfast .

When everybody woke up , they smelled the scent of the breakfast and went to wash up and eat . Zico told us that he have a swimming pool behind him mansion . And i suggested that we go and swim after eating .

-After Breakfast -

Zico told me that he has so oversize tee and we could wear to swim , i nodded and wore it . i was so big that it looks like i didnt have a shorts inside it . After that i ran to the pool and jumo into it . i was only one who was swimming while the rest was lying at the bench waiting to get sun burn . Suddenly it gone slience ... jaehyo knew something was wrong . he went to check on me , and he saw that i was drowning . He wanted to save me but his legs are just stuck at the beginning .


i shouted for help and zico immediately took off his shirt and jump into the pool to save cheryl .


I was save up by zico and woke up after a few minutes . i looked around and saw jaehyo walking back to zico mansion sadly .i asked what happen to jaehyo . zico said : " he was kidnapped at 5 when he was being drown into the pool and luckily he was save in time thats why he didnt dare to step into the pool .


Jiyeon looked at me cheryl hatred .

*actually jiyeon knew something was wrong with cheryl before jaehyo*

*jiyeon pretended that she didnt hear or see anything*


mystery :

What will jiyeon do next ?

how will cheryl help jaehyo ?

zico .. i think of something :)

will cheryl remember about the small boy ?









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poweredbykpop #1
Chapter 11: OMG can't wait for the next part ^^
readingglass #2
i gonna reccomend his tomy friend
she likes zico stories
thank you for the update! so interesting~ please update again soon ^^
Jaehyo isn't interested in jiyeon!? Will she be left out!? Or is there gonna be someone who's gonna like her later on!?