D. Day [Jae Hwa part 1]

Eo Tteon Ir I Iss Eo Do~어떤 일이있어도 (HIATUS)

A/N: AISHHHHHHH!!! It's only the third week of school and I'm already behind on my homeowrk!! D:< STUPID BOOK!! *throws into the furnace =A= anyways..



A few minutes later, Cho Hee burst through the double doors of Jae Hwa's home, earning startled stares from Jae Hwa's parents. 

"AHNYOUNG HA SE YO OMONIM AND ABUNIM!!" she yelled, dragging a panting Jae Hwa up the stairs and into the small room.

"Aigoo those girls.. " Jae Hwa's father chuckled, shaking his head and turning back to the newspaper in his hands. Jae Hwa's mother giggled and went back to cleaning.

Inside the room, Cho Hee was already rummaging through Jae Hwa's cupboards through her clothes. Jae Hwa just smiled kindly at her friend and stood still, playing a manequin as Cho Hee held up outfits in front of her, giving her some to try on. After an hour Cho Hee finally settled on one:

Cho Hee gently pushed Jae Hwa in front of the full length mirror in her room; Jae Hwa turned and looked at herself in the mirror, eyeing her outfit and smiling at her best friend, "Gomawuh Cho Hee-yah~" they pulled one another into a hug and giggled, excited about their dates.


~4:45 P.M~Friday~

Jae Hwa fumbled with her outfit in front of the mirror nervously, "Cho Hee-yah.. I'm not su-"

"LALALALALA~ I CAN'T HEAR YOU~~~" Cho Hee covered her ears with her hands when Jae Hwa turned to her.

Jae Hwa sighed, shaking her head at her best friend's silliness, "Aigoo.. eottokae.. ?" she bit her bottom lip as she once again looked at the clock on her wall.

"Aish.. calm down Jae Hwa-yah.. you'll be fine! Just be yourself~ He asked you out didn't he? Not the other way around.. so he MUST like you~"

Jae Hwa smiled at the grinning girl behind her through the mirror; before they both knew it, the doorbell rung, causing Jae Hwa to jump and widen her eyes.

"Omo! That's him!" Cho Hee giggled and hurriedly ran out the door and down the stairs. Jae Hwa stared after her then sighed, turning back to reflection one last time before walking to her bed to grab her purse. She stood behind the door and took a deep breath before opening it and stepping out.

Jae Hwa wobbled slightly as she walked down the carpeted stairs in her heels - but she knew it wasn't from the heels.

".. sure she is! It's so great seeing you again! Oh look! There she is~" Jae Hwa heard Cho Hee's voice instantly as she approached them in the living room. There sat Jaejoong on her couch, looking as flawless as he always did, with Cho Hee standing up and grinning at her as she stepped on the bottom floor. Jaejoong stood up immediately as he spotted Jae Hwa.

He gaped at her, 'Oh.. my.. she's.. stunning.. beautiful.. ' his eyes were slightly wide.

Jae Hwa blushed, tucking her hair behind her ear and biting her bottom lip as she became conscious of his stare, "Ah.. uhm.. i-is there something on my f-face?"

Jaejoong snapped out of his daze, "Ah! A-Andwae! M-Mianhae.. Y-You look.. beautiful" he rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly smiled at her.

An awkward silence followed after Jae Hwa shyly smiled at him nervously.

Cho Hee's giggle broke the silence as she danced over to Jae Hwa and whispered something into her ear before continuing to the stairs, "It was nice to see you again Jaejoong oppa~Bring her back safe ok?" she winked, "Clean and.. untouched.. if you know what I mean~" she winked.

Jae Hwa turned to her rapidly, "Ch-Cho Hee-yah!!" her face was bright red as she stared after the giggling Cho Hee who ran up the stairs.

Jaejoong's face tinged pink, but returned to their natural color once Jae Hwa turned back to him. He smiled at her, and walked toward her, holding out the small bouquet of pink roses and handing it to her gracefully bowing.

Jae Hwa blinked, startled but slowly reached out for the bouquet, "K-Kamsa-"

"Banmal~" he sang, winking at her as he straightened himself.

"A-Ah.. g-gomawuhyo.. o-oppa" she smiled shyly at him as she smelled the delicate petals.

"Ga ja?"

"Ah.. n-nae.. Let me just put these in a vase"

He smirked at her, "Arasso~"

Jae Hwa rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a vase from a cupboard, quickly filling it with water and placing the tied flowers in it, wrapping the pink ruffles around the voice with the pink ribbon.

Jaejoong watched in a daze as she arranged the flowers with a sweet smile on her face, 'She's amazingly beautiful.. I.. I'm falling for her.. '


~5:30 P.M.~

Jae Hwa soon found herself walking into a fancy restaurant, The Spice Restaurant, after being in Jaejoong's car for almost half an hour.

^ Jaejoong's BMW Z4 (A/N: I'm pretty sure this is Jaejoong's actual car :3)

^ Fancy Restaurant (A/N: Funny cause this restaurant is actually in Seoul XD It's called the Spice Restaurant :3)

^ Private Booth/Room (A/N: Imma call it a booth >w< cause I feel like it.. I know it's not but yeah just go with it >:3 and there's only two chairs :3)

The suited waiter bowed to Jaejoong, eyeing Jae Hwa for a moment before leading them to a private booth in the back of the restaurant. Jaejoong sat across from Jae Hwa as the waiter placed the menus in front of them on the table, bowing before he left to take other orders.

Jaejoong smiled at the shy Jae Hwa before opening the menu and scanning it before making a quick decision. Jae Hwa pulled the menu up to cover her face, sighing to herself before scanning the menu as well, slower than Jaejoong to keep herself calm.

"The food here is really good~" Jae Hwa pulled the menu down to peek at the flawless face of her date.

"Ah.. n-nae.. they all sound good" she replied nervously.

Jaejoong chuckled as her voice shook, "No need to be so nervous~ I won't bite~" he grinned. 'Not yet at lea- AISH!! QUIET!!' he blushed at his thought, shaking his head to rid himself of it, causing a puzzled stare from Jae Hwa. He waved his hand at her to shrug it off as nothing.

Soon the waiter came back to take their orders for food and drinks; the couple placed their orders and the waiter walked away to give them time to talk, once again eyeing the blushing Jae Hwa.

Jaejoong folded his hands together and placed his elbows on the table, hiding his glare at the waiter behind his hands.

Jae Hwa fumbled with her fingers on her lap; nervously tapping her thighs. She blew air into her cheeks and looked at everything except him.

"I realized I never asked a few things about you" he laughed, catching her attention. She looked up at him and tilted her head in confusion, "I asked you out on a date without really getting to know you first~" he scratched the back of his neck.

"Ah.. " Jae Hwa giggled, "Go ahead and ask if you'd like.. " she smiled.

"Hm.. how about 20 questions?"

"Hm.. how about 10?"

"Ok.. but.. before we start just some basic things? Like.. how old are you? What's your occupation.. stuff like that?"

"Ah.. arasso.. mm.. I'm 18 years old-"

"MWOH?!" Jae Hwa jumped at his sudden outburst, "Omo.. you're so young!"

Jae Hwa blushed, blinking at him, "N-Nae.. ah.. I go to high school still"

"Woh.. " Jaejoong sat back, his shoulders slumping slightly, "I'm shocked" he laughed awkwardly.

Jae Hwa smiled shyly at him, "H-How about you oppa?"

"Oh! Ahm.. " 'Strange.. shouldn't she know these things about me? No one has asked me about this for a long time.. it feels.. nice.. I missed it' a silly grin formed on his face, "I'm 25 years old and I'm the lead singer for JYJ"

Jae Hwa giggled, "Ah~ arasso~"

"Hm.. ok first question~ What's your favorite color?"

They continued questioning each other until their food came, lightening their awkward atmosphere. Once they finished eating Jaejoong told a joke, causing them both to laugh, "Ok ok my last question to you~"

"Ah~ Nae~"

"Who's your favortie JYJ or former DBSK member?" Jae Hwa paused, thinking for a while, 'What?! Why is she thinking about this?! Aish~ This girl is such a tease~' he saw the growing grin on her lips.

"Mm.. Changmin oppa?" she giggled.

"Mwoh?! I'm heartbroken!" he pretended to clutch his chest in a painful way. Jae Hwa laughed behind her hand, "Chincha? Waeyo Changmin-ah?" Jae Hwa shrugged, still laughing at his bewildered expression, "Aigoo.. ok.. " he started sulking lightly, "Last question for me?"

"Mm.. what made you ask me out on a date? Like you said we barely knew each other.. "

"You used past tense.. " he smirked at her blush, "Mm.. can't say a reason in words.. I just.. when I looked at you.. I felt like I wanted to get to know you more~" he stared at her intently, causing her blush to grow.

Soon they finished their conversation, Jaejoong payed for the meal and they headed out to walk around the busy streets of Seoul.


A/N: That ish it for now folks >w< Till next time <3

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ailisu #1
cant wait for update!! XD
Finally caught up!! Really like this ff, wonder what's going to happen on their continuation if their date!! XD!!
Hii new reader!!! I'm a fan of your another one of ur ff so I decided to check some of your other ones out!! And I like them!!!
:/ good >:T That girl needs a life..
I went on http://fanfic-4all.com/stories/viewstory.php?sid=760 and it say that the story doesn't exist! So I think they deleted it!! Eheh~ I am happy that it was deleted! Is not right and I can not stand plagiarism! Fighting!^^
Omo..Jae Hwa sshi is so lucky! I'd be nervous too if I'm in front of oppa x3 I hope you update soon :D
I'm really excited to know what will happen next! It's really interesting :D
miekoleiko #8
Sounds like an interesting plot so far! Excited for what's ahead!!!
Please~ Update soooooon! I wanna know what will happen!!!!!!!!!><
:D ahhh i had a similar idea Kekeke :) looking forward to reading this fic.!!! ^____^