Dates.. ?!

Eo Tteon Ir I Iss Eo Do~어떤 일이있어도 (HIATUS)

A/N: okii so if you guys haven't heard.. I'm starting a new L. Joe story >w> cause people been requesting for it "OTL Just an insight: My next fanfic will be SHINee >w< kekeke~ Anywho~~

I'm SO SORRY that I'm taking forever to update.. aigoo.. school is starting and I need to get my books, register, school supplies, set up online classes.. omg.. @n@ Thank you for your patience~

Here we go~ <3


Jae Hwa jumped as she felt herself jolted from Cho Hee suddenly grasping her arm. She laughed along nervously with her best friend; they were in the long black car, (A/N: Not a limo.. just a long black car) heading back to the concert hall where Cho Hee's car awaited them to go home.

"I don't wanna go home.. " she whispered into Jae Hwa's ear when they saw the concert hall in the distance.

Jae Hwa smiled sympathetically at the pouting girl beside her, "We have to.. it's late.. plus they need their rest too" she patted Cho Hee's head.

Cho Hee pouted, then sniffled silently but Yoochun seemed to have heard her, "Gwenchannahyo Cho Hee-shi?" Cho Hee quickly nodded, then pouted at the man sitting beside her.

"Oppa.. I told you not be so formal.. "

"Ah! Nae~ Mianham- ah.. mianhae.. ahaha~ banmal?" Cho Hee smiled at him and eagerly nodded.

Jae Hwa smiled at them and turned her attention outside the window beside her, unknowingly being speculated by a certain bronze haired Kpop star in the seat in front of her.

"All right girls~ Here's your stop yes?" Min Hwang turned to the passengers in the back of the car. The girls nodded as they faced the only car left in the parking lot. They stepped out of the car, Cho Hee becoming a bit sullen, and followed by the three Kpop members.

"Ahnyounggg~ Thank you for your support for JYJ and we're glad you enjoyed the concert~" Junsu grinned, waving at the two teenagers, then getting back in the car.

Yoochun chuckled, "He's tired ahaha~" he turned to face the two teenagers, "Drive safely nae?" he looked straight at the sad Cho Hee, "Omo.. waeyo Cho Hee-sh-yah?" he corrected himself.

"I.. don't wanna leave.. " she mumbled.

Yoochun's facial expression softened and he walked up to her, leaning down and whispering something in her ear that made her face light up. He slipped her a piece of paper and waved at both the girls before getting back in the car. Jae Hwa blinked and gave Cho Hee a questioning look, but Cho Hee was staring at the paper in her hand with shock.

"It's late.. you both should get home now.. Drive safe ok? Are you two alright to drive back?" Jae Hwa turned to Jaejoong who was curiously looking at her.

"Ah- N-Nae.. Kamsahamnida.. " she bowed, "For the concert and dinner.. " her voice was soft as she smiled slightly at the man in front of her.

"Yah~ Banmal.. ?" he smirked at her, making her blush.

"Ah.. g-gomawuhyo.. o-oppa.. " she practically breathed out. Jaejoong smiled and walked up to her and held his hand out for her to shake.

"It was nice to meet you.. maybe we'll meet again?" he smiled as she took his hand. She froze as she felt him pass something to her. He gave her one last smile before waving and getting into the car with s. The car drove away a minute later as the passengers inside waved at the two dazed girls.

Jae Hwa blinked at the folded piece of white paper in her palm, then looked up at her quiet friend, "Cho Hee-yah.. ?" she slowly approached her best friend who suddenly jumped when Jae Hwa placed a hand on her shoulder.

"N-NAE?!" she turned, almost whiplashing, to her best friend, "O-Omo.. J-Jae Hwa-yah.. " she started trembling from excitement then suddenly clung to her best friend, almost toppling them both over.

"O-OMO!! Ch-Cho Hee-yah! Careful!" she laughed at her grinning friend.



Cho Hee quickly shoved the piece of paper in Jae Hwa's face, so close that it was touching the tip of her nose. Jae Hwa laughed pulling back and reading the simple characters on the paper:

Park Yoochun


"Oh.. my.. "

"I KNOW!! OMG!! I'm gonna faint!!" she stumbled a bit, Jae Hwa catching her on reflex.

"Ch-Cho Hee-yah.. aigoo.. " she laughed at her silly friend and guided her to the passenger seat, feeling that she really would faint, "I'll drive ok?" Cho Hee just nodded and sat in the seat, putting her seatbelt on in a daze. Jae Hwa walked tot he driver's side and reached for the door but paused seeing the white paper in her hand, 'Oh.. I forgot.. wait.. it couldn't be.. could it.. ?' she quickly unfolded the paper and froze at the writing.

Kim Jaejoong


Call me~

"Wha.. Oh my.. " she breathed out, regaining her senses and quickly getting into the car. She sat, putting on her seatbelt and starting the engine but didn't move the car. She turned to Cho Hee, 'I don't think I should tell her yet.. she's dazed enough.. and I think she'd faint.. aigoo.. ' she looked at the paper one last time before putting it in her jean shorts' pocket and driving out of the parking lot into the busy streets.


~1:00 P.M.~Next Day~

Jae Hwa walked out of her classroom to be greeted by an excited Cho Hee, "JAE HWA-YAH!!" she ran at her best friend and took her into a huge bone-crushing hug.

"OMO!! Cho Hee-yah!! Can't.. breathe!!" she squirmed.

"MIAN!! OMO OMO OMO!!" she jumped up and down in place, "I called him!! And he wants to meet up this weekend!! AIEEE!!" she squealed but then quickly covered , "But we can't tell ANYONE.. or else.. ahem.. paparazzi.. " she whispered into Jae Hwa's ear.

^ Cho Hee's phone

Jae Hwa held back her giggles and nodded at her friend, "Ga ja~ We'll be late if we don't hurry~" she smiled and took her friend's hand before leading her to their next class, which was a hard feat, seeing as Cho Hee was jumping around in excitement.


~3:00 P.M.~After School~

Jae Hwa waved to her other friends as she left the last classroom of the day, dusting off her uniform skirt and walking down the hall to her locker.

^ Short sleeve in the summer - they're wearing this right now

^ Long sleeve in the winter

(A/N: Cho Hee wears plain black knee high socks while Jae Hwa wears black thigh-high socks with a white stripe near the top and these shoes:)

^ Jae Hwa's shoes

^ Cho Hee's shoes

She turned the lock with her combination and opened the white metal door of her locker, putting her books in and taking out her homework. She slipped it into her school bag and closed her locker, right in time for Cho Hee to skip toward her coming straight from her last class.

^ Jae Hwa's backpack

^ Cho Hee's school bag

Jae Hwa smiled at her approaching friend and slung her backpack on her back; Cho Hee screeched to a halt in front of Jae Hwa, "Jae Hwa-yah~ Ga ja!! I need to pick out my outfit for Saturday!" she squealed taking Jae Hwa's hand and dragging her out of the school.

Jae Hwa laughed at her best friend, "It's only Thursday Cho Hee-yah!"

"I know~ But you know me! Besides I'm too excited! I NEED to pick out an outfit.. so that if I can't find one.. we can go shopping!!" she let go of Jae Hwa's hand and walked backwards, facing Jae Hwa as she talked.

"Aigoo~ Arasso~ Let me call eomma~" she took out her phone and turned it on. She laughed at Cho Hee as she waited for the phone to warm up. She quickly called her mom and was about to shut her phone when Cho Hee grabbed it out of her hand. Jae Hwa blinked at her empty hand and then looked at Cho Hee who was clicking at the pink phone.

"Omo!!" she gasped after a while of walking and clicking, "You still haven't called Jaejoong oppa?!" she whispered harshly.

Jae Hwa's eyes widened, "How did you-"

"Yoochun oppa told me.. not the point! Why haven't you called him yet?!"

Jae Hwa rubbed the back of her head, "I don't wanna intrude.. he's probably busy.. or I don't know.. "

"Aigoo!! Call him! He's waiting for you to call!" Cho Hee handed the phone back to Jae Hwa.

"Did Yoochun-shi tell you that?"

"Andwae.. "

"Then how do you-"

"I don't" Cho Hee grinned shrugging, "I'm just sure he's probably waiting because he gave you his number.. so he's expecting a call from you.. it's common sense.. c'mon.. we'll call him together when we get home ok?" she grabbed Jae Hwa's hand and dragged her to her house.


^ Cho Hee's bedroom

^ Cho Hee's bathroom [ignore the vines]

Cho Hee and Jae Hwa spent hours trying to pick out the perfect outfit for Cho Hee's 'date' on Saturday. She eventually chose one saying it was "Perfect":

"Ok now!" she carefully hung the outfit in her closet and turned to face Jae Hwa; she gripped her shoulders and sat her down on the bed, sitting beside her and snatching her phone, "Call him~"

Jae Hwa bit her bottom lip, "Cho Hee-yah.. I don't know about this.. "

"Yah~ Jae Hwa-yah.. c'mon! He's waiting for you to call and I'll be right here if you get stuck ok?"

"Aigoo.. ok.. " Jae Hwa hesitantly pressed the green button on her phone once she found Jaejoong's number. Cho Hee took the phone from her hand and pressed the speaker button; they waited a few rings and a familiar voice answered them.

"Yeobosaeyo?" Jae Hwa bit her bottom lip and turned to Cho Hee who nodded rapidly.

"Ah.. y-yeobosaeyo?"

"Oh.. Who is this?"

"A-Ah.. um.. J-Jae Hwa.. imnida.. " she stuttered.

"Oh.. Oh! Jae Hwa-yah~" his voice gave away his smiling face, "How are you? I was expecting your call~" Cho Hee nudged Jae Hwa's side with her elbow; Jae Hwa rolled her eyes at her friend's silliness.

"Gwenchannah o-oppa.. how about you?"

"Gwenchannah~ I hear that your friend and Yoochun-ah are going out this Saturday"

"Ah.. N-Nae they are~" she smiled at Cho Hee's silent giggling.

"Oh that's nice~ Erm.. maybe we could go out too? But not on Saturday.. umm.. tomorrow afternoon?" he sounded nervous.

Cho Hee suddenly blurted out, "She'd love to!! Pick her up at 5!!" Jae Hwa's eyes widened as she stared at her friend.

"Uh.. well ok then.. see her- uh.. you at 5 Jae Hwa-yah~" he laughed before hanging up.

"Cho Hee-yah!" Jae Hwa's face turned pink.

"Time to pick out your outfit Jae Hwa-yah~" Cho Hee giggled pushing her best friend out the door.


A/N: Thanks for all your patience guys!!

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ailisu #1
cant wait for update!! XD
Finally caught up!! Really like this ff, wonder what's going to happen on their continuation if their date!! XD!!
Hii new reader!!! I'm a fan of your another one of ur ff so I decided to check some of your other ones out!! And I like them!!!
:/ good >:T That girl needs a life..
I went on and it say that the story doesn't exist! So I think they deleted it!! Eheh~ I am happy that it was deleted! Is not right and I can not stand plagiarism! Fighting!^^
Omo..Jae Hwa sshi is so lucky! I'd be nervous too if I'm in front of oppa x3 I hope you update soon :D
I'm really excited to know what will happen next! It's really interesting :D
miekoleiko #8
Sounds like an interesting plot so far! Excited for what's ahead!!!
Please~ Update soooooon! I wanna know what will happen!!!!!!!!!><
:D ahhh i had a similar idea Kekeke :) looking forward to reading this fic.!!! ^____^