Chapter 3

12 Tasty Kiss

Stalking Wolves


Taeyeon's POV:


Its fun riding the ferris wheel and even gets to enjoy the view of Seoul. The city was pretty as how it was and all the lights makes it even prettier. I was on the bunker with Luhan since they play rock paper scissors to determined who will go in with me, and ge wins. Well Lulu is very happy about it though. It made me smile to see him happy.


But, its pretty akward when only both of us in the bunker. Wish Kyunggie is here or maybe Baby Tao or Baby Kai. We chat about how pretty the view is from up high in the sky. Then I dozed off slowly into my dream world. Boy, I was damn tired today, playing almost every rides and didn't stop doing it while the guys are.


Oh boy, for sure I was dreaming about something but it was blur. I know that I was sitting on something while my eyes were shut.... The light, cool breeze hit me softly whilr I sat on the bench. Then slowly I felt something pressing againts my lip. It was warm, soft, bitter and sweet. What is that feeling anyway.


I try to open my eyes but I can't, my eyes was too damn heavy to even open up and see who or what was pressing againts my lip. But one thing for sure, it feels like someones lip was on my lips. Who?.


It was very soft and tasty. Its bitter and sweet. I could taste the bitterness of coffee and with the sweetness....honey? Coffee with honey? Thats a very weird combinations though, but it tasted so good.


Ahh, its gone now. Its very short though, wish I could taste more of it. Ehh, no of course not!! I don't know who was I kissing with. Was it even a kiss? Maybe its a cup of coffee with the honey that placed againts my lips.


Nah, I doubt it. 


It seems I don't feel sleepy anymore since I felt like waking up. When I dd, the first person I see was Luhan. "Mmm, Lulu..." the rides is over and we got to leave the bunker. I rubbed my eyes since I'm still sleepy. "Ohh, did I fall asleep. I'm sorry Lulu. I thought that I wasn't tired at all, but it seems I was wrong.." I see him smiling at me. "Thats okay, Taeng. You play too much today. So lest just step out of the ride and I'll send you home. Okay?" he extended his hand for me and I grab it and walked out of the ferris wheel with him.


We waited for the rest of them to exit the ride and then go home.


"So who will be sending her home?" Kris questioned looking at all of them and Taeyeon. "Me.." Luhan pointed to himself. Few of the guys were a bit jealous about it but try to act normal. "Okay, send her home safely."


So Luhan took me along with Chen, Kai and Chanyeol. I was too sleepy that I needed Luhan to hold me and he did. We need to leave first since I was very very sleepy and tired, so I told him to hurry.


"Noona, this is what you get when you play too much." Kai commented. I flashed him a faint smile with a small chuckle. "Its been a while since we last play at the theme park so I was too excited about it." I smiled, ruffling his hair.




Author's POV:


Next day, they all like usual, came to Taeyeon's house to pick her up. The maid welcomed them in since she was still taking her shower.


The maid welcomed them in adn told them to wait. Since Taeyeon staying along with 3 maids as her friend, she could do anything she want. Her parents are all in the State leaving her here alone.


Rich but not a spoil child. She is very indepent and can leave alone without worrying anyone. Taeyeon usual call her parents twice a week just to let them know that she is fine and healthy. Mr and Mrs Kim entrusted EXO to look after their only daughter.


They all heard her footsteps running down the stairs and showed herself into the living room.


"We're gonna be late if you boys keep on messing with my things. Palli!!" they all ran out of the house and starts running on the street. "Its your fault! You woke up late and took a long shower." Chen whined mehronged Taeyeon. She replied the mehronged back.




They all ran trying to catch up with the time. All of them heaved a sigh of relief when they got into the college ground in time....


She fixed herself and look at her boys. "Catch you guys later. I need to meet up with the principal." "Huh? Why? Did you do something bad?" Suho asked still catching up his breath. "Nope, he wanted to talk about something. Since I'm an important student here." Taeyeon winked and starts walking off.


"Important to us.." Chen mutter quietly and they all went to class.




Taeyeon knock on the door and a voice from inside from said to come in. "You needed me for something, seonsaengnim?" She asked slowly creeping in. Her eyes lay down on someone sitting on the chair facing the principal. He smile at her and told her to sit down.


When she did, Taeyeon and the person beside her look at each other and gasped. "Taeng?" "Mir?" Both said in unison and hug each other. "You...are you enrolling here?" And Mir nodded his head histerically still grinning widely. "Thats why I call you here, Ms Kim. I want you to show him the place and his room where he will be staying.".


"I would be happy to. Since he is my precious dongsaeng." Taeyeon ruffles his hair and smile widely at him. But she thought about how her boys will react when they see Mir with her. Definitely they'll try to punch him in the face.


"Now you will follow her and she'll be your tour guide." They both starts to walk out of the office. The class has started but the principal have told the teachers that Taeyeon will be excused for the 1st and 2nd period of her course.


Taeyeon and Mir walked around the place with Taeyeon introducing him to all the buildings and departments. "This building is only used for the students took Arts course. It is either, painting and sculpture. Since most of the rooms are full with the art equipments." Mir only nodded. They exited the building and went to the next one.


Taeyeon's college is divided into 7 to 8 building each with their own courses. For her and her boys, they all took vocal and dance course. Which have their own recording room, dance room and casual classroom. But for Taeyeon, Suho, Luhan, Chen, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo took extra course major in acting.




"So Mir, what course are you taking?" she suddenly ask when they walk past the music room. "I'm majoring in Accounting with Music." "Accounting? You want to be an accountant? Are you for real? I thought you do bands and rapping, so why the opposite?" Mir sigh because he don't know what to say but he must.


"My parents want me to be an accountant. Although I'm in a band collecting money for my own." "Thats true. I watched you grow and learn to rap and now even building your own band. Why didn't you tell your parents about it?" "I've already did, but they won't agree with me. So as a son that they look upon to, I need to obey their wishes."


She just nods her head and ruffles Mir's hair. "Don't worry, someday they will understand your love and passion over music and rapping. Come on, onto the next building.'




"Changing class again. Why does the seonsaengnim like to change class in the last minute? I hate that." Baekhyun whined as he lazily drag his feet to the class at the third floor along with Chanyeol, Chen, Kyungsoo, Tao, Kai and Sehun since they are course mates.


Kyungsoo smacked his head since he doesn't like people walking while slouching, because they look like the humback of Notre dame. "Baekhyun, walk straight and don't slouch. You look someone without a back bone and ugly old witch who can't straighten their back." he said, in the serious tone.


"I was gonna tell you to straight up before Kyungsoo bash you, but I was too late." Chanyeol claimed grinning.


While they walked along the hall with all their other course mates, Kai and Sehun who walked at the back spotted Taeyeon with a guy on the other side of the building. They thought it was an illusion so they blinked many times and rubbed their eyes, but they still see her with that man. Talking and laughing.


They can only see the guy's side profile and not his front. "Who is that with Taeyeon noona?" Sehun asked, poking Kai that stands at his side, jaws dropping like him. "I don't know. And why do they look so friendly with each other?" Kai asked back.




Tao who was bored as hell yawned, when he noticed the missing two at his back. He glanced over his shoulder and se them jaws dropping while staring out of the window.


He walked towards them and nudge the two, "What are you staring at with that stupid face of yours for?" he said trying to check the things that made them like that. They both didn't say anything but pull Tao to the centre and made him face where they are currently looking at. When he see what they see, his eyes was wide open and gasped. "Taeyeon noona!? With some random guy!?!" he half shouted that made Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chen and Chanyeol to snapped back at them.


"What?!" 4 of them shouted in unison and ran straigth to the three youngest.


"Wait, guys we're gonna be late for class. The rest of our class has left." Kyungsoo try to stop them from checking Taeyeon wth the guy, but he himself wanted to check her out and want to see who shes with.


Somehow, his urge to know who gets the better of him and he lost into the midst of spying the two with s.




"Come on, lets follow them along the hallway." Chen suggested, calling them to follow him. "Its better if we go to the other side of the bulding where they are current are." Sehun said and that was a good idea.


7 of them starts to sneak out of their supposed department into the Tech department. " this building smells of metals, chemical and many other stuff. Bleh, I hate that smells." Tao complained, covering his nose with his silk napkin.


"There! They just made a turn by the corner. Come on!!" Chanyeol pointed to the direction where he see Taeyeon and the guy are. They all ran and stop before the corner, Chen poked his head out to check and when he see Taeyeon smacking the guy maybe because he just made a joke, it made him jealous.


At least she didn't notice that she was being stalked by her 'boyfriends'.


"Whats happening out there, Chen?" Baekhyun whisper towards Chen who still checking things out. The Chinses looking boy then turned his head at his friends. "Talking..She even smile brightly at that bastard.." he wanted to cry when he said that.


"Dude, you're ugly when you cry. So stop.." Chanyeol slapped Chen's face. "I hate when you do that." he added.


"Damn you Chanyeol. Thats hurt!" he growls to the tall giant.


"So what. You were ugly when you pout and wanted to fake your cry." Chanyeol mehronged him and made faces. Chen could feel his vein pop out of his head.


"You..." and they both starts to argue with each other. The remaining members then it to call the fight off, but they stop and stared at the person standing behind Chanyeol and Chen with an anxious smile.




The two also stop arguing and slowly turn their heads. Taeyeon stood with her hands on her hips, with her eyebrow arch up at them. "So, is your part time job is being a stalker, boys~~" There was sarcasm in her tone so they didn't dare to say anything.


Mir then show himself and smile. "Its your princes charming. Are they stalking us?" he asked, looking at Taeyeon. "Indeed they are, Mir. And its the only thing I hate the most in my life. Stalkers.." again sarcasm.


7 of them starts to kneel down to her and apologise. "We're very sorry for stalking you, Taeng noona. We promise to never do it again." Kyungsoo talked and when he see Tao try to lift his head up, he push his head back down and continue doing so.


"And I also hate it when my beloved friends kneel down on me. Stand up guys. I wasn't angry with you. I know deep down, some of you may see us walking together around college later on." she helped them stand up and flashed her famous sweet smile.


"Mianhae.." they continued. "Its alright. You're not the only ones who stalked us. Isn't that right, boys!" she turned up her voice and look at the room not far from them with her smile. They were shocked when the door slide open, and the rest of their members walked out with their heads sown.




"The whole pack were stalking us. Wow, impresive." Mir clasped his hand and laugh. He finds it amusing to see EXO stalked their precious Taeyeon.


Suho, Xiumin, Kris, Lay and Luhan bows to her, saying sorry for following them around. The youngest asked their hyungs when they start stalking them, and Suho said, "Since they left the principal office."


"Aigoo~ Can't you guys trust me a little. Mir is my dongsaeng since middle high and you know him too. I know some of you wants to punch him, because he had annoyed few of you before but he is still your firends. My dongsaeng."


"We can't 100% trust him. Even if he is our friend." Kris answered, snarling but was stopped byTaeyeon, because he wanted to grab Mir's collar. "Kris, stay calm." she mutter, looking up at the tall blonde.


Taeyeon still have her hand both on Kris broad muscular chest while she glance back at Mir.


"I think, I've showed you all the buildings and told you things that you should know. So its time for you to leave. Seems like my wolves don't like you being around me at the moment, Mir. Even when I think they actually like you as a friend still, but just not with me. Sorry  dongsaeng. I need to tame this boys again before heading to class."




Mir pouts and just nods his head."Thanks for the tour anyway, Taeyeon. Lets hang out some time." he bows and walked off to different direction.


Taeyeon stood in the middle of her EXO boys with Kris, since they all made a circle around her like protecting her. She felt so special when they do that but hates it when they shooed some friends of her away.


"Next time..don't ever do it again. I mean it, if you still want me along with you boys." she pushed away from Kris and walked off. The boys know its their fault, so they starts to follow her and apologise non stop. The hates it when their one and only angel angry.




To be continued....


I'm getting lazy recently and I dunno why :DD

Everytime I check AFF and my stories..

And I always said to myself that I'm gonna update this stories but when I enter AFF

My laziness overwhelmed me -____-

I'm sorry guys..I know I've updated 2 of the stories recently since I was very diligent tha time xDD

But, about what I said that I've wrote some of the stories new chap is true.

Only that it is still in progress and hidden

Please wait patiently for the other updates ^^

BTW, comments on this new chap!!

1 more chap before SeYeon kissing chap :DD




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Chapter 8: I've read this over 50 times now. Please do update soon. I really miss this.
Chapter 8: Kaiyeon!!!! So cute^^
Taeyeonismyidol #3
Chapter 8: Please update⊙﹏⊙
taeyeonnilove #4
Chapter 8: gosh please make him chanyeol pretty please
nice story author keep on your great work
update soon
mmmaaa #5
Omggg update pwease cant wait~><
erahmaliati21 #6
Chapter 8: Omoo!! Kai so cuteeeee ><
erahmaliati21 #7
Chapter 7: Seyeon <3333333333
erahmaliati21 #8
Chapter 6: Tiffany? o.o
erahmaliati21 #9
Chapter 3: Taeng first kiss is lulu (≧▽≦)