Chapter 19

Married to an Idol


Chapter 19


"WAIT! WAIT!" DON' CLOSE YET!!" Suho ran towards the two first year students that were standing by the door of the isolated building in Seoul High that was used as the ghost house just a couple of hours ago. A look of surprise passed between the two boys as they looked at the running stampede towards their direction.

As they finally approached the entrance, the student council members collapsed by the hallway to catch their breath. 
"Are you guys closing?" Suho asked, puffing out his breath. 

One of the two boys nodded before continuing. "But you guys can still enter. We'll make an exception."

"YAY! ASSA!" Almost everyone shouted in glee but one. Tao groaned at the back of the line as he turned to look if any of his female friends would want to make an exception for him from joining the others out of  sympathy considering that the boys would never want to have any word about it.

But to his displeasure, Hyeseong never seemed to care - too excited at the thought of going to a haunted house with her boyfriend- while  Haerin teasingly stuck her tongue out at him, mocking his cowardness like the other boys. A soft pat landed on his shoulder and he turned to see Soyeon smiling up at him, "I will accompany you, don't worry-". Tao smiled back at her in glee.

"You're the best Lee-" Just before he could continue,
Soyeon just have to add "baby Tao". Tao pouted but was grateful nonetheless.

"C'mon guys! Let's pair up!" Suho hollered at the front of the line like the mother hen he is. 

"But what if we want to go in alone?"
Xiumin asked the two first years.

"Err...there's so many of you guys. I don't think we have the time for solo. Other clubs are already closing." The taller of the two turned to look at the huge number of seniors in front of him.


The festival has ended and it was time for the students to clean up. The student council were one of the first to clear up, eager to enjoy what was left of the festival considering that they did not have the time to have fun that afternoon.


"Okay, why don't we get into groups of three since there's fifteen of us. How does that sound?" Chanyeol asked.

"Okay, let me inform the others." The taller of the two boys went inside the haunted house. Everyone did not waste a second and started finding for partners. Jong In walk towards Soyeon and look into her eyes, asking for permission to join her. Without any exchange for words, Soyeon nodded and linked arms with Jong In and Tao at her side.




As soon as Soyeon stepped out of the haunted house, the rest of the gang were waiting with amused expression. Tao who was close to tears sighed in relief and collapsed on Soyeon's side.

"How was it?" Chen asked trying to hold back a laughter. Soyeon's group took the longest to finish and everyone knew why. From beyond the thin wall, everyone could hear Tao wailing, Jong In shouting at him to move and Soyeon trying to persuade him that everything was alright.

"It was...entertaining. Thanks to someone." Soyeon ruffles Tao's dark fluffy hair.

Jong In rolled his eyes and took Tao from Soyeon. "It was, really. You should've seen this guy." Tao did not say anything but stared at the ground. "Dude, you look really pale. I should get you some water." Jong In offered since he felt guilty for laughing at him and stride off.

Several minutes later, Jong In came back just in time as the last group consisting of Lay, Suho and Kyungsoo came out. "Here, drink this," He passed a bottle of water at Tao and handed a bowl of colorful shaved ice at Soyeon "and we..can share this." Soyeon big round eyes became rounder, formed a big 'O' which then breaks into a huge grin.

"I love you Kim
Jong In." she whispered and turn to admire the shaved ice before her.

Jong In felt tingles running down his spine and sudden warmth ran down his blood. But he knew better than to hope that those words truly meant what he hoped it to be. Lee Soyeon loves food. And she loves Jong In for buying her that food.

"Yah! You only got it for her? What about us?"
Haerin nudged his side. The rest chimed in agreement and envy.

"You can get it yourself. The stall is still open. "
Jong In retorted back.

"But we're your best friends too. Why does only Soyeon gets the special treatment?" Lay asked. Jong In pinked and was flustered that his friends realized it. But who wouldn't? He was too obvious. Well, except to Soyeon. She was busy indulging herself with the colorful ice.

"Because..because she's nicer than you guys!"
Jong In replied and took a bite of the food. Tao nodded at the side, his  face finally gaining back its color.

Haerin rolled her eyes and trotted off. "C'mon guys, lets get our own." You're so obvious Kai, and why are you so oblivious Soyeon?




Meanwhile at home, Jung Kook was at home watching television. Or more accurately, just staring blankly at the screen, unaware that the variety show he was watching had ended half an hour ago. Every few seconds, he would turned to look at the clock hanging by the wall.

Old Mr. Lee smiled in amusement. It was his job to worry that Soyeon was late to return home from school, but he found it amusing this young lad who used to not give a single care about his granddaughter suddenly kept asking him every few minutes why his granddaughter was late.

In actual fact, Soyeon was late. It was already ten o'clock and there was still no sight of her. Soyeon had called earlier to inform her grandfather that she would be late to make sure the whole school is cleared up and grab some dinner with her friends, but there is no way this harabeoji is going to tell that to his grandson-in-law. Its nice to see him fidgeting in restlessness and kept going back and forth to the kitchen to check up on the cake he had bought for Soyeon.

"Don't worry. Perhaps she's just finishing up with her committee duties. Besides, her friends will keep her safe. They've been doing so since my angel was six." The old man tried to calm Jung Kook. True, she has twelve bodyguards around her and one of them even does martial arts - though Jung Kook doubt he'd be as good as he proclaimed.

Jung Kook finally gave up. He rubbed his tired eyes and walk up the stairs. He had a long day. "I guess so. Good night harabeoji."




Soyeon finally returned home when the clock strikes eleven after having a huge celeberation dinner at Chanyeol's mother's restaurant. She was tired, happy and most of all relief. "Harabeoji, you're still up!" Soyeon was surprised to find her grandfather still up by his favorite wing chair, reading another edition of Rampo collection.

"Well, someone here is worried about you," her grandfather gave her a small, playful smile.

"Awwh, you don't have to worry about me." Soyeon gave her grandfather a lingering warm hug and retreat to the kitchen. "I don't mean me." Her grandfather gave a short reply.

"What?" Soyeon asked, her voice traveled from the kitchen.

"Your husband was worried about you. Or maybe the cake he bought for you." Old Mr.Lee walked towards the kitchen and took a seat by the island counter. "He said they had some leftovers from the sale his class made today." Soyeon blushed but pretended that she did not hear the 'missing her' bit. 

"Psshh, leftove- OH MY MY! Rainbow cake!" Soyeon squeaked. "How did he know I've always wanted to eat this?! I love you Jeon Jung Kook!" Soyeon absentmindedly said as she took a fork and sat beside her grandfather.

"Really? you love hi- wait, you said that to me yesterday when I cooked ramyeon for you too. You didn't mean that?" her grandfather chuckled amusedly.

"I did?" Soyeon looked up at her grandfather.

"You go around saying those word carelessly. What does that made others feel?" Mr.Lee suddenly remembered all those times when Soyeon said I love you- especially when it involves food.

"I do mean it." She defended.

"Even to Jung Kook?" he prodded her arm.

"Well, he gave me this" She pointed towards the half-eaten rainbow cake. Mr.Lee sigh in disappointment. He could never understand her love for food- or how she chose to express her gratitude for bringing that brief happiness.


That night before sleeping, Soyeon thank god, her parent, her grandparents, her friends  and people that matters to her as she always does out of habit whenever she succeed at anything.  But that night, unconsciously, she mouthed a silent thank you to Jeon Jung Kook before she falls asleep.


A few weeks together was all it took, for him to matter in her life. But she was yet to realize.





The next morning, Jung Kook woke up early and walk to the kitchen before Soyeon did. He opened the refrigerator and his lips curved to a smile at the absence of a piece of cake. "Good morning." Soyeon greeted him by the entrance of the kitchen. Wow, she's happy this morning.

She let out a satisfied yawn and sauntered to his side, peeking inside the refrigerator. "What do you want to eat this morning?"

"Really? I can pick?" He aksed with much enthusiasim, casuing Soyeon to frown.

"You made it sounded like I've been forcing you to eat crappy food all this while."

"Aniya aniya. Its just that its always been rice." He shook his head. "Can I have gaeran tostu (egg toast) then?"

"I've never made it before. Have you?" She asked, racking the refrigerators for possible ingredients. Jung Kook did not reply but ran out of the kitchen and came back with his iPad and began searching for recipes.

"It says here, we need to whisk two eggs and mix with  cabbage, onion and carrot." he scanned the page.

"Okay, you can do that. I'll prepare the pan." Soyeon  handed him a clear bowl. Jung Kook look at her in disbelief. Was she expecting me to do this? Soyeon had that stoic expression on as she place the frying pan on the stove.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." That warm smile appeared and the whole kitchen lit up as radiant as the sunlight that shoned through the window. Heck, that smile could even warm up the coldest person's arctic cold heart! What more Jeon Jung Kook's.

Soyeon live up to her name as a leader. More than just leading Jung Kook, she guided him with utmost patience. Honestly, Jung Kook was expecting her to nag as she usually does. But she doesn't. She's passionate when it comes to teaching. And by the end of the day, Jung kook could confidently bragged to s that he can cook! Even if it was just an egg sandwhich.


Over breakfast, Mr. Lee broke the news that his doctor had advised him to stay at a nursing him so that doctors and nurses could watch over him. Soyeon was beyond heartbroken but she stayed strong and tried not to display her emotions. Jung Kook was reluctant to break to her his news too, but figured she would better be prepared than never.

"I- I need to go back to my dorm too. In a couple of days." He began. Soyeon knew that sooner or later he would go off. But it still took her by surprise.

"Already?" She croaked. Jung Kook nodded. "I guess you'll have to go back to your own home now." Old Mr. Lee tried to comfort her.

Soyeon grabbed his old, rough hand and grasp it. "U-hum. I kind off miss eomma aready," She admitted, partially true. "But I'll miss you too." She smiled.

"And him too?" her grandfather pointed a finger at Jung Kook who was looking in admiration and envy at the closeness between the grandchild and her grandfather- something he used to have.

"Wha-what? Why would I?" Soyeon blushed and lightly slap her grandfather's arm. Jung Kook too, pinked at the sudden attack by Mr. Lee. 

"Yesterday she said she loves you." Her grandfather chuckled and teasingly raised his eye brow at the two young couple whilst pointing an accusing finger at his granddaughter.

Jung Kook turned crimson red at the remark, speechless. "I did not! Okay, maybe I did-" Jung Kook rounded his eyes and stared at her. "But that's because you bought me the cake!" She defended herself, blushing furiously. Cute.

"I didn't buy it. I just took it since its a left-over" Soyeon's expression faltered but she laughed it off afterwards.

I know you're lying, boy." Her grandfather whispered to Jung Kook, slightly disappointed that Jung Kook was not being honest.


Well, he was right. Jung Kook had to pay double for the cake to avoid it from being bought by another customer. Since it was hard to find a rainbow cake and Jung Kook knew how much Soyeon wanted it.. .why not?




Authors Note;

I'll update soon and remember to comment and upvote! 



The boys being tough guys. ROFLMAO

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 41: It’s so nice to read this story again
PiKai_chu #2
Chapter 41: I love this story so much. why didn't i found this story sooner. v.v hmmm
keep doing good works authornim xD
Now that i've finished the story I'd like to know how Jungkook told his fans he was dating, no, married.
ritonatu #4
Chapter 41: i love this,,,, too much tbh
Chapter 41: At first it seems like a common story, arranged marriage, they fall in love with each other. Sure, this is same. But it's more well written than usual. Their love progress is not choppy, and you solved everything at the end.
But i don't understand L.Joe's character means. Is he supporting cast? Or is he just a cameo? It seems like he and his sister is there, but not there too. Like he seems important but he's not important.
But overall it's a great written BTS fanfic, despite it's common main plot. Great job!
zSecretz #6
Chapter 41: What a well-written fanfic, good job!!!
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 41: This is seriously one of my favorite book! I love the way they interact and how cute this story is! Thank you for an awesome book!!
HakitarunEka #8
Chapter 41: OK... I am done reread this story for..... herrmm.. I even don't remember it...I keep coming here when I feel want to read something good... and this story is the best ever... I'll anticipate if you make another story... thank u,author-nim...
princessswan #9
Chapter 41: I reread this whole story again and I still love it just as much as the first time I read it!! It is SOOO hard to find such amazing stories.. especially one with my bby Jungkook as the main, so THANK YOU SO MUCH dear author! I LOVEEE this to pieces. Hope to see you write other ones with him in the future!! :3 <3
Chapter 41: Awee this was so cute!! I loved it <3
...waiting for those extra chapters now.