Chapter 10

Married to an Idol

Chapter 10


"Umma, what is he doing here?" Soyeon asked as she frantically looked at Jung Kook for an answer who had on an equally panic expression on his face.

Mrs Lee smiled innocently at her daughter. "Having dinner of course, since you said that you--"

"No, I came here to return the...the...tupperware!" Jung Kook waved an index finger at the direction of a random Tupperware he saw on the kitchen counter. "Yes, the Tupperware that my umma had borrowed from your umma." Jung kook lied to prevent his mother in-law from almost giving their secret away.

"Yes, to return a Tupperware." Jung Kook repeated and Soyeon mentally face palms at his horrible skills of lying.

Mrs Lee had her face contorted in confusion. She didn't remember lending a Tupperware to anybody. "What do you mean--" before she could finished her word, Soyeon went to the kitchen counter behind her mother, amd grabbed a random Tupperware she saw by the sink.

"Ahh! This Tupperware! I've been looking for it!" Soyeon played along. She grabbed her mother by the wrist, and forcefully pulled her out of the kitchen. "Umma, can you follow me for a second? I need to talk to you in private." 


Once they were out the kitchen, Jung Kook turned back to Jong In who was looking extremely perplexed by the entrance of the kitchen. "Hey." Jung Kook raised a hand in salute and continued munching the half-eaten potato salad on his plate.

Jong In nodded in reply and made his way to the counter top, and grabbed a plate with all too much familiarity. He took a seat in front of Jung Kook and took a spoonful of the salad onto his plate without hesitation.

Jung Kook was surprised at Jong In's bold manner. "You come by here often?" He asked, without trying to look as though he was prying.

"Since elemantary school." Jong In gave a short reply.

Jung Kook didn't push the subject further. He was more curious as to why Jong In did not ask about his presence here. He was sure Jong In knew he and Soyeon weren't friends, at least not close enough to dine at her house with her mother. Maybe he had caught on to the lie, Jung Kook gave a final thought.

As the two boys eat their dinner in silent, Soyeon and her mother had came back to the kitchen. Soyeon had persuaded her mother to not reveal the truth about Soyeon's and Jung Kook's relationship to Jong In. She was against it at first. To her, Jong In was like the son she never had. He was part of the family. There should be no secrets among family members. She had let it go when Soyeon insisted on not inviting him to her wedding, but lying to him?

But she saw the forlorn look on her daughter's face, her doe-like eyes begging her. It hurts her daughter to lie to Jong In as much as she does. And so Mrs Lee finally gave in for the sake of her daughter and Jung Kook. "But trust me, a secret can only remain a secret for not as long as you thought it would. He would eventually know the truth."


The dinner was less awkward thanks to Jong In. He had made an effort to get to know Jung Kook. He was particularly interested when Jung Kook mentioned about Park Jimin, the renown dancer of Bangtan Boys.

Jong In kept asking about Jimin's dance routine, how many hours he practiced, etc. Jong In loves dancing with a passion. But he never showed his talent to anyone. Not even to Soyeon. Except that Soyeon had secretly seen him dancing on the school roof top once when he thought no one was watching.

"How hard did he have work to get his six-packs?" Soyeon asked when Jong In paused to clear his plate.

"Must you ask that? You're such a ert!" Jong In rounded his eyes and got up to wash his plate.

Soyeon managed to hit him by the waist before he got away. "I'm just asking on your behalf. Wouldn't it be nice if you have a little bit of abs?"

Jong In lets out a snort. "Don't lie to me Lee Soyeon. I know you're fully aware that I have abs cause I've seen you secretly trying to sneak a look at it." He gave Soyeon a mischievous smirk and turned his back against her.

Jung Kook was bewildered but amused to learn Soyeon's different side he had never knew. I'm learning new things about you every single day.


Once dinner was done, Jung Kook excused himself to head back home. He can't help but to feel a little jealous when he saw Jong In standing along side of Soyeon and her mother, waving him goodbye as he made his way out of the door. They looked like a little happy family. 

During dinner, Jung kook saw how Jong In blushed when soyeon moved closer to him, the way Jong In look into her eyes. Jung Kook can't help but to think that Jong In might have some feelings for his wife. He rubbed the back of his neck, thinking how this marriage might have crush Jong In if the fact that Jong In loves Soyeon was true.




"Yah, hurry up! There's so much to work on." Jong In rushed up the stairs heading to Soyeon's room. Soyeon closed the front door and ran up to her room. The room was exactly how she had left it.

That night, they had spent a few good hours finishing up their English assignment. Halfway through their assignment, Soyeon received a message on her phone.


From : Jung Kook
Your harabeoji is home. He's looking for you.


From : Soyeon
I'll be home shortly. Accompany him for a little while.



But Soyeon ended up taking a little too much time than she had planned. By the time she got home, her grandfather had long gone to sleep. But when she entered his room Soyeon found that Jung Kook was still sitting by her grandfather's legs, massaging it lightly. He did not leave him.

Soyeon mouthed an apology to which Jung kook did not reply. He wasn't mad at Soyeon but he just wanted her to feel guilty. 

Years later, Jung Kook finally understood that his action was to not make he guilty because she was late but because she was closer with another guy.


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 41: It’s so nice to read this story again
PiKai_chu #2
Chapter 41: I love this story so much. why didn't i found this story sooner. v.v hmmm
keep doing good works authornim xD
Now that i've finished the story I'd like to know how Jungkook told his fans he was dating, no, married.
ritonatu #4
Chapter 41: i love this,,,, too much tbh
Chapter 41: At first it seems like a common story, arranged marriage, they fall in love with each other. Sure, this is same. But it's more well written than usual. Their love progress is not choppy, and you solved everything at the end.
But i don't understand L.Joe's character means. Is he supporting cast? Or is he just a cameo? It seems like he and his sister is there, but not there too. Like he seems important but he's not important.
But overall it's a great written BTS fanfic, despite it's common main plot. Great job!
zSecretz #6
Chapter 41: What a well-written fanfic, good job!!!
kawaii_anime1004 #7
Chapter 41: This is seriously one of my favorite book! I love the way they interact and how cute this story is! Thank you for an awesome book!!
HakitarunEka #8
Chapter 41: OK... I am done reread this story for..... herrmm.. I even don't remember it...I keep coming here when I feel want to read something good... and this story is the best ever... I'll anticipate if you make another story... thank u,author-nim...
princessswan #9
Chapter 41: I reread this whole story again and I still love it just as much as the first time I read it!! It is SOOO hard to find such amazing stories.. especially one with my bby Jungkook as the main, so THANK YOU SO MUCH dear author! I LOVEEE this to pieces. Hope to see you write other ones with him in the future!! :3 <3
Chapter 41: Awee this was so cute!! I loved it <3
...waiting for those extra chapters now.