Chapter 8

Days in a High School Full of idols... Especially Stuck-Up Ones

Ailee- I'll be Okay

|| Skip forward towards School >> ||

"Omg! JongKook! Did you really wait for us at the movie theater? See I told you we should've gone to check if he went!" I yelled at Eunji

"No! I picked him up and sent him home! Let him answer questions first before going all ape- on me! Jeezus Lord, calm your " 

"Nope, I found my way around Seoul fast. With the help of Eunji of course. I think you guys should go sit down, the teacher will come in soon." he replied. Following his recommendation, we went back to our seats. I whispered to Eunji, "Did you poison him? He seems less scared. Not that I don't like it but just on Friday, he could barely speak to us." 

"No. I'm not that mean. Besides, wouldn't you expect that to come from Junhyung?"

The teacher came in, silencing the class. He began teaching until Jiyeon came in and sat down next to Eunji. The teacher ignored her, knowing that she probably has a excuse. 


"Oh-Ha ha. Who's the late one now Jiyeon?" Eunji teased.

"Shut up. I'm not in the mood." she retorted

"Damn, everybody is getting mad at me today..."

"Jiyeon. What happened?" I asked. "Nothing. Worry about yourselves first guys. I heard your aunt and uncle are moving to New York? Where are you gonna stay?" she asked

"I don't know. Not rooming with you guys, that's for sure. I'm gonna get a job."

"I still say you should go for entertainment. You match well, you're pretty too" Eunji complinmented. 

"I'll think about it. It's my fourth resort but nothing is impossible."


I went home, walking of course. I wasn't able to find suitable jobs.

"Maybe I should just go towards entertainment." I sighed. If bad things had to happen why now?

I'm tired, I need to sleep. Seriouisly considering skipping school for some shut-eye :(

-Sleepy hellokitty123

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Amazing story!
Chapter 6: this story is really good !
Chapter 2: Can't you put BTS in this story :) Thank you! - Yuki
Chapter 1: wow ~ EXO become bad boy in this story ~ cool XD - Yuki
woah ~ nice story! hope you can update soon :) - Ryo