Chapter 7

Days in a High School Full of idols... Especially Stuck-Up Ones


In Middle School, I went to her locker to stuff a notepad, gym shorts, a water bottle and a note that said "Forgetful ___. Tsk tsk tsk.... -Mir. P.S- Stop leaving stuff at home in the morning. You'll eventually get to school!"

Passing by her locker, I noticed a small smile that crept up her lips. She never smiled like that. I thought sadly. She looked pretty but her smile was elegant, down to earth. It wasn't like those stupid fake smirks every girl sent to me. It wasn't innocent but it wasn't bad, it was just simply ___'s smile.


In high school I entered 9th grade with Mir and Cheondong. We met Seungho along the way. I got a call from Cheondong, "Hyung, hurry up to Seoul Hospital. I'll explain later." I rushed to find out Mir was in the hospital. The doctor came out, "The surgery went well but he has AB+ blood. This blood is so rare we don't have a sufficient supply of it to give to him.". "What's so special about Rh blood?!" Seungho angrily asked. "It's dangerous because if we give him blood without Rh cells, that blood will produce anti-bodies against the Rh cells. This will give him a painful death." he politely said back. Cheondong, fustrated, kicked the vending machine leaving a dent. "Can't ___ give some of her blood? They're siblings! Then they both can live." I asked, obviously basing everything off movies. 

"Sadly it's not that simple, we have to get a blood test, the results will come out in an hour and by that time he has a 88% of bleeding out in his organs, and she doesn't have enough blood for him for both of them to live. If she did give all her blood then there isn't even a 10% chance he'll survive." he replied. I looked to ___. Just like how her parents died, Mir is going to die by a hit and run as well. We all visited him, all crying as well. This was going to be the last time.

"Haha guys. I'm so stupid right? Walking into the street without looking. I can be so forgetful." he laughed. "Right ___? You know how I am." He was joking but we could all see the sorrowful eyes that screamed I'm sorry. He pulled me close and whispered "Take care of ___. She's so much more capable of things than she thinks she is. Laugh." Laughing, I noticed the atmosphere lightened slightly. We all sat in silence, 

"Guys, we're all going to die one day. Just think of it was my time is earlier than expected. Don't be mad, okay guys?" We all looked at ___ nodding furiously. "Good. Seungho, don't be a flirt but if you continue, don't let him near my sister guys." he demanded. 


Couple of months later, ___'s aunt took her away. We went into her house, we had a spare key, and saw all the boxes and ____ crying in the corner. "__! What happened?" Seungho asked. "Auntie a-and Uncle w-wants to t-take me to Busan." she replied. "I'm n-not coming back u-until I go to 9th grade" she said sadly. "Oppa, what do I do!" she sobbed.

||Present >>||

I guess that she moved back to Seoul. She forgot all about us too. I called up Seungho and told him the news.

___ You'll remember us. I'll make sure you do. You can't leave us behind I thought sadly.


||End Lee Joon's POV||



Ayee YO GG! Yeah, I'm weird...

This is just random chappie ^^  I'm so depressed from all my homework!!! :O  *tiredddd

I'm so tired I didn't finish my project :( Oh well :) 

-Bipolar Hellokitty123 that is watching Ailee's performance on Immortal Songs 2! :D

-Happy Hellokitty123

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Amazing story!
Chapter 6: this story is really good !
Chapter 2: Can't you put BTS in this story :) Thank you! - Yuki
Chapter 1: wow ~ EXO become bad boy in this story ~ cool XD - Yuki
woah ~ nice story! hope you can update soon :) - Ryo