No More Words


I could hear his breathing next to me.
I could feel his arms wrap around my waist.
I could feel his hands search for my hand and grasp it.
I could see him pull my hand up to his lips and kiss it.




Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.






I looked around, feeling the stares of the others. They were just pretending to comfort me for the show. They had no genuine care for me. Of course, those who did truly care for me I pushed away... I didn't mean to. I... I really didn't mean to. I decided to leave the room full of fake feelings and walked towards the rooftop of the building. Ever since the incident, they had ensured that students weren't allowed to the rooftop. But where else am I meant to go to feel his proper presence? How am I to even live like this, as if life is all happy and I should keep happy myself? I would be living a lie! The door was locked, but I didn't care. I took out the bobby pin from my pocket that I used regularly for this. When the door unlocked, the cold air from outside rushed in. I looked behind me to make sure I wasn't followed. There were some steps earlier, but they disappeared. I hope that was just my imagination...


This rooftop. This is a special place for me.


It was where I met him.


It was where we met everyday from that day forward.


It was where he asked me out officially.


It was where we had our first date - cheesy idea really, and I was really cold. But you know what? Him being there was worthwhile. But...


It was also where I lost him.


It was where I had no more words...



I've always wanted to write a Christmas themed story, and what a better way than to write this story? Did I give a really big hint? Hohohohohoh (not impersonating Santa, dun wurreh) but thing is who is it what she's talking about? That's something for you to ponder about!~ I will be writing the chapter(s) however I won't be updating constantly. I just wanted to post it to make sure that I actually finish this story before Christmas.
I hope you enjoy~!

-the lilly will be back!


[Completed on 24/12/13]


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Chapter 3: huahhh it's too sad. i'm crying hard now T^T