-The Past-

Beautiful Roses

Chapter 2:

-The Past-


"What is this place?", I asked myself while trying to get in the Victorian-looking place. It was a weird place. I pushed the door open, to see that it was a bar inside. I was very shocked, even to the extent that I fell flat on my face. As I stood up and wiped myself, a handsome guy came to me and said, "Are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere? What happened?". I was shocked. He was very handsome. I smiled at him. He smiled back. "I-I'm fine! I got lost and, and I found this place by accident. I didn't expect it was a bar from the way it looked from the outside.", I told him. I didn't even know him, yet I talked to him. He was a complete stranger, in a completely strange place I've never ever been to in my life. He smiled again. "I see. Well, if you're lost, I might be able to help you then. My Name's 'Ron Johansen Friedrich', Nice to meet you cute little miss.", he said in a very kind way. He gestured for me to sit with him on an empty table. "You see, I work in a bar like this somewhere else around the world. I came here today to visit a friend of mine that was gonna meet me here.", he said while smiling. "Oh, I see. Well, uhm.. You said that your name is 'Ron Johansen Friedrich', correct? Are you uhm.. Like, French or something related to  that?", I asked nervously, not sure if it was the right thing to do. "Hmm.. Not really.. But yes. Since I'm half French and half British. So You could say that I am French.", he answered me with a gentle smile. I was shocked. He was so kind. "Oh! I see. Does that mean that you're an Aristocrat or something related to that?", I asked him again. This time, he laughed. It wasn't a mocking laugh or anything like that. He just laughed. "Hmm.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. I meant no harm by that. It's just that I haven't met someone like you for a while now. It just made me happy, is all. And, yes, I am indeed an Aristocrat.", he answered ever so kindly. I smiled. He smiled back. "I see. Well, tha-that's reassuring. I haven't met someone like you in my whole life. So i'm not used to talking to someone like you. I'm very sorry, please forgive me.", I said while bowing my head. He smiled again. "It's fine. Though you say so, but you act like a fine young woman to me, definitely suited to be an aristocrat, if I may say so.", he said with reassuring eyes. I was really glad I met him. You don't get to meet somebody like that everyday. I smiled at him again. "I see. Thank you very much Sir Johansen.", I said while looking him straight in the eyes. He laughed. The same laugh he did before. "Oh please! Don't call me that. You can just Call me Johansen if you would like.", he said while smiling. There was silence.

"I see. Very well then. Johansen. It is indeed a pleasure to meet you.", I said while smiling. He smiled back at me. "Yes, it is indeed.", he replied. I was sure that I could see his eyes glinting. I thought about it a little more, but in the end I decided to shrug it off and forget about it. "Well, you said you were lost, correct?", he asked me with a worried face. "Ah! Yes indeed! I almost forgot about that!", I said, panicking while doing so. "Well then, what place were you looking for?", he asked me calmly.


'That memory is still very fresh in my head, isn't it?', i thought to myself. "You're thinking about that time, aren't you?", he asked me. "Hmm.. I guess so. How long has it been?", I answered him with a questioning look. "About 4 Years, I guess.. You were still so young back then!! Now, look at you. But you still do look young. 'He' even mistook you for a highschooler, now didn't he?", he said while smirking. "Hey!! I may look like a highschooler, but i'm not short you know!!", I said to him while frowning. "Yes, yes. I know that very well. You really do look young. I can't believe you're 20 years old~! You never did fail to amaze me. That's why I've always-" I cut him off. I didn't like where the conversation was going. "You know how I told you about not mentioning 'that', right?", I asked him coldly. "Yes, I know. I didn't mean to mention 'that'. I just got carried away with the conversation and all.", he said, sadness plainly obvious in his words. "Look, I know that it's very mean of me to say so, but-", this time, he was the one who cut me off. "I know that already. You've told me that more than a million times!! I just don't understand why it can't be me!! What's so great about 'him' that you LOVE 'him' so much?!?! Huh?! Why am I not enough?!", he shouted. He was shouting very loudly. The people were starting to stare. Then they started to whisper amongst themselves. He ran out. He ran out of the place and left me there. He left me to ponder upon the things he had just said. '"What's so great about 'him' that I LOVE 'him' so much", huh?', I thought to myself. I started to leave the place as well. All those busybodies there, whispering and talking. Watching with those uncaring eyes, It annoyed me and made me feel twice as uncomfortable as I already was.

-End of Chapter 2-

Author: Ok, that was fast.. But I don't think it's worth reading after all!! >/////<

Makoto: Sheesh.. If you keep saying that, then what's the point in writing this in the first place?

Author: Well, It's 'cause I haven't mentioned anything related to SID yet.. *is depressed*

Makoto: You already did.. didn't you... *looks away*

Author: *sighs* I know.. but it's not that obvious...

Makoto: Geez!! Whatever!! *Glares*

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hinataidol_96 #1
i'm very sorry :( i've been too busy with school, that i ended up forgetting about this.. but really, it's almost Winter break, so i'll be updating this by then! and hopefully, even before then... -sigh- PLEASE FORGIVE ME! Dx
-DianaArak- #2
update soon ! :(
hinataidol_96 #3
I AM SO SORRY!! :(( i haven't been able to update. :((
mao san =P~ update soooonnn
hinataidol_96 #5
yay!! lol.. sorry..
LeslyeAkira #6
Just make sure to mention SID soon :3<br />
update soon please h_h
LeslyeAkira #7
FINALLY! a fanfic with SID♥ yayy! thank you very much! :D