-The Unveiling-

Beautiful Roses

Chapter 4


- The Unveiling -



"What happened between the two of you?", Mao-san asked me. "What do you mean by that?", I asked him in return. "He wouldn't do something like this unless it had something to do with you.", he answered my question. I was shocked. He Got It Right, Definitely RIGHT. It was not as though it was questionable. It was plainly obvious, judging from the knowledge of Mao-san when it came to him. I mentally sighed. 'I guess that means that I have no way out of this, huh?', I sighed to myself. "Well, yes.. Something DID happen. But I think that it's best if i just keep it to myself. I don't think that he would be happy if I told you.", I frowned. "Yeah, right. So you're not going to tell me? Then what?? We wait until he comes back? What if he doesn't??", Mao-san's voice rose up. I was a bit shocked. I wasn't expecting that, especially not from him. "That's not what I meant. It's just that, what happened that time isn't something that I can easily tell you.", I said, trying to explain to him why i can't talk about that 'incedent'. He's not taking it lightly though, judging from his expression. I guess it's to be expected. "Are you seriously trying to say that you're not going to tell me about what happened? Is that it?", he said in a straight tone. This conversation isn't getting anywhere. We're just gonna end up fighting, and both of us wouldn't want that, not even Johansen. It would never do us any good if we end up fighting now. It would just make everything more complicated and harder. 'Should I just tell him?', I thought to myself. 'But if I told him, then he would know about my feelings for him... and that's just something that I can't allow to happen.', I contemplate on whether telling him would be a good idea or not. "It's not like I have a choice. I really just can't tell you.", I finally say to him after some time. "That isn't a good enough excuse for me to just let you off the hook. I want answers, and I want them now.", Mao-San said.

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hinataidol_96 #1
i'm very sorry :( i've been too busy with school, that i ended up forgetting about this.. but really, it's almost Winter break, so i'll be updating this by then! and hopefully, even before then... -sigh- PLEASE FORGIVE ME! Dx
-DianaArak- #2
update soon ! :(
hinataidol_96 #3
I AM SO SORRY!! :(( i haven't been able to update. :((
mao san =P~ update soooonnn
hinataidol_96 #5
yay!! lol.. sorry..
LeslyeAkira #6
Just make sure to mention SID soon :3<br />
update soon please h_h
LeslyeAkira #7
FINALLY! a fanfic with SID♥ yayy! thank you very much! :D