-The Overture-

Beautiful Roses

Chapter 3:


-The Overture-



"How long has it been? A week? I haven't seen or heard from him since. He might be very mad at me.", I said to myself. It's true though. I haven't met him or talked to him. He hasn't called, not even once. He's never done something like this before. I kept thinking about it more, until the constant ringing of the doorbell unceremoniously knocked me off my thinking. I got quite disappointed, yes. I was thinking about something very important. The doorbell kept ringing. 'All right, I'll open it!!', I thought to myself as I walked toward the door to open it. And as I opened it, I was shocked at the sight before me. Someone I haven't seen for quite some time has appeared in front of me.


I smile as he and his companion waved at me. I gestured for them to come in, an invitation they more likely were happy to accept. They went inside, and set their things on my living room table. 'He' walked towards me and hugged me. Yes, 'he'. I blushed. I knew it would turn out this way. The only thing I can do now is to try my best to not let 'him' notice. So, I hugged him back. After we parted, 'his' companion came and hugged me too. I smiled. This is very like him. "Aki-san, it's been a long time since I last saw you.", I said, as I hugged him back. He smiled. "Yes, indeed. Mao-kun here says that it had been a very long time since we came here. So he told us to come here and, well, you know, reminisce.", he said, while pointing to Mao-san. "Hai, hai. It has indeed been quite some time. But, I don't plan on turning my living room into a bar. Both of you shouldn't come here to drink.", I said, a hint of disappointment in my voice. I sighed.


"Awww.. Come on~ And plus! Yuuya-kun and Shinji-kun are gonna be here soon too~!", Mao-san said while making a cute face. 'Awww!! So cute~', I thought to myself. I just couldn't resist that, now could I? "Fine! But I'm not drinking! Got it?!", I said, sighing in defeat. "Yay! Now, Aki-kun~ Please Get those out~", he said, while gesturing to the 'things' they had put on my living room table. "Hai, hai.", Aki-san said as he took the 'things' and started his way to the kitchen. After just a few moments, he was gone.


"This isn't the only reason we came here today, you know." It was more of a statement than a question. I cocked my head to the side, my brows furrowing in confusion as well. He more likely got the idea that i didn't get what his point was. "We also came here today, 'cause someone's been missing for quite some time now." And at that, it was as if a light bulb lit up in my head. I got what he meant. "You don't know where he is too?", I asked. There was silence.


Aki-san came out of the kitchen a few moments after, breaking the silence in the process. "Ok, I have everything prepared. All we need to do is wait for those two to get here.", he said with a smile. "They are the ones who are bringing the snacks after all."


I sighed. "You should have just told me. I think I still have some snacks left.", I offered. "No way! We came here without telling you, practically invading your privacy, and we ask you to serve snacks?! That's just wrong!" I mentally sighed at that. Aki-san was always a kind person at heart. I can't believe he has over 20 piercings all over, and looks like a rock star. I couldn't suppress a laugh. He looked at me, confused. Now, even Mao-san is laughing.


"Haha! Sorry, Aki-san. But as expected, you really do know what to say.", I said, teasingly. He just scoffed. Mao-san just laughed some more.


I offered them a seat, seeing as to how we have been standing for quite some time now. They both laughed. The invitation was indeed very tempting. Seeing as to how anyone would abandon standing up to sit down on a very comfy couch, they gladly accepted my offer. They both sat down. I myself was about to sit down when the doorbell rang, again. I mentally sighed. 'Sheesh.. Déjà vu much??', I thought to myself. I walked towards the door to open it, and, it was Yuuya-san and Shinji-san, with the snacks that they just bought. I smiled.


"Please, come in.", I said, smile still plastered across my face. They took my offer and went in. I motioned for them to go sit down with Mao-san and Aki-san. Yuuya-san took the offer, and Shinji-san went directly towards the kitchen. 'To prepare the snacks.', I thought. I went back to sit down as well. Standing up for such a long time is pretty tiresome. So I hurriedly walked over to the couch to sit down. There was silence. Something pretty unbelievable, considering the fact that Yuuya-san is here.


I started feeling quite uneasy, considering the fact that it felt as if it was a very awkward silence. I was about to say something when, "I guess it's about time we get serious about this, huh??", Mao-san said. I sighed. At least now it didn't feel so awkward. "Didn't he ever contact you at all?", he asked, now facing me. I shook my head. "He hasn't called me back. I've left quite a few messages though..", I answered him.


"Well, if that's the case, as of now, why don't we just enjoy ourselves??", Shinji-san said as he came out of the kitchen with the snacks and the beer. I mentally sighed. When it came to drinking, no one could ever stop these four. 'At least, they're not going to smoke.', I thanked. If they started to smoke now too, my house would really feel like a bar. I sighed. They all look at me with that 'Aw-come-on-it-isn't-that-bad' look. I sighed even more. "Ok, ok, I'll be having a fruit cocktail then.", I sighed. "I knew you'd say that! So when me and Yuuya-kun went out to buy stuff, we also bought some fruit cocktails along the way!" He smiled. Shinji-san is also funny at times too... And never fails to amaze you even. Who would have thought that him and Aki-san were fans of game consoles or whatever you call them. I sighed again. Then I smiled, "Thanks Shinji-san~!"


"Then, let's do this!!!", Yuuya-san shouted, as if we were going to play a very interesting game. If I was any older, I would have tried calling him 'Yuuya-kun'. It really fits him, but I'm too embarrassed to even ask him if it's alright to call him that. 


We kept on it, drinking, eating, talking, and whatnot. If I wasn't crazy, I would swear I saw Aki-san trying to imitate Yuuya-kun. 'Ok, I'll be calling him Yuuya-kun if It's just me talking to myself.', I explained. And, I could even faintly remember seeing him wearing cat ears!! Of course, I'm sure that I did see Mao-san wearing cat ears, with a tail and cat mittens no less!! I can't remember much, just the fact that we were laughing like mad mans. I totally forgot how it felt to be like this with these four. They were always amazing! Though you could say that we've been like this for hours and hours, but it feels like it's only been an hour! This is what's most amazing about them, though of course, their music is awesome too!! 


As the need to go back to their homes started to arise, we started cleaning up one by one, 'till everything was how it was before we started. I took a good 30-50 minutes to clean up. You could just imagine the mess we made!! After cleaning up, they all started to bid their farewells. And at that, I felt the need to see them out. Of course, they all left and went their separate ways to their own humble abodes, except for Mao-san that is. I knew he wouldn't let something this important just slip off, even after what just happened.


I asked him to come back inside, seeing as to how cold the weather felt like, even though it was spring.



-End of Chapter 3-



Author: Ok! Yay! I have finally updated!! YES!! *smiles like crazy*

Makoto: Yeah, about time... *scoffs*

Author: Hey!! You're always so mean!! How come you're always like that?! Can't you just say, "wow!! good job, good job! you did well!"?! *sniffs* I mean come on!! I'm trying my best here you know!! And all you ever do is... is... *cries*

Makoto: Ok! Fine!! Whatever!! Anyway, to all those who are reading, and are fans of SID, please comment and give the author your thoughts on this 'lame' story of hers!! And, hopefully, she'll stop crying...

Faye-nee: Hey!! It's your fault why she's crying in the first place you know!! *glares at Makoto*

Makoto: Yeah, yeah, sure.. whatever you say... Anyway, just comment and tell her your thoughts.. I think she'll be happy if you do that..

Fay-nee: She's the type who's never done this before, so she really hopes you would comment and subscribe... *keeps glaring at Makoto*

Makoto: Ok, that's all!! see you all in the next chapter... -As if I still wanna be here.. This lame story with no readers at all, I feel sorry for that pathetic excuse of an author- *scoffs*

Author: *shouts from the corner* I heard that you know!! You JERK!! *cries even more*

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hinataidol_96 #1
i'm very sorry :( i've been too busy with school, that i ended up forgetting about this.. but really, it's almost Winter break, so i'll be updating this by then! and hopefully, even before then... -sigh- PLEASE FORGIVE ME! Dx
-DianaArak- #2
update soon ! :(
hinataidol_96 #3
I AM SO SORRY!! :(( i haven't been able to update. :((
mao san =P~ update soooonnn
hinataidol_96 #5
yay!! lol.. sorry..
LeslyeAkira #6
Just make sure to mention SID soon :3<br />
update soon please h_h
LeslyeAkira #7
FINALLY! a fanfic with SID♥ yayy! thank you very much! :D