► ►NEW: The Aftermath



"We did all we could... now he needs to wake up on his own." sadly said the doctor.
"But he's going to be okay, right?" Seo Yun asked.
"Unfortunately, I can't tell you for sure."

"Hello Yoochoonie! I brought you some bibimbap today, even though I will be the one eating it..." she sat down next to Yoochun's bed and held his hand.
"Everything is going really well at school, though I could've used your help for the last English exam. You know I at it yet you decided to rest during midterms." Seo Yun tried to appear strong though her eyes became teary.
"I told Dong Hyun I needed some more time. With all that's going on with you, I didn't really think about his offer. But he understands. It's times like these I could really use your advice." she looked at him as if he was about to wake up.
"If you can hear me, please just squeeze my hand. Squeeze it!" to avoid a greater disappointment, Seo Yun squeezed his hand.
"It's been five months, why can't you just..." she was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Nothing new with him?" Joo Woon entered with a bouquet of flowers.
"Nope. I mean I expect him to get up from this bed any day now!"
"Don't get your hopes up, sis!" Joo stood behind her and rested his hand on her shoulder.
"I need to be optimistic! The doctors sure can't be!" she gave Yoochun a kiss on his cheek. Joo suddenly grabbed her shoulder.
"I'm just saying if he doesn't wake up, I don't want to be picking up what's left of you with a spoon." he smiled since Seo Yun seemed bothered by his physical closeness.
Seo Yun got up and went to the bathroom. She came out with a shaving kit and started applying the gel on Yoochun's face.
"Even laid in a deep coma, you are still the most handsome!" she smiled to Yoochun. As she was shaving him, she accidentally cut him.
"Oh no! What did I do to you?!" she tried to wipe off the blood but ended up spreading it all over his chin. She burst out crying.
"Don't Sis...It's gonna be okay!" Joo picked her up and embraced her. While comforting her with a warm hug, he discreetly smelled the scent of her hair.
"Uh... Dong Hyun is waiting for me. I really need to go now. I'll see you later at the house, okay?" Seo Yun turned to Yoochun. "I'll see you tomorrow!"
Dong Hyun turned to Yoochun once Seo Yun was gone. "Why is it everyone gets more attention than me?" he picked up a pillow and held it above Yoochun's face. 
"I could end it right now! Just get rid of you! ...but how much sorrow would that put her in...." he sat back down before leaving a few minutes later.

The last person to visit him that day was Seul Ki.

"Oh... what happened to your chin?" she gently touched the wound, before kissing Yoochun's lips.
"It's that clumsy peasant girl, right?! Don't worry, I'll take better care of you when you come back to me!" she tucked his arms under the covers.
"Who bought you those flowers?" She picked them up and threw them in the trash. 
"The doctor told me it might help if we triggered some memories of yours. He was talking about making you want to wake up or something.. anyways, I brought you a movie! It's the one we watched on our first date!"
She put the dvd in the player, the TV and laid on the bed next to him.
"Everything's going to be okay now. I'll wait as long as it takes!" 

Seul Ki stayed until she was aked to leave. But she was determined to have more time with him the next day. She would get rid of the competition.

♦♦END of the Chapter♦♦

Sorry this chapter is quite short, but I'm back at work so I don't have much time... Anyways, WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK? Please COMMENT, that would make my day!! Leave your impressions, and I'll write the sequel ASAP! THANKS =D


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YEHloverz #1
Chapter 7: What happen? It doesn't make sense...
hananii19 #2
Chapter 7: Whaats happening D:
tangbao #3
Noted!! I'm gonna start writing then =)
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 6: Casual please. Just not the right set up for supernatural. Should have done that at the start to set the mood. Too late now.
ariena84 #5
Chapter 6: Please dont let yoochun die!!!
Chapter 6: nooooooooooooooooo don't killed my chunnie~~~~but you can kill seul ki and donghyunXD