Coffee to Go



"I see you have no experience whatsoever in waitressing."
"That's correct, but I believe my willingness and my endurance will be my strongest assets for this position."
"Listen, I don't mean to shoot you down, but there are a lot of girls lining up to work here. We're the new hippest place around, and your resume isn't that impressive..."
Seo Yun felt like her chance of working near school was escaping her. She relied on her last ally, her smile, to try and charm the manager.
"Hummm" he seemed to hesitate, but felt bad about turning down such a charming candidate.

It is true than in just a few days, Seo Yun had completely transformed. From a sloppy countryside girl in ancient clothes, she had turned into a beautiful young woman for whom the slightest detail mattered. Seo Yun had always wished to radically change her appearance, and she had used all the little money given to her from the agency. It was a bet on life that this would get her the job.
The most striking change about her looks was her haircut. It was now quite short, but made her seem trendy and more mature.

"Alright, I'll take you on a trial this weekend, is that okay?"
"Perfect! You won't regret it!" Seo Yun thought to herself she wasn't going to be able to go to the party with Yoochun. But she knew her priorities, and friends came in second, or third...

♦Saturday, the Next day♦

Yoochun was standing on the balcony. The quiet atmosphere, yet troubled by a background of endless music, had left him thinking.
"Why are you here all by your lonesome?" said Seul Ki has she closed the window/door behind her.
"The music was too loud, and I needed peace."
She leant against the fence and grew closer to him.
"You know I'm scared too. I mean the exams, college... and you have your dad being in an accident, again..."
"You heard about him?"
"Let's just say Hyun Woo has a big mouth."
"Right" Yoochun was just staring at the horizon, not looking once towards Seul Ki.
She then rested her head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand. 
"Where do you see us ten years from now?"
Yoochun stood up and took a step back from Seul Ki.
"I don't mean to be rude, but I have someone else in mind." he seemed embarrassed and his eyes were stuck looking down.
"So you moved on already? Wow... you're not wasting any time!" Seul Ki's face suddenly darkened.
"Things happen, you know that more than anybody." he glanced at her with a judgmental look. 
"Well go to her.. I heard she started working at that coffee shop, the Warm Cup or something.. I mean what a shame! Don't her parents give her any money?" she let out an intolerable sneer, one that Yoochun couldn't stand anymore. He left without a word.

"And this is where the trays go! Is it so difficult to remember?"
Seo Yun laughed and showed her brightest smile.
"Alright, MANAGER. It's almost ten o'clock, I should be going home." she took off her apron.
"I told you to call me Dong Hyun. What's this distance between us?" they both laughed.
It was a completely different atmosphere from yesterday. The young manager (he was only two years older than Seo Yun), had found a lot of potential in his new employee.
"Mind sharing one last cup with a lonely man?" he acted cute
"Alright. Make it a decaf though, I really don't want to be up all night!"
"Even if it's with a young stud?", he said, as he was preparing the drinks.
"In that case.. I should be leaving cause I don't see any here." she faked looking around the room
"That hurt..." they both laughed
Dong Hyun finally sat next to her on the bar. The Coffee Shop was already closed, and only a few dim lights were struggling to fight against the growing shadow of the night. They toasted with their coffee cups, and took a first sip. Dong Hyun's eyes couldn't keep off Seo Yun. He found her beautiful.

As they were nonchalantly discussing, Yoochun finally arrived in front of the shop, and took a look through the window. The glass was covered with mist, so it took a bit of effort to wipe out the steam. He could see her now, sitting on the counter top. She was laughing in a way he never saw before. He did only know her for just a few days, but she looked like a new person. Confident, cheerful, she even appeared as intimidating. Yoochun couldn't help but smile, though he wished he had been the one by her side. 
He decided to put this selfish voice aside, the one telling him to act and be with her. One last mental picture of her stunning smile, and he walked back to his house in the coolness of the autumn night.


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YEHloverz #1
Chapter 7: What happen? It doesn't make sense...
hananii19 #2
Chapter 7: Whaats happening D:
tangbao #3
Noted!! I'm gonna start writing then =)
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 6: Casual please. Just not the right set up for supernatural. Should have done that at the start to set the mood. Too late now.
ariena84 #5
Chapter 6: Please dont let yoochun die!!!
Chapter 6: nooooooooooooooooo don't killed my chunnie~~~~but you can kill seul ki and donghyunXD