The Convention


Weeks passed, and Seo Yun was getting more and more comfortable in her new environment. Dong Hyun was very satisfied with her work at the coffee shop, to the point that he had named her second manager. She would replace him now and then when he had business out of town, and be in charge of 3 other employees.
At home, she felt at ease with the mom, while Joo Woon was still giving her the creeps from now and then, but he was a reliable brother. As for Yoochun, they had become close friends, but he had kept his word to himself to stay away from her and not try anything while she seemed under the charm of Dong Hyun.

The story continues as Dong Hyun asked Seo Yun to accompany him to a business convention in Busan.

"I'm sorry sir, but we are out of rooms with an additional bed." said the embarrassed reception lady
"So much for reservations... What should we do?" he turned to Seo Yun
"A gentleman like you will sleep on the couch indeed, and leave the bed for me." she grabbed his arm and smiled to him.
"Alright. I guess we'll take the room."
"Very well sir, here's your key."

Up in the room, Seo Yun went to the bathroom to change into her pyjamas.
"You're lucky this convention happens while I'm on vacation!" she shouted from the bathroom.
"I know... how could I do this without you" he said, while undressing to his underpants.
"Wow", she got out of the bathroom and couldn't help notice how strongly built he was. "How about a little decency here?" she .
"Don't say you don't enjoy the view!" he laid down on the couch. Due to his height, the contorted body on the tiny couch would have seemed pitiful to anybody.
"Come up here, it's fine!" said Seo Yun, inviting him to lay on the bed.
Followed an awkward scene of Dong Hyun sliding into the covers, carefully avoiding skin contact with her.
The night went on and it took hours for both of them to finally close their eyes. When one's foot would accidentally touch the other one's, a few babbled words such as
"I'm sorry...", "Well good night..." or "You too...", would ensure that they would be up for some more long minutes.


"Oh, stupid phooneeee!"
Seo Yun slowly opened her eyes to the picture of Dong Hyun's arms embracing her. She didn't dare move for a while, scared to wake him up. She carefully picked up her phone, and read the message.
"How's Busan? Slept well?"
Seo Yun didn't know what to answer. She tried to get up as slowly as possible, but she couldn't help dropping Dong Hyun's hand.
"Don't go, honey..." he mumbled, half asleep.
She rushed to bathroom, confused and anxious. It was probably a mistake, he was obviously dreaming about someone and didn't mean it for her, right? That's what she thought.

It was now time for them to head back to Seoul, but they both agreed to stop and have lunch on the road. This beautifully decorated French restaurant would do perfectly. After being greeted with a "Bonjour!", they were brought to this petite table in the corner, overlooking the sea. 

"It's so fancy here, you shouldn't have!", Seo Yun was unsettled.
"Can't we have a proper meal before hitting the road? And you know I don't like fast food..." he answered.
"Right. But this is almost, romantic... what are you up to?" she laughed as to make him feel uneasy, but she felt that way too!
"It's just a thank you for accompanying me." he did not expect Seo Yun to say that... his whole plan was brought to day light, which made him blush.

The meal was rich, yet refine. The red wine, 'Côtes de Provence', had them both talking more than they should have. Seo Yun opened up about her childhood, something she had not done since her adoption. Dong Hyun talked about his ambition, how he dropped school because he felt like time was flying by, and how he could afford it with wealthy parents. Though, he insisted on making it on his own. Seo Yun smiled to that remark. 
One thing leading to another, Dong Hyun gently caressed Seo Yun's hand, and held it while he was telling her about opening new shops, and hopefully going abroad. But from that moment on, she just sat there, not paying as much attention to the words as to this first showing of affection.

"Why don't you have some more food, my son." said Seo Yun's mom.
"Thank you, but I'm honeslty full." Yoochun politely denied
"Aigoo, I'm sorry Seo Yun is so late! We were expecting her two hours ago! I swear she won't hear the end of it!" she seemed annoyed.
"She texted me a while back, something about traffic. Anyways, I should go back home, my dad will worry." 
"I've been meaning to ask you.." the mom held Yoochun's hand across the table. "Do you, by any mean, like my Seo Yun?" she threw an inquisitive look.
"I... it's... we're friends, you know..." he said, desperately looking for a believable answer.
"I know what friends are, but someone who is willing to wait hours to make sure my Seo Yun will get home safe, while having a dad who will give you the hardest time about your whereabouts!"
Yoochun looked down. He was ashamed of his father and didn't really like talking about him.
"I just hope my Seo Yun is as much of a good friend to you as you are to her!"
"It just means a lot to me that she's there." Yoochun blushed once more, and asked permission to return home.


Seo Yun: Sorry about that. See you tomorrow!
Seul Ki: Did she show up? I'm there, you know. XOXO

How is this possible? How could the girl he wanted be out there with someone else, while the girl that cheated was harassing him. There was just no catching a break. As he thought about his misfortune, Yoochun crossed the street without giving it a look, something he would later regret.

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YEHloverz #1
Chapter 7: What happen? It doesn't make sense...
hananii19 #2
Chapter 7: Whaats happening D:
tangbao #3
Noted!! I'm gonna start writing then =)
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 6: Casual please. Just not the right set up for supernatural. Should have done that at the start to set the mood. Too late now.
ariena84 #5
Chapter 6: Please dont let yoochun die!!!
Chapter 6: nooooooooooooooooo don't killed my chunnie~~~~but you can kill seul ki and donghyunXD