A Peculiar Sibling


On her way back to her house, Seo Yun caught herself thinking about Yoochun... She was just thankful someone was being nice to her. But she sworn herself she was not going to show it. She ought to be a tough girl, that's what life had turned her into.
Comfortably sitting on the bus, she was looking outside to the beauties of Seoul. Never in her life had she seen that many people. The city felt like an anthill, crazily filled with white collar workers, and other businesswomen. It was most certainly a big change with her small village, where everyone made a poor living out of the fields. 
Her daydreaming was abruptly shortened when the bus-driver announced her stop.

Entering the quiet house, she remembered the mom was still at work, and guessed Joo wasn't back from school yet. So she undertook cooking, a way for her to show appreciation for being brought in. She knew she had a golden ticket to a new life, and she sure was not going to mess it up.
Once the meal was ready, she headed to the shower carelessly. As the steam covered the mirrors, a shapeless shadow grew closer to the bathroom. Seo Yun did not feel the cold air entering the room as the door was slowly opening, though the dark reflection on the glass was not lying.

"So how was your day at school?" asked the mom.
It was alright I guess." Seo Yun smiled.
"You know, if people bother you, just tell me! That's what Bros are for!" Joo winked in a way that made Seo Yun uncomfortable. 
"Who would want to do that to that precious girl? Here, have some more vegetables."
"I wanted to thank you guys. I really appreciate what you're doing for me."
"Don't worry, it's a pleasure to have you here. By the way, I have a meeting with associates this week end, so you guys will be on your own. Are you going to be ok?"
"Yeah, don't worry mom. I guess I'll just show her around town and we'll watch movies at night or something" he smiled to Seo Yun.
"That sounds good, I'll leave you some money on the counter so you can order in food. Just make sure you don't bore her!"
"Maybe you would like to invite some new friends of yours?" the mom asked Seo Yun.
"It's fine, I'll get to know Joo better". she smiled as to reassure the mom, though she was growing increasingly worried about spending two days alone with Joo. Something about him just didn't feel right. 

Back to her room after a rich dinner, Seo Yun decided to take on Social Networking. The mother had removed the desk computer from her own room for Seo Yun to have for herself.
 She didn't care about being popular, but trying to fit in was not going to do her any bad. So under much recommandations from Joo, she signed up on Facebook.

"Hmmm... Where are you from? Do I really need to say? Cause I feel like this is not going to help..."  What artists do you like? 
Seo Yun had not have the opportunity to keep up with music at the adoption center. They were only allowed TV on the weekends, and internet was simply inexistent in the rural town.
As she filled up her profile with her actual school, Facebook suggested her some friends to add, including Yoochun. She did not feel the least ashamed that this was the only person she could decently ask as a friend, besides for Joo.


"Do you need help with that?"
"With what?"
"Your profile? It looks desperatly empty! lol"
"Wow... you need an active course of internet vocabulary"
"Do I... haha. Shouldn't you be studying, Mister Big Shot Architect?"
"I was, but your invitation caught my eyes. Can't get enough of me right? haha"
"Don't get over yourself! and I wouldn't want to monopolize you from Seul Ki."
"Nah... there's nothing there."
"If you say so.."
"Anyways, I wanted to ask.. are you doing anything this weekend? There's this party that I don't really care for, but I guess if you joined, I could hep you socializing."
"Should I feel offended? It's nice of you to ask, but I'm supposed to hang out with my new 'brother'."
"Invite him then..." Yoochun got closer to the screen as he hoped for a positive answer.
"I'll ask and get back at you, okay?"
"See you tomorrow!"
Seo Yun is now offline.

If one thing, Seo Yun felt like she was lucky to be here. But independance had always been a personal trait of hers, and a good way to preserve it is to work for your money, that was her strong belief. Off to some job hunting website, she saw a few offers that caught her attention, and decided she would go apply in person the next day. Juggling between studies and work was not going to be easy, but she was used to spicing things up.

"Hey! What's up?" asked Joo as he entered the room.
"I was just looking at job offers. There's this waitress position near school, I'm gonna try and get it."
"That sounds great! Will you be wearing one of those cute tight aprons?"
"I guess so." Seo Yun felt a bit of disgust to that remark, but did not let it show.
"Anyways, I'm sure you'll get it! Good luck!". He exited the room, with his fingers lingering on the door and taking one last look at a concerned Seo Yun.

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YEHloverz #1
Chapter 7: What happen? It doesn't make sense...
hananii19 #2
Chapter 7: Whaats happening D:
tangbao #3
Noted!! I'm gonna start writing then =)
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 6: Casual please. Just not the right set up for supernatural. Should have done that at the start to set the mood. Too late now.
ariena84 #5
Chapter 6: Please dont let yoochun die!!!
Chapter 6: nooooooooooooooooo don't killed my chunnie~~~~but you can kill seul ki and donghyunXD