

"Aren't you done yet? The cab's waiting for you!"
"In a minute!"

As she tried effortlessly to pick up the luggage that solely filled the room, she fell short on the ground and couldn't help shed a tear. Those four walls she spent months hating appeared now as her whole world.
Since that night of January when she was brought in in the middle of the night, she had not stopped wishing her life could go back, back to being the proud daughter that made all the neighbors jealous. She remembered the grass fields, the small pound in the backyard, and the rooster... How much she used to hate him and wished he would just end up on a plate for dinner. But her Dad forbade to ever touch him. It was HIS! And he intended on keeping him until death parts them.. oh the irony.

It didn't matter anymore.

"Here's your bracelet. There's your new adress on it, don't loose it until you get there!"
She was also given a bit of cash, and a pat on the back. That adoption lady never really cared for Seo Yun anyways. She was just trying to reach her quotas of adopted girls.
At last, her friend Ji Min waved her goodbye from the first floor window. That's the last peak at the Center for Young Girls she ever took.

It was already way passed 9 o'clock when Yoochun finally decided to emerge from the bed. One glance at the clock, he was now rushing through the kitchen. He had no time, as usual, so orange juice would do the trick. 5 minutes in the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair, that was also the strictest care he could afford.

"You are late, young boy!"
"Someone had a rough night..."
He was used to his classmates teasing him. He was also used to the first row girls turning around to stare at his handsome face. He honestly didn't pay attention anymore. Girls were just a distraction, a distraction from the brilliant career he was hoping for. 
It was most certainly an ordinary day, except for one thing. The seat next to him, which was usually conveniently empty for him to envade, was now taken.
He could not see her face, hidden by a long and unevenly combed mass of hair. Obviously, this girl didn't care about her look. Her posture also showed she was not open to a conversation. She was just sitting there, drawing something with a pen that looked as if it was about to fall apart. The pencil case, empty and worn out, seemed pitiful and was the matter of mockery from the preppy kids who stared at the girl as much as they could.
Yoochun couldn't help but feel bad for the newcomer, until she looked around to him and frowned as to an ennemy. 

"You need something?"
"Hum... no... I was just.... I'm Yoochun, Park Yoochun, by the way..."
"Smooth." She turned back to her side and sighed loudly.

"How rude!", Yoochun thought to himself. But he couldn't help being intrigued by the girl. From the little she faced him, he saw so much desperation in her eyes. She didn't seem bothered by what troubles other teenage girls. Well, he also got a look at a hot temper, one that would probably not be a delight to be sat next to.

"Be nice okay, she just arrived last night and probably had a rough day at her new school. I expect you to help her settle down"
"Alright... is she a doll or something? What's her name again?"
"Seo Yun! Now go get the cookies! I see the bus has arrived."
Seo Yun walked up to the porch of 'her' new house. She didn't get a good look at it last night since she got there so late. Her new 'mom' just had the time to show her to her room that she fell into a much deserved sleep.
"Let me present you my son, Joo Woon. Joo, give her the cookies!"
"Hi... I guess I'm your new bro!"
Seo Yun felt a strange vibe coming from the boy, but couldn't afford to be rude.
"Hey, it's nice meeting you."
"Alright you guys, why don't you go up to your rooms and start your homework, I'll prepare some stew for dinner. You eat spicy, right?"
"That's all we ate, back in my town."
"Excellent! Joo, make sure she feels at home!"

Seo Yun walked up to the first floor, following Joo as his shadow. She discovered a whole new place. What seemed so gloomy last night was now a perfectly decorated home. A piano was taking almost the entire room that Joo designed as hers. There were dolls, a lot of them. She guessed the mom had a passion. The bed was tiny but seemed really comfortable, and a smell of roses was filling up the place. 
"Mom loves those pot pourris, I think it just stinks..."
As he said these words, Joo left the room, but stopped right in the corridor. There he was, standing behind the door, watching the girl from afar. 
Seo Yun felt spied on, but she didn't dare face the voyeur.. she pretended he wasn't there, and finished unpacking what was left of her old life.


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YEHloverz #1
Chapter 7: What happen? It doesn't make sense...
hananii19 #2
Chapter 7: Whaats happening D:
tangbao #3
Noted!! I'm gonna start writing then =)
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 6: Casual please. Just not the right set up for supernatural. Should have done that at the start to set the mood. Too late now.
ariena84 #5
Chapter 6: Please dont let yoochun die!!!
Chapter 6: nooooooooooooooooo don't killed my chunnie~~~~but you can kill seul ki and donghyunXD