Fitting in

The Psychopath 2: Incarceration

A certain young male stepped into the school compound of Seongji High School with mixed emotions coursing through his body.

Dressed in jeans, hoodie, with a cap turned back and a pair of Chucks, he gripped his books tightly in his right hands, hoping that it would ease the fear that is gripping the tails of his pounding heart. He wasn't sure if it's the right thing to do. Heck, he hadn't been to school for 4 years. He breathed in and out to get rid of the fear and nodded his head in determination *I can do this.*

Cha Hakyeon strode into the school with renewed confidence. He entered the office to find an old lady, with a tight bun and eyeglass, sitting by her desk, looking busy.

"Hi, good morning." He politely greeted.

"What?" The old lady replied, rather rudely, without looking up.


"OH CURSE YOU! YOU STUPID CHESS GAME!" The old lady raised her hands in the air in defeat. Hakyeon blinked at her sudden outburst. She finally noticed him and adjusted her glasses.

"What do you want?" She asked, annoyed.

He nervously handed her a large manila envelope. "Here."

"What is this?" She took the envelope and eyed it suspiciously.

"My enrollment with this school." He replied.

The lady look at him as if he was crazy. "Isn't it too late for you to enroll? Sorry we don't do any enrollment at this time. You should try the elementary school a few blocks away. They might accept." She threw the manila envelope back at him and went back to play chess on her computer desktop.

"You might want to take a look what's inside the envelope. It's not up to me. The government instructed me to get enrolled here. If you don't accept me, it's like you're going against the government." He calmly explained.

The old lady furrowed her eyebrow and snatched the envelope back while cursing rapidly under her breath.


"You five. Out now." The bald officer bark at them once the cell gate was unlocked.

"I hate Porky Pig." Zico muttered. "Let's go." Himchan lead the pack out.

The five boys lined up side by side outside their cell. The bald officer smirk at them and waited by the side. JR look down at the officer's name tag. It read Jun Seok. He then nudge Zico and nodded towards the officer.

"What are you guys looking at?". Jun Seok stepped up, angered by the fact he was being the laughing subject of the two guys.

"Nothing. But nice name, Porky." Zico snickered causing the other four boys to snicker as well.

The clucking of shoes were heard and all of them immediately kept silence. The man who they saw earlier on stood right in front of them with a stern expression. He is a tall, handsome guy with a muscular body underneath the suit he was wearing. His eyes look like slits and he resembles the Korean Confucian scholar Yi Hwang, whose image is on 1000 Won bills.

"I am your warden. My name is Kim Joo Won. You do not call me by my name. But you call me Sir. Is that clear?" He demanded, looking at the boys' face one by one. The boys faced forward without any response.

Joo Won raised his right eyebrow and walk towards the boys, stopping at JR. He lean close but JR didn't back away. "Is that clear?!" He raise his voice. Without flinching JR answered, "Yes."

"Yes who?" He taunted.

"Yes Sir!" JR yelled out.

Joo Won smirk and back away. He walk towards each of the boys with his hands behind his back. He stopped in front of Zico, who was a few centimetres shorter than him. He grabbed a fistful of Zico's blonde hair and roughly turn his head to the side. "Who told you to style your hair like this? Whose rules did you follow?" He let go of his hair and walk towards Kai and Himchan. Zico gritted his teeth in anger. No one messes with his asset, but he kept silent. Joo Won eyed Himchan's piercings. "In here, you have to follow my rules and my way. You eat, when I tell you to eat. You pee, when I tell you to pee. You sleep, when I tell you to sleep. Understand?"

"Yes Sir." They chorused.

"I can't hear you!"

"YES SIR!" They yelled louder this time, all except one. Joo Won turned to Kai. He grip Kai's shoulder and squeeze it hard.

"I didn't hear you say yes. Do you understand me or not?" Joo Won commented.

"Yes Sir." Kai replied

"What?" He leaned closer.

"YES SIR!" Kai yelled out.

Satisfied, Joo Won stepped back. "Get back in your cell."

The boys piled back into their cell with a new hatred towards their warden.


Hakyeon walk through the corridor, accompanied by the principal.

"So, where do you stay?" The principal, Mr Lee, ask him, making small talks.

"Oh, I'm staying at the place where I work." Hakyeon admitted, partly embarrassed.

"Where do you work then?" Mr Lee ask again, curious to as why he isn't staying with his family.

"I work at the car workshop, it's 15 minutes from school." Hakyeon replied, truthfully.

"Do they know about your...." Mr Lee felt bad saying it out loud.

"Oh yes, the boss knows. He seem to understand what I went through." Hakyeon gave a small smile.

"I see. Very well. I hope you'll buck up. You have missed a lot and the final exams are in 7 months time. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me or your other subject teachers." Mr Lee smiled.

"Yes sir, I will. Thank you." Hakyeon returned the smile, grateful for having a kind-hearted principal.

"Come, I'll show you to your class." Mr Lee offered and lead the way.

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Like hyeee not trying to be rude or something but its been a year, like really i want an update
YunaJi #2
Chapter 5: Please update!
Chapter 5: Aigoooo kai ^^ ! Please update !
inolas #4
Chapter 5: Awwww Kai, how can anyone forget about you ... and authornim can't wait for U to explain what Zico did to get him there ... please update soon ~
unnie, please do update :) really love your story~~ <3
Chapter 5: ur story z daebAk!! i found t vry lte n i read psychopath at a stretch n gt to part 2 nw ts 1.30 a.m n i hv wrk early mrng bt im stil so hookd.. i love dz story.. hpe u vl update vry soon. ^.^
Chapter 5: Unnie ! PLEASE UPDATE !!
Chapter 5: Lol, Zico was the waiter at the cafe, and also the.. Uh, shop where Se Ri, Baek and Eunji (?) went to, right? What happened to him? XDDD excited for the update!
Chapter 5: *did seri forgot about me?* AWWWWW JONGIN AWW