
The Psychopath 2: Incarceration

The iron door to the cell unlocked and the warden stepped in. The 5 boys stopped fooling around with each other and look up to see Kim Joo Won.
"Oh brother." Zico mumbled. They took their own sweet time to line up before him. Joo Won scanned each of the boys with his sharp eyes.
"What now?" Kai bravely spoke up. Joo Won's eyes stopped at him. With slow steps, he made his way towards the boy with jet-black hair and came nose to nose with him.

"I believe I have forgotten to mention that in here, you need to learn the word respect. Repeat after me. RESPECT." Joo Won taunted. Kai remained silent.

"Do you think I am fooling around with you fools?!" Joo Won snapped at him. "No, sir!" Kai shouted.
"Then spell out RESPECT for me now." He glared at him.
"R.E.S.P.E.C.T. SIR!" Kai spelled out.

With a satisfied smirk, he stepped back and look at the other boys. He locked his hands behind him and treaded around the cell. "This is my place and in my place, you learn things my way. Got it?"

"YES, SIR!" The boys chorused.

"Good. Free time starts in 5 mins. Go change and get to the court. Stay out of trouble." Joo Won turned and left.

When they were sure the warden was gone, Zico cheered and took off his t-shirt instantly to change.  "Holy Lord! Free time!"

The rest of the boys went to change and went out to the court.

Once they reached the court, they saw the other residences playing basketball, with a few officers supervising the area in case hell breaks loose. Himchan found a spot on the bleachers by the court and made his way towards it with his hands in his pockets. The boys joined him and settled down. The other residences were too preoccupied to notice their new inmates.

"That damn warden. I hate how he looks down on us. Everyone does." JR kick the dirt under his shoes.
"Of course he does. We are a bunch of garbage, aren't we?" L.Joe bit scornfully.
"That's enough. Whatever we do, people always look down on us. So, the best way is to ignore those accusations. If those people here are trying to get on our nerves, we don't get involve and start a fight. Are we clear here?" Himchan spoke. Being the oldest among the boys, he had to be the level headed one. Kai agreed with him.

Out of the blue, a basketball flew in between them. "Holy !" Zico jerked backwards. The boys turned their heads only to lock eyes with a sinister looking male. He was standing a 6 feet away from them with a smirk on his face. He brought his hands up in the air, mocking the surrender stance.

"Woops. My bad."

His friends cracked up behind him. "What the hell is your problem, man?" Zico snatched the ball off the ground angrily and twirl it with his fingers.

"So, you're the newbies huh? My minion told me. Anyway, I'm Yong Junhyung. But my boys call me Dragon. You guys should too." Junhyung narrowed his eyes at Zico and the smirk vanished instead it was replaced with a cold facade. "You guys play ball? Why don't your boys and mine have a little playtime together? You know, get to know one another?"

Himchan, JR and L.Joe glared at him. Kai didn't like Junhyung already. He could smell trouble from him. Zico stopped spinning the ball with his fingers, caught it and  threw the ball back to Junhyung. "Game on."

Everyone gathered to the center of the court excpet for Kai and Himchan. Himchan hopped off the bleachers and turn to Kai.

"Be careful of him." he warned and walked away.


Se Ri walked towards the school canteen with her close female friend, Hinata.

"Hey Se Ri! Hey Hinata!", a group of seniors walked past them with bright smiles. "Hello sunbaes!" Both the girls waved back.

Ever since Se Ri started high school again, she had gained new and nice friends. She had decided she wanted to get a local diploma to get a proper job. Her previous diploma was only in the English Language so she wanted more than just a language diploma. She had enrolled herself into a high school near her house, Seongji High School and had bumped into a lost Japanese girl, Hinata. From that point onwards, both of them had become best friends. Chanyeol had return to the States after recuperating from the previous incident. He was living happily with his girlfriend and he had planned to propose to her after he graduate. Se Ri was happy for him but she couldn't help but be envious of their relationship. Previously, Baekhyun had confessed to her and they had been together for 5 months but they had to split when Baekhyun had to work on a dangerous case with his father.

"I'm sorry Se Ri. I don't know what else to say but to apologize. I want to be with you, I really want to so badly, but I couldn't risk your safety with my line of job. I hope you find someone better than me. Someone who could love you more than I do. Goodbye Se Ri."

That was the last that she heard from Baekhyun and so far she's been coping well with the breakup.

"So, what shall we get for lunch today?" Hinata tapped her chin and looked up at the menu board. "What we always get everyday...?" Se Ri mused. "Right, I always ask the same question and we ended up eating the same thing everyday. Silly me." She lightly slapped her forehead with her palm and laughed.

"Hello ladies....." A voice purred from behind them.

Se Ri groaned. If there's one person she dislike the most in school, it was the owner of the voice, Go Sanggil.

Se Ri lost her appetite, dragged Hinata and left the canteen, treating as if he was nonexitent. Sanggil blocked her path and gave her a cheesy grin. Hinata's eyes were hard. She didn't like Sanggil particularly because he was a flirt and a big time trouble maker in school. And to top it all, he was the handsome jjang of the school.

"Lunch? You can come sit with me. Or...sit on me." He patted his lap. His friends burst out into laughter. "Hmm, what's so funny?" Sanggil blinked his eyes and turned to his friends then back to her. His friends shook their head and laughed somemore.

"Anyways Se Ri..." Sanggil bent down to meet her eyes and put his hands on her shoulders which she shrugged it away fast. Sanggil blinked and put his hands in his pockets. "Fiesty, me love feisty. Anywhooo, are you free tonight? I'll come pick you up at your home. Then I'll drive you to my home and we can play in my queen size bed. Now how does that sound?" He suggested cleverly with his trademark grin.

Se Ri rolled her eyes. "Get a life, Sanggil." She grabbed Hinata with her and went pass him but he yanked her back. Hinata stumbled back but managed to catch her footing.

"Hey!" Se Ri snapped and rubbed her sore wrist. Sanggil took a step towards her and smirked.

"Shouldn't you be glad that a jjang like me wants to go out with you? Other girls would throw themselves at me. But I only see you. So how about it Se Ri? Tonight, me and you?"

Out of nowhere, a book landed on Sanggil's head. Se Ri and Hinata gasp. "Oww !" Sanggil rubbed his head and frantically look around. "Who the did that?!" He yelled and look at his friends. His friends stepped back and shrugged. Sanggil look up to the second level to find the culprit but there was no one in sight. Cursing under his breath, he picked the book up and flung it far away. "When I catch you, you're dead!" He yelled to no one and left with his friends.

Se Ri and Hinata stared at each other and broke into an uncontrollable laughter. Se Ri went to pick up the book that Sanggil had flung and dusted it off. She read the title "For One More Day", written by her favourite author, Mitch Albom. She looked up and noticed a guy standing on the second level of the school building who was staring at her. His eyes were cat-like and his skin was tanned. Then it dawned on her that he was the one who had thrown the book on Sanggil's head. Se Ri was about to go after him when Hinata called out, distracting her. She looked back to the second level to find the guy nowhere in sight. Se Ri was baffled and looked around. Her shoulder sank in depression.

"Whoever you are, thank you for saving me from that ." She whispered under her breath and walked away. Hakyeon peered from behind the pillar and watch her receding back. He didn't know why his heart reacted in weird way the moment he stared into her eyes, even if it was for just a few seconds. He decide not to look to much into it and went to the library to get away from the crowd.


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Like hyeee not trying to be rude or something but its been a year, like really i want an update
YunaJi #2
Chapter 5: Please update!
Chapter 5: Aigoooo kai ^^ ! Please update !
inolas #4
Chapter 5: Awwww Kai, how can anyone forget about you ... and authornim can't wait for U to explain what Zico did to get him there ... please update soon ~
unnie, please do update :) really love your story~~ <3
Chapter 5: ur story z daebAk!! i found t vry lte n i read psychopath at a stretch n gt to part 2 nw ts 1.30 a.m n i hv wrk early mrng bt im stil so hookd.. i love dz story.. hpe u vl update vry soon. ^.^
Chapter 5: Unnie ! PLEASE UPDATE !!
Chapter 5: Lol, Zico was the waiter at the cafe, and also the.. Uh, shop where Se Ri, Baek and Eunji (?) went to, right? What happened to him? XDDD excited for the update!
Chapter 5: *did seri forgot about me?* AWWWWW JONGIN AWW