Did you forget about me?

The Psychopath 2: Incarceration

The siren went off as usual, indicating to all the convicts that they were supposed to wake up. The officers went around banging on their doors shouting for them to wake up at the top of their lungs.

Kai was the first one to get out of his bunk. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. For a moment he thought he wasn't at the correctional facility. A loud bang was heard outside their door accompanied with annoying shouts.

*s* Kai sighed and hopped down from his bunk. Himchan was already awake and he told Kai to wake the rest up. He went over to Zico's bunk and found the guy drooling on his pillow.

"Hey, get up." Kai said. Zico mumbled something incoherent, shifted his sleeping position and farted out loud. Kai stepped back, stunned. Then he grew annoyed. In one swift move, Kai snatched the pillow from below Zico's head and slapped him in the face with it. Immediately Zico woke up. "What the , dude?"

"Get up." Kai kicked the bottom bunk where JR was snoring out way too loud and walked away.

Soon enough everyone started to wake up and in no time, the "Porky Pig" officer Jun Seok, entered and brought them out to the back of the facility. Outside, the facility was surrounded with barb wires and electric fences.

"Pick up those rakes and get to work!" He barked.

Grumpily, all the five convicts picked up their rakes and started to rake all the dried leaves to one corner. JR playfully used his rake as a microphone and began to rap to a song. Zico who found it amusing, played along. His eyes noticed someone at a corner and stopped playing. He nudge JR and the latter stopped rapping.

"Kim Jonghyun, Woo Jiho. Follow me." One of the bald officer announced.

Zico and JR looked at each other. Zico raised his eyebrows questioningly and JR responded with a shrug. The rest of the boys whispered amongst themselves but continued to work. Zico and JR were led into the facility and into a room. They froze in their steps and their eyes grew wide.

"Mom!" Zico exclaimed. He ran over and went into his mother's embrace. "My son.." Mrs Woo, his son's head and cried. Zico cupped his mother's face and kissed her cheeks and forehead. "Mom, I miss you."

JR's shocked face was evident. He stared at the petite figure in front of him. "Jonghyun-ah.." The petite figure called out to him in an angelic voice that he missed the most. "Lee Haeri..." He whispered. He couldn't believe that she had come visited him. Haeri dared approach him and wrapped her arms around him. "Jonghyun-ah." She called out again with a cracked voice. "I miss you so much." JR softened and wrapped his arms around her skinny body.

Dragon's minion, Yoseob, snooped outside the room. "Are there visitors for me?" He asked the officer who was guarding the entrance of the room. "No." He snapped. Yoseob clucked his tongue and walked off.

Zico and his mom sat beside each other. "How are you doing, Jiho? Are you eating healthily?" She rubbed his shoulders affectionally. Zico smiled and nodded his head. "Yes mom, I'm doing alright. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'll be out of this place soon." "That's good to hear. I was just worried about you. I never slept well these few nights. I kept having bad dreams about you." She started to cry. Zico hugged his mother and assured her that everything is going to be fine.

JR and Haeri sat across each other. Truthfully, JR had missed her so much. He thought she would have left him after what he had done to her. Haeri smiled at him with twinkling eyes. She brought out a tupperware box and sat in on the table in front of him. "For you." 

"What is it?" He took off the lid and stared at it's contents. Inside, sat 6 delicious fresh-baked cupcakes, which happened to be his favourite. He look back at her with surprise. "Eat up." JR grew speechless. He felt terrible at the moment. He thought back at how much he had hurt her with his unintentional words and how he had broken up with her the night of her birthday after she found out about his gang activitiy. He closed the lid and her face fell. "You don't like it?" JR abruptly stood up and walked over to her. He pulled her up and swept down to capture her lips. Haeri was shocked but most of all she felt happy. They broke apart and he gazed into her loving brown eyes. "I'm sorry, Haeri." He whispered. Haeri gave a sad smile and buried her face in the crook of his neck. "I love you, Kim Jonghyun." JR embraced her tightly and vowed to never let her go once he was released from this hell hole. "I love you too, Lee Haeri."

Visiting hours were over, Zico and JR went back to their cells. When they entered, they were instantly bombarded with questions.

"Where did those damned officers brought you to?" Himchan interrogated. Zico spoke up, "Apparently today was visiting day."

Everyone was silent.

"Who came for you guys?" Kai asked.

"My mom." "My girlfriend."

The three of them who hadn't had any visitors felt a pang of loneliness.

*Did Se Ri forgot about me?* Kai thought.


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Like hyeee not trying to be rude or something but its been a year, like really i want an update
YunaJi #2
Chapter 5: Please update!
Chapter 5: Aigoooo kai ^^ ! Please update !
inolas #4
Chapter 5: Awwww Kai, how can anyone forget about you ... and authornim can't wait for U to explain what Zico did to get him there ... please update soon ~
unnie, please do update :) really love your story~~ <3
Chapter 5: ur story z daebAk!! i found t vry lte n i read psychopath at a stretch n gt to part 2 nw ts 1.30 a.m n i hv wrk early mrng bt im stil so hookd.. i love dz story.. hpe u vl update vry soon. ^.^
Chapter 5: Unnie ! PLEASE UPDATE !!
Chapter 5: Lol, Zico was the waiter at the cafe, and also the.. Uh, shop where Se Ri, Baek and Eunji (?) went to, right? What happened to him? XDDD excited for the update!
Chapter 5: *did seri forgot about me?* AWWWWW JONGIN AWW