"House Warming"

The Psychopath 2: Incarceration

The bus tyres screech to a noisy stop. The gravel was steaming hot due to the friction between the ground and tyres. Dust covered the air, slowly blending into the thick polluted fog. Cold wind blew, rattling the almost trees, snapping a few thin branches in half. The bus let out a grunt causing the 5 convicts to look up. With their hands cuffed and feet chained to their wrists, their movements were restricted. One of the convicts, scooted over to the window and studied the environment outside of the suffocating armoured bus. He wrinkled his nose and scooted back to his original position.

The driver turn around from his seat, resting his arms on the torn backrest. He look through the safety fence that separates him from the 5 convicts, with disgust.






He took out the tooth pick from the corner of his mouth.

"We've reached your new home." He laugh uproarously. The convicts stared at him as if he had gone nuts. When he got no response in return, he cleared his throat in embarassment and straightened his face.

"Idiot." The blonde guy with sharp eyes snickered and look away, shaking his head.

"Do you know why you are here? Trashes like you don't belong out there, you'll only be a nuisance to the society. Might as well get stuck here with your kind. Now get out!" He pressed the button by the side of his steering wheel and the bus door opened noisily. A few officers from the Cheongguk Juvenile Correctional Institute are already on standby, ready to the new residents to their cells.

"What are you trashes waiting for? Get out of here!" He yelled.

Kai gritted his jaw in resentment and curled his fist. Rolling their eyes, one by one got up and piled out of the bus. Kai got up and pause. He glared at the driver with hatred burning in his heart. The driver look at him through his rearview mirror. "What are you looking at?"

Kai scoffed and went down the bus. The driver quickly shut the door, curse under his breath and drove off. The officers surround them almost instantly and stood behind them with their guard up, in case they decide to flee.

The 5 new residents of Cheongguk Juvenile Correctional Institute stood in a straight line and squinted at the building in front of them. It looks abandoned, brooding and neglected. The small field was overgrown. Sickly green weeds are creeping over the path and the walls. The small drain is covered in slime. A small popping sound comes from the drain, as if something is somehow still alive in there. The light from the setting sun is reflected in the grimy windows and the building seems to be studying them through the bloodshot eyes of an evil old man.

"Home sweet home baby." The one with the black pointy hair sarcastically bit.

The shorter one examine the place and tip-toe to get a better look over the fence.

"What's wrong shorty Joe? Need a boost?" The blonde, Zico, and the jet-black haired guy, JR, snickered.

L.Joe glared at them. " you."

They were interrupted by the yelling of the officers behind them. "MOVE IT!"

"Geez, this old man needs to get his D stuffed up his hole." Zico commented.

Suddenly, Kai and the other guy with slanted eyes, Himchan, were pushed violently from the back, almost tripping them. "FASTER! FASTER!" The fat bald officer barked.

Himchan stopped abruptly and turn to face the bald officer. It took every ounce of his willpower not to punch the guy in the face. Everyone stared at the scene. Himchan move closer to the officer, almost touching foreheads. The bald officer shrunk back, in fact, almost all the officers did the same thing. Himchan look him straight in the eyes. "If you have a problem with me, write it on a piece of paper, fold it and stick it up your ."

L.Joe look away and tried to hide his laughter. Zico and JR burst out laughing. Kai smirked.

"ENOUGH!" someone yelled.

They look up and saw a man, possibly in his mid 30's, walking towards them.


The officers immediately straighten up and saluted the man. The bald officer cleared his throat, "Sir, the new residents of the institute are here. I believe they will be quite a handful." He glance at Himchan, who backed away slowly. With a confident smirk, the officer proudly claim. "Don't worry sir, I took care of them."

"Pffffftttt." Zico snorted.

The man studied the boys then nodded to the officers. "Bring them inside."

"Yes sir." The officers chorused. He look at the boys for the last time and walk back inside.

The boys drag themselves into the building with an officer each by their side. Other residents of the institute crowded around the main entrance to check out their new inmates. The residents exchange heated glances with the boys, a normal "greeting" whenever a new resident arrives.

They reach their cell and were uncuffed. They rubbed their sore wrists and ankles. Then each of them were slapped in the face with a plain white tee, shorts and flip flops.

"Change into these. Come out in 5 minutes." the officer commanded.

"How about...no?" JR retort. Zico pulled his shirt up to his face and hid his laughter behind it.

The gates slammed shut and the boys took their own sweet time to change.


Racing across the canteen, a minion went in search of his master.

"Dragon! Dragon!"

The senior resident of Cheongguk Juvenile Correctional Institute was lounging at the back of the canteen with a can of Redbull in his hands.



Junhyung look up and saw his minion coming towards him. He rolled his eyes and gulp down the contents in one go.


Annoyed, Junhyung crush the can of redbull and throw it at his minion's head which he dodged swiftly. "Shut the up, Yeoseob. I'm not deaf."

"Listen! We have new "arrivals". Yeoseob quoted with his fingers and excitedly chirped.

Junhyung straightened up and Yeoseob fed him in with juicy details. Junhyung lips twitched into an evil smile. "It's time to say hello."

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Like hyeee not trying to be rude or something but its been a year, like really i want an update
YunaJi #2
Chapter 5: Please update!
Chapter 5: Aigoooo kai ^^ ! Please update !
inolas #4
Chapter 5: Awwww Kai, how can anyone forget about you ... and authornim can't wait for U to explain what Zico did to get him there ... please update soon ~
unnie, please do update :) really love your story~~ <3
Chapter 5: ur story z daebAk!! i found t vry lte n i read psychopath at a stretch n gt to part 2 nw ts 1.30 a.m n i hv wrk early mrng bt im stil so hookd.. i love dz story.. hpe u vl update vry soon. ^.^
Chapter 5: Unnie ! PLEASE UPDATE !!
Chapter 5: Lol, Zico was the waiter at the cafe, and also the.. Uh, shop where Se Ri, Baek and Eunji (?) went to, right? What happened to him? XDDD excited for the update!
Chapter 5: *did seri forgot about me?* AWWWWW JONGIN AWW