Two Points Of View (Ravi - Part Four)


Hello Lovelies ~ Just an fyi for all of you that there is blood in this chapter, so I hope you're not sqeaumish ;)

Please enjoy and check out "Into The Light" if you're looking for something longer than some mini series! <3

Don't be afraid to comment either ~




It’s been three hours since Connor had sent N to have a sniff of Ravi but he had still not returned. Being a shape shifter, N was used to moving on all fours and normally did tasks, at the most, in an hour so my worry was building as I paced through the store front.

“Connor, I think I’m going to go find Ravi… N never takes this long.”

Connor gives me a strange look before fiddling with the potions aligned on the countertop, three green ones and a red one all lined up according to size.

“It wouldn’t hurt, just promise to call once you reach Ravi’s house,” She orders.

I nod in compliance and as I’m heading through the door Connor stops me.

“Wait,” she says as she runs towards me, “Take this.”

She lays a small flask of green liquid in my hand and I look at her questioningly.

“It’s just a hunch, but if he has something animalistic inside him this potion will bring out that blood. But don’t use it on him unless he complies,” She orders once more.

“Okay, I promise,” I tell her while slipping the small bottle into my bag.

I walk through the door and soon find myself wandering through a sea of people once more but this time I am more urgent to reach my destination.

I pull my cell phone from out of my purse and dial Ravi’s number. It rings a few times before I hear his voice cooing my name from the other end.

“Sera, what-”

“Are you at home?” I ask eagerly, worry growing in my stomach.

“Yeah, I went for a walk earlier, but I found something interesting.”

“Ah, that’s good… You’ll have to tell me when I get there.”

“Oh, it’s starting already,” he breathes into the phone.

I smirk for a moment at how y his voice sounds, a part of me pushing me to walk faster to his door. My skin becomes oddly hot but I shake my head to try and remember the task at hand. For some reason, urges when Ravi implied we were having were getting more difficult to tear down… Was it something to do with who he truly was?

“I’ll see you in a couple minutes, I’m just a block away… I love you,” I tell him breathlessly.

“I love you too,” he replies with.

I hang up and quickly enough I am sauntering down the alleyway to his apartment. I can’t seem to stop my feet from moving as the fire escape inches closer. Just as before it only takes me seconds to levitate to his second story window and I rap on it mercilessly.

It takes a few moments before his eyes meet with mine, a somewhat shocked expression taking over his features. He pushes the window open and I climb through it, my eyes scanning the living room apartment before his hands wrap around my waist to distract me.

“Hi beautiful,” He whispers against my earlobe.

He nips at it softly and I sigh quietly in pleasure.

“I only left a few hours ago,” I tell him as my hands slide over his on my stomach, “how can you be so… active already?”

He chuckles and the feeling of his laughter brings a bright smile to my face.

“I can’t seem to help myself around you,” He tells me.

I laugh at his answer but feel the exact same way oddly… Was there a creature that mated like this? Did they find someone and fulfill their ual desires? He couldn’t be an incubus, could he? I only knew of one who was cross bred with a vampire and his chic, ageless expression was nothing compared to the way Ravi was.

My thoughts are broken when I hear a faint ‘meow’ and my eyes pop open in surprise as a familiar black cat struts around the corner with its tail flicking wildly.

“N,” I say though tight lips.


“That… that cat, its name is N,” I tell him awkwardly as I pull out of his embrace and walk towards it.

“How do you know-”

“It’s Connors,” I tell him with a smile as I bend down to pat his head, “She’s been searching for it all day.”

The worry from before has completely left my body as N rubs the top of his head against my palm.

“Ah, I see… I was hoping to have a pet too,” He tells me with a laugh.

“I’ll take him back -”

“Not so fast,” Ravi orders, his arms scooping me up quickly.

I yelp as he begins to walk towards his bedroom, N’s yellow eyes following me with a grumpy expression.

“You’re not leaving till I get what was promised to me.”

He places me on the bed and even though N is in the next room, and I should be calling Connor, I can’t stop him… I can’t stop myself. Part of me is worried but part of me can’t help but say doing this is right.

“Can I take him back later? You can walk me home?” I ask as he closes the door roughly.

“Yes,” he breathes before crawling over top of me.

My arms run along his muscles which are easily felt through his zip-up and I smirk to myself as I let my body do the talking for the next little while.


Ravi’s sleep induced body lay beside me and I do my best to sneak from the bed without disturbing the sleeping beast… Was that statement going to be true at some point?

I pull on a pair of his shorts and zip-up and tip toe from the room, the door only creaking slightly. When it clicks closed I am not surprised to see N’s four footed frame giving me the stink eye by the kitchen door.

His tail flicks nervously and he turns round to wander into the bathroom. I sigh and follow suit, closing the door behind me. N has transformed already and is standing with his back against the wall near the shower. He crosses his arms as his eyes scrutinize my expression.

“Really?” He asks through tight lips.

I shrug in response with a small smirk.

“You could have at least let me have ‘escaped’… But instead I listened to you… Ugh.”

“N, I’m sorry…” I tell him with a pout.

In return he rolls his eyes, waving the topic away with a gesture of his hands.

“To the more prominent topic at hand,” He whispers, listening to make sure Ravi hasn’t risen from his bed yet, “He is no plain, black, white and grey human.”

My mouth hangs open, “N, please tell me you’re being serious.”

“I wouldn’t make a joke about this; that kid reeks of some type of wet dog. I couldn’t quite smell it at first, but when he picked me up and held me close to his neck… it’s all I could smell in his veins.”

“What – what does that even mean?” I question, my fingers trembling at the thought of Ravi being less than he said he was… Did he even know?

“It means your boyfriend is a werewolf, an animagus or shape shifter like me.”

“N, that is impossible… He thinks it’s stupid when I talk about Connor,” I tell him with a frustrated tone.

“Well then he must not know anything… It could be his bloodline, where he comes from, but he needs to know. Not just about him but you too.”

I shake in fear and when I am about to respond I hear a rap coming from the front door.

“Are you ting me right now?” I mutter through gritted teeth, “Wait here.”

I walk from the bathroom, moving my feet quickly down the hallway.

Whoever is there knocks again and I sigh, “Coming.”

When I reach the door I throw it open and I am greeted with a pale, dark haired man. He looks a few years older than me and there is an air that he carries that seems utterly familiar to me. He has a long black jacket on and a pair of dark khakis on his lower half. His shoes and button up are both dull leather and there is a strange chain hanging from his neck.

“Hi, can I help you?” I ask with a curious tone.

“I think you can,” he whispers through a suave smile.


All too quickly my body is being thrown against the wall in the living room, although his hands haven’t touched me yet. I yelp in pain as my head bounces against the ground when I land. I look up from my position on the floor and take note of the purple glow emitting from his fingers.

My fingers highlight themselves with a blue colour as I try to reef the door closed with a spell but he is too quick compared to me. He’s in the apartment and the door has shut itself as he walks towards me.

He uses the same spell from earlier to lift me off the floor once more but this time he flings me against the opposite wall. This time I scream in pain as I hear my right arm crack. I manage to whisper my levitation spell before I hit the floor, saving me from any further pain.

I hear feet scrambling and when I look in the direction they come from I see both N and Ravi standing to the entrance to the living room.

Ravi looks like he is in absolute horror when we make eye contact. He clamps his eyes closed for a moment, his gaze searching the room. I can hear his heavy breathing and I feel fear leech its way through my system.

“What… Is… It’s so bright in here,” Ravi manages to mumble as he squeezes his eyes closed once more. He crumbles to his knees, his baggy black shorts quieting the thud they make when they come in contact with the ground.

The dark haired man’s eyes flow to Ravi’s hunched figure, his fingers following suit but before they point at him, N is standing before him.

“I don’t think so,” he mumbles roughly with scrutinizing eyes.

The man scoffs, “A shield? She would put something on you like that.”

I breathe heavily before lifting the arm free of pain, my fingers glowing blue once more. For just a moment I have control of his body so I roughly push it against the door.

He flinches for a second and in that time I can use a shielding spell around myself.

I’m not used to combat spells; I’ve barely been trained in such things.

“What do you want?” I ask loudly as my gaze turns to Ravi.

He’s hunched over in what looks like pain for some reason.

“What did you do to him?”

N can’t turn around to look at him. It would distract him in using the only power he had other than speed to protect someone we assumed was human as of right now.

I swear he hasn’t laid a finger on Ravi since entering the apartment. I try to lift my broken arm from my side but as it moves, a shooting pain crawls through it. I yelp in pain once more, my shield flickering as the dark haired man analyzes the situation at hand.

“Not a thing my dear, he must finally be seeing the light…”

He sends a spell at me, pushing through my weakening shield to throw my body against the window. My levitation spell catches me briefly before I hit the floor and I am thankful the glass has only cracked from my weight.

N flinches when I see him but I tell him to keep himself halted.

“Don’t… Stay in front of him,” I breathe as my head begins to pound.

“Sera…” Ravi growls quietly and for some reason I can only feel fear rising in my system.

“Ravi,” I say aloud while eyeing him, “I can explain once this is over, well part of it at least.”

He doesn’t answer, but only moans in response so I take my eyes away from both him and N to concentrate on the man who stood before me with no name.

“What… What do you want… From me?”

He chuckles loudly and when I try to push myself from the floor he pushes me back down immediately.

“Oh my dear, I want everything from your blood to your magick.”

I gasp at his words. How could he take that from me?

Quicker than the wind, he is standing over me and flipping me onto my back. When I look him over, there is a knife in his hands and he roughly grabs at my broken arm.

I make an unpleasurable noise as he brings it to my skin but before he can use it I see N’s hands wrapping round his neck and pulling him away.

The man grunts in frustration when N throws him to the ground, his strength kicking in as he begins to transform into what looks like a grey wolf. He gives a low growl and bears his teeth in anger. He is growling as he mounts the man’s shoulders while he lay on the ground.

My gaze jumps to Ravi who is groaning in pain and with all my efforts I try to throw a shield around him. As the blue surrounds him, his head tilts up in surprise and he looks to meet my gaze with both melancholy and anger showing in his expression.

“Ravi?” I say loudly as I attempt to gain his full attention.

His skin has taken on a red tone and I can’t help but cry as he lets out a howl of pain. His eyes leave me and both of his hands dart to his face.

What was happening to him? Not once had I seen the man in the long jacket use magic whatsoever on him.

I hear N howl and when my pupils fleet to him, I see him looking from Ravi to the man below him. He tries to bite at the man’s neck, but compared to his magic, he is weak.

“Get off, you filthy mutt!” the man yells.

In an instant he is throwing N from himself against the wall beside them. N yelps in pain and before he hits the floor he has transformed into his human self. He doesn’t move and I only hope that he hasn’t suffered any internal injuries.

The man’s purple glow is emitting from his entire being when I see him stand. He stalks in front of Ravi and I scream from my spot on the floor.

“Aren’t you a peculiar creature? Most of your line has gone extinct,” He mutters as he takes a moment to the sniff the air around him.

“Don’t you dare hurt him – just get away from him,” I beg as I try to flip my body over to drag myself towards them.

“Ah ah ah, you won’t be going anywhere.”

He uses a spell to flip me onto my back and I groan in pain as he comes to stand over me. The knife from before has pressed against my wrist and the cool metal is unnerving.

“This will be somewhat quick,” he tells me.

My eyes widen as the knife slides against my skin, the grated tip digging into my skin and ripping apart any veins that may be close to the surface.

I scream once more before he grabs the other wrist and does the same, blood beginning to pour out of me profusely.

“Why…?” I breathe heavily as my lids become heavy.

He smiles evilly as his index finger against my bloodied flesh. It stings horribly and my eyes widen again for what I hope isn’t the last time…

I feel weak as he lays both of my arms by my side and I begin to feel the blood pool underneath me and soak through Ravi’s sweatshirt.

“Because I need it…”

His fingers which have my blood on them are drawing around me, something that seems like a tranation circle. I make out a groan that is similar to the sound of N and I pray that he can protect Ravi when this was over.

The man brings a black bottle from his waist and holds it over me as he begins to whisper a Latin incantation.

My eyes flutter and I feel water pour from my eyes and my body twinges in pain. The blue aura I was so used to starts flowing out of the cuts in my arms into the bottle above me.

I look past the man in hopes to have a moment with someone who was the love of my life.

Will I find him again after death?

My vision is starting to blur when Ravi finally looks up from his crouched position. His eyes are different – they glow a gold colour. A strange marking has inched his way underneath his right eye and it almost looks like tribal marking. He growls strangely as he comes to his feet and I say his name in a raspy way.

His glowing gaze flicks to me, tears brim his lids and I moan in pain as I fight to keep my eyes open.

When he begins moving forward, they finally close and I whisper his name for what I assume is the final time.


The pain is overwhelming; it feels like a fire is crawling through my skin as a scene unfolds in front of me.

I can hear her screaming and although it’s across my living room, it feels like she’s right beside me. Not only do I know she’s in pain, I can basically feel it.

What was going on? Was this a nightmare?

I can’t help myself from yelping in pain and when I hear her say my name I look from my position to stare at her. The room is so bright but I can make out her eyes. They’re not the normal shade I was used too… Was this what people talked about? Seeing in colour?

She has blood around her and the man who had been doing… whatever it was before has kneeled over her with a bottle over her. A strange thing is flowing from her veins and I can’t quite understand what it is, but I have an urge to protect it.

I come to my feet and begin to march forward when she closes her eyes. My blood is hot; I can literally feel it pumping through my veins as I come to grab the man who bent over her.

“Get the away from her,” I mutter as throw him from his position.

He tries to fight back but for some reason, my muscles have hardened. When I grab him again I fling his body towards the window and ultimately he disappears over the fire escape.

A strange, animal like howl escapes from my throat subconsciously as I stare into the night sky.

What was coming over me?

I look down and see her paling skin… It was white, something I was familiarized with but everything else about her I had no idea how to describe. All I could seem to think is how beautiful her hair is as it lays beneath her head.

“Don’t die… Sera,” I plead as tears slip down my cheeks.

I crouch by her side and lift her upper half into my arms, playing with her soft hair like I normally did.

“Please… I don’t know what’s happening, you need to wake up and explain it to me,” I beg.

My voice is husky as I press my lips against her incredible locks of hair. What was this… colour?

“Ravi,” a male voice whispers from behind me.

I shift my gaze backward and hold her protectively against me.

“What are-”

“Trust me, you know I protected you earlier… Transforming into that wolf was me trying to bring out whatever is inside you.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask loudly as tears begin to pour down my cheeks.

“I promise, if you do what I tell you,” The somehow familiar man begins with weakly, “You’ll have Sera wake up to explain it to you.”

My eyes gaze at her face before I nod in agreement.

“What do I do?”

He’s quiet so I can’t help but yell the question once more.

“What do I do? Tell me what to do!”

“Bite her, on both wrists… Bite her,” he orders.

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!”

“Ravi I said trust me, now do it! Otherwise she will truly die,” he says harshly.

I let my eyes wander over him again before I lift her left wrist to my mouth.

“This is… This better work,” I mumble against her skin before sinking my teeth into her already open flesh.

My teeth are inhumanly strong and they sink into her skin with ease. I feel something strange ease out of me and I let go, placing the already bit arm by her side.

When I grab the other, I lay a kiss on the bloodied skin before my teeth dig deeper into her veins. After I feel a strange sense once again flow out of me, I let her wrist fall to her side.

She’s beautiful when she sleeps, and normally I don’t want to wake her, but I’d give anything right now for eyes to fly open.

“Sera… Please,” I say as I lean my face against hers.

“I can’t be without you…” I suddenly say and a strange whine makes its way from my mouth.

What is this…? What was really happening to me?

I press her face against the crook of my neck, whining as she still lay lifelessly in my arms.

“I love you.”

I have all but given up and contemplate letting her go as pain crawls through me. My heart slows and it feels as if it's being surrounded by concrete.

Was it normal to hurt this much when you lose someone?

I’m about to lay her back down when I hear a strangled gasp come from .

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Thank you!
Expect another update tonight ~ Thank-you to all my subscribers as well, I'm so happy people are enjoying this!


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wrathof1000gods #1
and I really love your Melody character she is so interesting~
I cant wait to hear more about her :3
wrathof1000gods #3
Chapter 9: My ovaries. On the floor. Pbthbthbth. You know, I was kind of hoping to use those one day. Especially if I could find myself a man like this. Or just marry him.
Chapter 6: wow i wasn't expecting two updates in a row so thank you so much! n is so charismatic and yet b*tchy enough to be his usual self lol i like it.
but wait, uh, is there anyway i could use a spoiler tag here because damn i'm so curious about something but i don't want to be a spoilsport ;A;
hambrejoyce #5
Chapter 8: DAWWWWW

wrathof1000gods #6
Chapter 8: .....

Well there go my straight across the room...
woah, i'm not sure i could express how much i love this story. the idea is not super revolutionary or anything but i appreciate the way you thread all those little elements to create the universe, it felt familiar and yet every detail is still very fascinating to discover. and i love how you choose not to depict the boys in their usual (and not to mention overused) stereotyped features. i'm so excited for the future chapters. please update soon!
Chapter 6: Naughty N cuddling with a lady under false pretenses lol
Chapter 5: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wow :D I think their lives will be easier as both werewolves instead of witch/werewolf :) I like the true mate thing too.. so cute

N!.. but I'm probably wrong.. I'm still terrible at guessing lol
Chapter 5: I like it. 'u'