
Shapes And Sizes
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Sammii can't exactly think back to a time where she's walked into a room filled with people with her head held high and filled with confidence. In fact she doesn't remember a time where she has walked into a room and not feel out of place. Tonight though, she pushed aside her insecurities and smiled at everyone who looked at her. 

  Yes she was bigger than majority of the women in this banquet and no she wasn't petite, but she looked amazing in her own skin and the way people were looking at her told her so. "You're amazing Sammii, look at all the heads you're turning" Hyuna whispered, one of her arms looped around her friend's.    Sammii does her best to hold back a blush. She wasn't used to this kind of attention, the attention she usually got involved people giving her looks of pity. In fact they'd ignored her and snicker to themselves. Tonight though, everyone looked at her differently, they looked at her with admiration.    "Hyuna, Sammii!" Someone called out and instantly the two girls turn away from on another to see Hyuna's parents making their way over. "Oh, you girls look wonderful!" Mrs.Kim exclaimed, reaching out to embrace both girls in her arms. Hyuna kisses her mom hello before stepping aside to allow her parents look at the new and transformed Sammii. "Oh my, look at you Sammii, you're glowing with confidence!" the older women smiled, twirling Sammii around to get a better look at her "you look amazing!" Sammii smiled "I feel amazing." Mr.Kim smiles "as you should be. You two have got heads turning your way the moment you guys walked in." The two girls laughed, staying to speak to the two elders for a bit before excusing themselves for drinks.   The two girls stayed by each other's side the first half of the night, chit chatting and laughing to themselves, until a guy comes up and asks Hyuna for a dance. Her friend is hesitant with the idea of leaving her alone but Sammii tells her its fine, mostly because she knows Hyuna has been ogling the guy since they walked in. Smiling, Hyuna places her hand on top of the guy's, winking at her friend before being lead over to the middle of the room. Sammii smiles content with just watching her friend and other people dance the night away.    It was suppose to be a perfect night. everything had gone perfectly fine and she had thought it would end that way as well. All until a few girls she recognized from school starts making their way over to her. Sammii turns around and does her best to avoid them because they were the group of girls that made her feel low, useless, shameful, and ugly back in school.    "Well, look at what we have here" one of the girl Sammii immediately recognized as Hyorin, spoke. Sammii turns around and doesn't look at them, but it's useless. "Aww do you not remember us anymore?" Dansom cooed. Sammii's jaw tightened. Soyu gives her body a once over before snickering "why are you trying so hard? I mean no matter what you where, that body of yours will always be visible, you're just ruining the look of the dress."    Sammii could feel her confidence slowly dissipating as the group of petite gorgeous girls all laugh. "Come on Sammii you didn't think changing into a luxury evening gown, doing your hair and adding a little make up would make you beautiful would it? You'll have to do much more than that, like cut down on how much you eat." Hyorin snickered. Sammii could feel the tearing b up in her eyes and could feel her feet wanting to pick up and run away, just as she turned around someone spoke up.    "And what makes you think someone with an ugly personality like you girls make you any beautiful?" Everyone's head whipped around in surprise. "You guys say the worst about people and make people feel bad about themselves, but do you guys ever look yourself in the mirror? Your personality makes you guys all look ugly." Sammii slowly turns around at the all too familiar voice and just as she had suspected, it was Junsu. "Sammii may look different on the outside, but at least she's nice, caring and friendly. She doesn't go around putting people down just to make herself feel better. She's beautiful on the inside and out. Whereas you guys act all proud and mighty, but really you guys are ugly both inside and out."    Hyorin and her group of friends all looks at Junsu surprised and shock, Hyorin even tears up a little. "How can you compare me to her!" she points at Sammii "she's fat, ugly and nothing compared to me!" Sammii looks away at the insult. Junsu gives the group of girls a hard look before walking over to Sammii and wrapping an arm around her "I would choose her over any of you girls any days though." Humiliated, the girls all stomps off.    Once the girls were gone, Junsu turns over to Sammii. "Hey, you ok?" he asked, looking at her. Slowly, she nods her head without glancing up at him "thanks for standing u
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Chapter 4: Awww!!! This was so cute and well written! ♡ Junsu is just too cute, amazing! (:
Chapter 4: Woah... Love it..^^
oatlover #3
Chapter 4: ahhhhhh!!!! *running around in the house and screaming*
it's the last chapter!!! bittersweet, I'll miss this story T_T
another awesome chapter, like always
finally they go on a date, I can totally imagine all the scenes in my head
what's wrong with Junsu, Sammii and Supermarket,
and how usually Sammii would run away from Junsu immediately once she saw him lol
I like those details in your story :)
I can also imagine how Hyuna called (maybe screaming is the right word lol) Sammii in the car, and how Junsu replied to Hyuna
that was awesome!!! :)
Author-nim, thank you for writing this story :)
will there be an epilog or more? hehehe
I'll re-read this again in the future :)
Author-nim, fighting :)
~ my personal soundtrack while reading this chapter: "나 지금 고백한다" by Xia Junsu ~
oatlover #4
Chapter 3: wow!!! nice chapter :)
I listen to Junsu's "Chocolate Girl" while reading this :)
the feel Junsu give me is just....melt my heart lol
I think Junsu is actually a good boy
I can understand his side of story
who say yes immediately to a confession before knowing who the person is right?
and to see he still try hard to get close to Sammii prove that he meant everything he said and do
Hyuna is right, Junsu still need to prove that his feeling is true
Hyuna won't let Sammii get hurt again
Author-nim, I love this
looking forward for the next update
fighting :)
oatlover #5
Chapter 2: horray!!! an update :)
I like the chapter
where did Sammii get the courage to reject Junsu like that?
badass Sammii lol
Hyuna is a really good friend, Sammii is so lucky to have her
I'm glad to see Sammii gain her confidence bit by bit
Author-nim, good luck with your exams
and don't worry, update it only if you're free
don't push yourself too much
fighting :)
oatlover #6
sounds like a good story
I love the foreword
it's well written
will be waiting for the update
Looking forward to reading your story