
Shapes And Sizes
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Sammii confessed the day of her graduation. 

  "I like you"    Kim Junsu was a popular guy who had all the good things going for him; looks, money, popularity, and everything good. He was the captain of the soccer team and the president of the music club. Females and sometime males were always throwing themselves at him, hoping one day it would be them standing next to him. Girls confessed to him left and right, so it didn't faze him when Sammii, the quiet fat girl confessed to him.    "I am sorry, but you're not my type" he gave her a once over and immediately she backed away like she did whenever people gave her that look.    Graduating from high school was suppose to the best day of her life because she was finally free from the hell hole she called school. The one place that caused her so much misery. She's been looking forward to this day since her first day as a freshman. Graduation day was suppose to be the day she could run away from all the pointing fingers and teasing laughters of her classmates. It was the day she could escape all her misery.    That was why she chose today to confess to her crush of three years. She thought since it was the last day of school and the chances of her meeting up with Junsu again after today was highly unlikely. If she confessed today and he rejects her at least it wouldn't hurt so much and she could also save the embarrassment of having to ever face him again. What she didn't expect was to feel her heart shatter into pieces when he said no.   She knew he was too good for her, he was like a star that was always going to be out her reach, he was someone she couldn't even dream of getting close to. He was Kim Junsu, school's soccer captain, handsome, funny, and popular while she was Kwon Sammii, the fat of every class, the quiet and unsociable girl, the victim of everyone in school. She knew the chances of him say yes to her was close to zero and she had already expected his answer, but she didn't expect that it would hurt this much.    Pulling herself together, she tightly fists her hands around her black academic gown. She looks him straight in the eyes as she does her best to hold back her tears then she smiled at him. "It's fine, sorry if I bothered you" she said, surprised that her voice didn't crack.    Then without waiting for him to give any response back, she turned around and strode out of his view, head held high and shoulder pulled back. She looked confident, she really did. But when she was out of the judging stares of everybody and hidden in her apartment, she broke down and cried into her hands.    Sammii doesn't remember much of what happened and how she ended up sleeping on the couch, but she remembers crying herself to sleep and cursing herself for being so different from all the other girls.      The next day, Sammii is rudely interrupted from an episode of Running Man when her best friend, Hyuna, walked in. "The sun is up, summer is here, it is time to have fun!" her model like best friend exclaimed with her arms spread wide open.    Sammii pointy ignores her friend as she goes back to her variety show, scooping a big scope of Ben&Jerry's cookie dough into . Hyuna pushes aside the fact that she has just been ignored and goes over to plop herself down onto the couch next to her friend.    "So? How'd it go? I am sure you charmed him off his , right?" the petit girl asked. Sammii tightens her grip around her spoon and chooses to ignore her friend.    Hyuna's smile is instantly replaced with a frown. Sammii had been rejected and had been crying all night, if the Ben &Jerry Ice cream and red bloated eyes were any to go by. "Oh, Sammii… I am so sorry…." she says, rubbing her hands across the brunette's bigger arm.    Sammii feels the need to cry again as snip bits of yesterday comes crawling back into her head. Instantly, the ice cream is on the floor and she has her arms thrown over her friend as she cries into her comforting shoulder.    "I am sorry. Don't take it too hard, if he's said no because of the way you look then he's a jerk just like everyone else. You're a sweet, nice and caring girl, he doesn't know what he's missing out on" Hyuna comforting says, but it doesn't help Sammii all that much. Hyuna doesn't know what rejection feels like, she never has and probably never will.        2 weeks into summer vacation and Sammii is still cooped up in the tiny confinement she calls home. She was a huge mess, missing on some good and needed sleep and on the rare occasion that she did sleep, it was after a long cry.    Hyuna bursts into Sammii's house like she did every other day and gapes at the pigsty her friend had created. "Ok, enough is enough! Look at you! You're a mess!" Sammii groans because she really doesn't want to hear it, but her friend continues on anyways. "You're dressed in clothes that are way too big for you, not to mention the giant hear your armpit. You smell like you haven't showered in 2 whole weeks. Your apartment looks like a pigsty. And you're ing depressed!"    Sammii looks up at her friend from the couch wondering if she was finally done with insulting her. Hyuna sighs and sits down near Sammii's feet after shoving a pile of food to the floor. "Look Sammii, I get that the guy you liked for 3 years rejected you without even giving you a chance, but are you really going to let a guy ruin your life like this?"    The said girl opens to say yes, because I loved him and you don't know understand because you're a pretty skinny girl who has never been rejected in your whole life, but decides better of it.    "Sammii I am your best friend and have been since we've been in diapers. I've never seen you so depressed before and it's summer and I really want to run around like a hyper active squirrel, but I can't because I want to do all that with you but you're being freakin depressed and it's raining down on me as well." Hyuna takes a moment to catch up on her breathing.    "The sun is up, high s
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Chapter 4: Awww!!! This was so cute and well written! ♡ Junsu is just too cute, amazing! (:
Chapter 4: Woah... Love it..^^
oatlover #3
Chapter 4: ahhhhhh!!!! *running around in the house and screaming*
it's the last chapter!!! bittersweet, I'll miss this story T_T
another awesome chapter, like always
finally they go on a date, I can totally imagine all the scenes in my head
what's wrong with Junsu, Sammii and Supermarket,
and how usually Sammii would run away from Junsu immediately once she saw him lol
I like those details in your story :)
I can also imagine how Hyuna called (maybe screaming is the right word lol) Sammii in the car, and how Junsu replied to Hyuna
that was awesome!!! :)
Author-nim, thank you for writing this story :)
will there be an epilog or more? hehehe
I'll re-read this again in the future :)
Author-nim, fighting :)
~ my personal soundtrack while reading this chapter: "나 지금 고백한다" by Xia Junsu ~
oatlover #4
Chapter 3: wow!!! nice chapter :)
I listen to Junsu's "Chocolate Girl" while reading this :)
the feel Junsu give me is just....melt my heart lol
I think Junsu is actually a good boy
I can understand his side of story
who say yes immediately to a confession before knowing who the person is right?
and to see he still try hard to get close to Sammii prove that he meant everything he said and do
Hyuna is right, Junsu still need to prove that his feeling is true
Hyuna won't let Sammii get hurt again
Author-nim, I love this
looking forward for the next update
fighting :)
oatlover #5
Chapter 2: horray!!! an update :)
I like the chapter
where did Sammii get the courage to reject Junsu like that?
badass Sammii lol
Hyuna is a really good friend, Sammii is so lucky to have her
I'm glad to see Sammii gain her confidence bit by bit
Author-nim, good luck with your exams
and don't worry, update it only if you're free
don't push yourself too much
fighting :)
oatlover #6
sounds like a good story
I love the foreword
it's well written
will be waiting for the update
Looking forward to reading your story