
Shapes And Sizes
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For the next two months Sammii picked herself up and did what she should have done a long time, build her self confidence and change herself for the better. Hyuna stopped showing up at Sammii's apartment, in fact she stopped showing up period. It didn't bother Sammii too much because she understood why Hyuna stopped trying; she had push her only friend away when all she wanted to do was help her.   Everything was going perfectly fine - except for the fact that she was missing her best friend- until the day she literally ran into Kim Junsu at the super market a couple of blocks from her apartment. Before she could fall and land on her arse, he was able to quickly catch her.   If it were back in high school, she would've have been ecstatic that she was in Junsu's arms, except now that she has been embarrassingly rejected by him, she couldn't think of anything, but to quickly hide her face and make a run for it before he recognized her.    However, luck was not on her side when his eyes widen in realization at who she was. "You're the girl who confessed to me on graduation day" he said, looking at her. Sammii's face flush and she looks down to avoid his gaze then realize that she's a freakin mess; dressed in overly baggy sweats and hoodies, her hair was tied up in a messy bun and there wasn't a single ounce of make up hiding her flaws. Now she just wants to be magically turned into an ostrich so she can burry her head into the ground.    "ummm I am sorry but I really have to go" she quietly whispered, not even bothering to look up at him as she turns to walk away. "I am really sorry about graduation day!" he exclaimed, but she doesn't turn around because she's already tearing up at the recollection of that day.    When Sammii is out of the grocery store, she swears to herself that she's never going back to the store, even if it means walking an extra 10 block just to get to the next super market. She's encouraging herself and silently talking to herself when a hand reaches out to grab her. She lets out a loud shriek, jumps 10 feet in the air only to realize it was her crush. This time she doesn't only want to burry herself and never come out, but she wishes an apocalypse would take place right then and there.    "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just…" Sammii stares blankly at Junsu as he shoves a melon Melona ice cream bar at her. "I felt really bad for ruining your graduation day. It was a day everyone was suppose to celebrate and cheer for their success, but I heartlessly rejected you and ruined the day for you. Even until now my heart tugs whenever I remember the disappointed look on your face when I said no."    If it were any other time, Sammii would've been glad that someone, more of less her crush, was apologizing to her or even talking to her and offering her ice cream, but not today. Instead she put on a confident face and stands up with her shoulders pulled back "I don't need you to pity me" she said, watching as a surprise look crawled up Junsu's face.    "I liked you because unlike other guys, you were nice, caring, smart and funny. I really thought you were different, but on the day I confessed to you I realize that you weren't much different. You judged me and never gave me a chance just like everybody else just because I am different." Junsu stands there and opens his mouth to defend himself, but the glare the she throws his way shuts him up immediately.    "I admit I am bigger than most girls and eat more than other girls, but I have feelings just like them. I look different on the outside, but I am just like those girls on the inside. If anything, I'd say I am better than those girl because at least I don't judge people based on their looks. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to go home."    Sammii hasn't even taken five steps away from Junsu, when he decides to speak again. "Can't we be friends?" he asked and she stops in her steps. "I might not like you that way, but we can still be friends."    She slowly turns around in her spot, an expression of hurt plastered on her face "No, we can't."    Junsu is surprised at the answer, he hadn't expected her to reject him so quickly. "You're not even open to being friends?"    Sammii looks away from him "I don't want to be friends with people who are shallow enough to judge a person base on how they look."    "But you never gave me a chance. How do you know I am like everyone else?"    Tears gather at the corner of her eyes as she stared back at him. "Because you never gave me a chance either."    Junsu's eyes widen, but he doesn't say anything else because it's true.      After her encounter with Junsu, Sammii immediately finds herself in front of Hyuna's apartment. She hadn't really thought about the fact that she and Hyuna weren't friends anymore when she made her way over. She only thought about wanting to share her success story with her best friend and how proud Hyuna would be to hear that she stood up for herself.    Sammii lifts her fist up ready to knock, but hesitates. What if Hyuna doesn't want to see her? What if their years of friendship was really done the drain? Her hand shrinks back because she can't find the courage to face Hyuna.    "Sammii?" a small familiar voice says from behind her. Instantly, her head whips around and she sees her best friend. But Hyuna looks different today, she almost didn't recognized her. Hyuna, who wouldn't be caught dead in sweats and baggy hoodies, however, t
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Chapter 4: Awww!!! This was so cute and well written! ♡ Junsu is just too cute, amazing! (:
Chapter 4: Woah... Love it..^^
oatlover #3
Chapter 4: ahhhhhh!!!! *running around in the house and screaming*
it's the last chapter!!! bittersweet, I'll miss this story T_T
another awesome chapter, like always
finally they go on a date, I can totally imagine all the scenes in my head
what's wrong with Junsu, Sammii and Supermarket,
and how usually Sammii would run away from Junsu immediately once she saw him lol
I like those details in your story :)
I can also imagine how Hyuna called (maybe screaming is the right word lol) Sammii in the car, and how Junsu replied to Hyuna
that was awesome!!! :)
Author-nim, thank you for writing this story :)
will there be an epilog or more? hehehe
I'll re-read this again in the future :)
Author-nim, fighting :)
~ my personal soundtrack while reading this chapter: "나 지금 고백한다" by Xia Junsu ~
oatlover #4
Chapter 3: wow!!! nice chapter :)
I listen to Junsu's "Chocolate Girl" while reading this :)
the feel Junsu give me is just....melt my heart lol
I think Junsu is actually a good boy
I can understand his side of story
who say yes immediately to a confession before knowing who the person is right?
and to see he still try hard to get close to Sammii prove that he meant everything he said and do
Hyuna is right, Junsu still need to prove that his feeling is true
Hyuna won't let Sammii get hurt again
Author-nim, I love this
looking forward for the next update
fighting :)
oatlover #5
Chapter 2: horray!!! an update :)
I like the chapter
where did Sammii get the courage to reject Junsu like that?
badass Sammii lol
Hyuna is a really good friend, Sammii is so lucky to have her
I'm glad to see Sammii gain her confidence bit by bit
Author-nim, good luck with your exams
and don't worry, update it only if you're free
don't push yourself too much
fighting :)
oatlover #6
sounds like a good story
I love the foreword
it's well written
will be waiting for the update
Looking forward to reading your story