@_@ 3

The Lost Girl

Sehun P.O.V

She looks so cute when she blushed like that. Hahaha. I chuckle slowly seeing her expression not wanting her to turn into baby dragon anymore. Well, I admit that I don’t hate her at all. I just like to and see her expressions. It quite hard to stay mad at her even she makes me freaking mad. I winked playfully at her for the last time before entering my class. Hahaha... Seeing her blushed make me wanna laughed so hard. But, being a cool guy makes I kept my poker face. Only God knows I need to control myself from burst out laughing and rolling on the floor like a buffalo.

“Yah Oh Sehun! Where on this planet had you been? You were out about 25 minutes?!” I just entered the class had been welcomed ‘warmly’ by my sir.

“Ah Mr Song. Do you really miss me that much that you actually started to count the moment I stepped out of this door?” I asked him innocently.

Hearing my answer for Mr Song questions make my classmates laughed their off. Mr Song is kind of weird from other teacher. It’s not bad-weird, but it’s good-weird. Unlike others that were so strict, he was very nice to us. He rarely mad… scratches that! Never mad at all! He likes to joke and understanding. That’s why we all like him. Not literally like him! I’m not gay. We like being around him. And girls, not to mention, went heels on head! He actually makes me jealous sometimes. He actually received more gifts than me on Valentine’s Day! I meant, looked! I’m more handsome than him, younger than him, hotter than him, and all the nice words in the world can’t even describe me! And why in the hell he received more gifts than me?!

He chuckle hearing my answer and asked me to sit. Before I can move my leg, he already shouted,

“Aigoo… who’s that sweet girl behind you? She so cute! Omo~”

My classmates seem shocked hearing his question all of them suddenly trying to lengthen their short neck trying to look outside the class. Then, I realized that my cutie dragon was still standing outside the class. Before I can’t even talk, he cut me out.

“Yah! You said you went to toilet just now, rite? And I’m positive that you went alone just now! And how come you brought a girl with you when you came back? Where in the universe you choose the toilet? Tell me! I wanna go there too!” he snapped playfully at me and beckon my cutie dragon to come inside. I glance at her and noticed her face looked pale like she just chocked on a cockroach. Lol. She must be scared by judging the way Mr Song squeal when noticed her behind me. I’m her bodyguard, rite? I should protect her physically and emotionally too, rite?

I went to Mr Song and whispered, “Mr Song, Ju…well…she…uh…”

“She’s what?” Mr Song whispered back.

What I supposed to say? I need to explain her condition, but it’s hard to do it. I don’t know how to arrange my words. So, I just said whatever that came to my mind that time.

“She’s kind of sensitive towards loud voice. She will cry if she heard people shouting even not at her.” I hope I said what I meant to said.

“Oh.” Mr Song seems like he understood what I trying to tell him.

Your P.O.V

You just stayed at the door awkwardly while looking at the Sehun when he whispered something at Mr Baby Face. Yeah, you had to admit that Mr Baby Face is so handsome…scratch that. Cute. You found out it was quite hard to predict his age with his look. After being an unpaid bodyguard about 60 seconds, Mr Baby Face beckons you to enter the class while Sehun walked away to his seat.

“Hey, cutie! Come here!” What the hell?! Did he just call me cutie?! He’s surely one of a kind. You just followed his order and stood next to him. And what shocked you the most is, he just about three inch taller than you! Even Sehun is taller than him. But I guess it’s okay. It won’t be quite awkward if I go on a date with him and stood beside him. Hehe. Oh God! What am I thinking now?! You mentally slapped yourself for thinking nonsense. The moment you stepped into the class, a lot of noise came from the human there.

“Oh God!

She’s cute!”

“Oh God! Look at her eyes! So round!”

“Is she single?”

“She’s gonna be mine!”

Do they actually squeal like girls with unstable hormones when they looked at me?  The moment to felt brave enough to look at your classmates-to-be, you felt shocked to death. Just joking. Hehe… OMG! There were only two girls in this classroom and included you, there’s three. And both of them look boyish! Oh God! I felt enough shocked today. One more time and I’m completely gone to heaven. Well, of course heaven. I’m a good girl. And all the remaining boys here looked absolutely hot.

“Can I see your timetable, cutie?” Mr Baby Face voice snapped you back to reality. Did he actually call every single girl in this planet cutie, or it just me?

 “Mr Song! Stop flirting with her! You already have tons of girls waiting for you,” suddenly you heard a voice. You immediately looked up and looked for the voice owner. You had the abilities to know the voice owner even if it is the first time you heard their voice. The voice owner was Sehun friend or you think he was. He sat next to Sehun while looking sadly at Mr Song.

“No! I don’t want to. She’s mine! Muahaha…” Mr Baby Face said and laughed evilly while studied your timetable. You glanced at Sehun’s friend at noticed that he’s pouting. He quickly looked at you as he noticed you were looking at him. Immediately, he winked at you. You blushed and quickly look down. Mr Baby Face handed back your timetable and introduced himself.

“Hye cutie pie! I’m Song Joong Ki, your history teacher and your class teacher! Nice to meet you,” he shoved his hand for you to shook it and added, “For your information, I’m single,” and he winked. You chuckle hearing his introduction and shook his hand. Your-classmates-to-be laughed and make sounds like “wuuu~~” hearing their history teacher’s intro. He your head and asked you to introduce yourself to your classmates.

“Hello~ I’m Park Ju Hye! Nice to meet you~” You introduced yourself cheerfully and bow 90°. And you heard a lot of voice answering your into.

“Nice to meet you, too~”

“I hope you’re single~”

“I’ll protect you from other guys~” I already had Sehun, lol.

“Class, silent!” immediately the shut up their big mouth before their kind teacher blew up.

“Which school are you from?” Should I tell him I’m from Canada? You kind of worried to tell him about your school. It’s not you were from bad school; you were from the best school ever!

“Err… Bitterroot Academy,” you said slowly.

“REALLY?! BITTERROOT ACADEMY?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Shoot! I should have lied just now! You nodded.

“What’s wrong with Beeterut Akedemi, Mr Song?” one of the students asked.  

“Yah! You don’t know Bitterroot Academy?! And it’s not Beeterut Akedemi, its B.I.T.T.E.R.R.O.O.T.A.C.A.D.E.M.Y!” The raise tone in his voice makes you flinched. You looked at Sehun and shocked because he was staring at you the whole time without you noticed it before looked down, trying to stop yourself from sobbing. Don’t cry, Ju! Myeon oppa was not here. Sehun seems to notice your sad face before he raised his hand and caught Mr Song attention. He mouthed ‘She’s crying’ and Mr Song immediately looked at you.

“Ah Ju… sorry. I didn’t mean too… I guess I was too shocked,” he said while your hair gently.

“Mr Song!” You heard Sehun’s voice and looked at him. He seems angry. Why did he look so angry? Is he jealous?

“Are you jealous, Mr Oh Sehun?” Mr Song playfully asked him and trying to kiss your cheek. You shocked by his sudden action and before he can even touch your cheek, both of you heard a sound of chair being pushed. Seeing Sehun get up from his place makes Mr Song chickened.

“Fine, fine! I won’t do anything to your girlfriend!” Seeing Mr Song already back off, make him sat back at his place.

“She’s not my girlf-”

“Whatever, let just continue with Bitterroot Academy stuff,” Mr Song cut Sehun off and continue his talk. “Bitterroot Academy is one of the top ten best schools worldwide. To apply for this school, you need to take an entrance exam and the one who scored full marks only can study there. One of the advantages or the only advantage is you don’t have to apply job. After you graduate there, you immediately go to work after one month break. And it requires a lot of hard work,”

“Ohhhh,” your classmates respond.

And you heard some of them whispered. Well, it can’t be called whisper if you heard them.

“Oh, I bet she’s a genius!”

“No wonder she looks like nerd, I meant, cute nerd.” You glared at the guy which called you nerd just now. The guy seems to sense that you glared at him. He looked at you and quickly turned away. What you didn’t notice was Sehun was looking at you and he chuckled slowly seeing you glared at the guy. And what both of you didn’t notice was, there was another guy looking at you passionately. I’m not nerd, you gay! If only you had the courage to spoke that, you can bet that even Davy Jones would wake up from his grave!

“So Miss Park…or you want me to call you Ju?” Mr Song voice snapped you out of your cerebration. Before you can even answer his question, he asked you again, “Or you want me to call you ‘cutie’?” he winked at you.

“Just called me Ju,” you said while looking away, blushed.

“Okay, cutie. So you had been in Canada for about 16 years, rite?” Huh? 16 years? But I’m just 14 years old. You looked at him, shocked. Seeing your expression makes him wonder, she’s 16 years old rite?

“Why you looked so shocked? How old are you now? You should be 16, rite?”

You shook your head and said, “Mr Song, I’m actually 14 years old.” Hearing your words make the whole class roar.


“Then, where should I be?” you asked, confusedly.

“Oh yeah! I forgot. Bitterroot Academy allows their students to skip grades if you were Einstein-clone,”


“So sweetheart-”

“Ehem!” Sehun’s obviously-loud-fake-cough attracted the whole class attentions included you and Mr Song.

Mr Song chuckle and said, “I meant Ju, where do you want to sit?” I can choose my own place?! Wow! Not a bad start. Obviously, you had a bad start since morning- even before you were at school. Woke up late, missed breakfast, lost, hallway drama, and killer-look-guy. Huh!

“I can choose my own place?” you asked him. But after hearing the answer from Mr Song make you desperately wanted to punch his baby face.

“Of course, no! Hahaha” What. The. Hell. You gave him your famous what-the--look and look away.

“Hey, chill dude!” you pretended not to hear him. Sehun laughed seeing your action. Mr Song caught Sehun and smirk at him.

“So Ju, Sehun is your first friend, rite? Why don’t you sat next to him?” Before you can even speak, Sehun spoke first,

“Why me?!”

“If Sehun doesn’t want to sit next to you, why don’t you sit next to Zelo? Zelo, lift up your hand.”

“Here!” you look at the cheerful voice direction. Damn! This class were occupied with hot student! You started to walk towards him. He keeps smiling at you and you blushed. As you reached there, he flashed you his breath-taking-smile before took his bag from the chair next to him and motion you to sit there. You just only want to place your bag on your chair, when suddenly a hand or precisely Sehun’s hand grab your arm and asked you the most stupid question you ever heard in your 14 years old life. “What the hell are you doing right now?”



meet Kai at next chapter! <3 <3 <3

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WildNYoung_97 #1
i like this story. bad sehun
seohyun_4 #2
Chapter 7: Authornim good luck on your SPM
Fighting !!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Woah goddluck for spm authornim! Well, at least no pbs. Hahahaha
Chapter 7: All the best for your spm author nim!
Chapter 7: Woah.. fighting for your SPM.. At least you didn't have to do PBS. I have to wait for 3 years for SPM..
Chapter 5: Wow she irritated Kai and kris I need to learn something from her so I can annoy my brother *evil laugh and an evil smile*
Just kidding but I wish I could learn something from her just in case random annoying people pop into my life
Chapter 4: Is zelo gonna show up more I like seeing sehun jelly
Chapter 4: Haha so cute xD
Chapter 2: homaygawd my feels!! XD update soon!!