First Class

My Bad Boy

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I quickly woke up to the sound of the alarm. "Ugh, why so early?" I thought, still half asleep.

I looked over to see Krystal spread out on her bed. Today's the first day of my classes, and I can't wait. Now that I'm fully awake I practically jumped out of bed. I went over to Krystal, who was still sleeping and woke her up. " Hmm, yeah yeah I'm up I'm up," she said as she stretched.

Since she said she was up I went into the bathroom to get ready. The shower felt really good and relaxing. After that I made sure to brush my teeth. I picked up my school uniform, it was a dark red blazer, a white button up shirt on the inside and a black skirt that covered up my knees. It was beautiful. I put my hair up in a ponytail and headed out. Krystal was already ready by the time I gathered my school supplies in my bookbag. She turned around to look at herself in the mirror and made a satisfied look."Okay, let's go Luna. We don't want to be late on our first day now do we?" 

We walked out into the hallway and headed for the elevator. We were about to head in when we heard someone shouting Krystals name.

" Krystal! Wait up." We turned around to see a..girl?.. Coming towards us. I couldn't really tell if it was a boy or a girl. From afar the person looked like a boy, but when she came closer you could tell she was a girl. She had a pretty face, with cropped hair and her uniform kind if looked like a guys too, but slightly different. She wore black sinny jeans and a red button up shirt. When she reached us she was out of breath.

" Really, Krystal! You know I don't do the whole running thing!" She shouted

" You only ran like thirty steps, Amber. You need to exercise." This Amber didn't really look like she needed to exercise in fact she looked really athletic.

She turned around and looked at me, " Hey, you must be new. My name is Amber. President of the journalist committee, nice to meet you." She said as she reached her hand out.

I shook her hand, " Nice to meet you too, I'm luna." 

"Nice to meet you Luna, since you already met Krystal I'm guessing your her new roomie?"

" Yep, met just yesterday."

Krystal clapped her hands," Okay you guys let's go before we're late."



When we got off the elevator to the sixth floor, I was surprised. The sixth floor looked like a school for the best of the best.

"wow" I said out loud.

" Exactly, those were also my first words when I got accepted to this school and walked in here," said Amber.

Krystal turned around," Speaking of getting accepted to this school, what's your talent Luna? I got in for my acting and Amber got in for her rap. Can we know your talent?" 

"Well, I got in for my voice. I was participating for my schools talent show. After it ended one of the schools representatives came up to me and pretty much handed me this opportunity."

Amber and Krystal looked at each other in amazement. 

"What?" I asked

Amber answered," You must really be good at singing," Krystal nodded in agreement.

"I guess I am." I said

Krystal grabbed my shoulders. " They really talked to you? Like, walked up to you and spoke to you?"

I nodded a little confused. Krystal touched her forehead and pretended to faint. I can see she wasn't lying when she said she was here for her acting. I was about to help her when Amber spoke up.

"Don't worry about her, it's just that no representative have actually talked to any students. They write down who they think is eligible and send a letter to them requesting a visit. But since they actually came up to you, you must really have skills."

"oh," I said as Krystal got back up.

She brushed herself off and then smiled," Well, Luna lets get to our first class. Let me see your schedule. We have nine more minutes until class starts let's go find all your classes first so your not lost." Krystal suggested.

"okay,sounds good." I said as I reached into my bookbag and found the peice of paper. I handed it too her.

"Hmm, we have five classes in all and each is one hour long. You have one class with Amber which is Geometry and you have one class with me which is biology. Your first period is music with Teacher Lee.Lets go to this class first." Krystal planned.

We heard down the hall when we saw two girls waving in our direction. They ran up to us. They were both about the same height, except the other was just a bit taller.

" Hey you guys!!" They screamed.

They all gave each other hugs. Krystal was the one to speak first." You guys I want you to meet Luna, she's new and she's also my roommate."

"Hey Luna  nice to meet you, my name is Victoria," said the first with a big smile on her face. I smiled back. Then it was the taller one who greeted me. " My name  is Sulli, nice to meet you!" She said enthusiastically. 

"I'm very pleased to meet all of you." I said with confidence. 

Krystal turned around to see the clock," Crap, we only have four more minutes left. Okay this is your first period, music. I'll show you the rest of your classes when this period ends."

" Alright I'll see you guys in an hour?"

"Yep and after this period you have second period with me Luna, Home Ec." Victoria said happily.

"oh, yay. So I'll see you in second then," I said with a smile. It was so easy to get along with them.

We all waved to each other and in different directions to our first periods, except for Amber and Victoria who had first period together.

I was about to turn around when Sulli tapped on my shoulder, she looked worried. " Word of advice, don't talk to the guys in there. They're troublemakers." Sulli said.

Sulli, although taller then us, was like a child. I'm happy I was able to talk to her. 

" Don't worry Sulli, I'll take care of myself," I said to ease her mind. She really cared for people, genuinely cared. 

"Okay I'll see you after second period, that's when we have our lunch," Sulli said as she turned to leave.

When I got into the classroom, there was one minute left before class started, but when I looked around there was only 12 other people in there besides me. And one face was all too familiar.







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Lol999 #1
I finally found this story after like 6 years!!!!
Chapter 37: Really like this story!
Chapter 37: it's alright to me. I really loved this story, but honestly when I just saw this update I was like; wasn't it already completed?
And hey, life comes first y'know? If some readers don't understand then that's their problem. If you would make a sequel then how about showing them a few years later? Ready to move in together and the other members finding love or something. Just a few chaps or something and it's a nice ending <3
Chapter 37: Cant wait for the next update hwaiiting :)
Chapter 36: Bwahhahah thirsty hoes ...
Amblhama #6
Chapter 34: KrysNa *w*
Chapter 34: ahahahaha xD Go author! you can do it! hahaha i'm excited for a krislun rated m. <3
Chapter 34: luhan and kris so.cute
Chapter 32: KrisNa is back baby!!! <3 I love them <3
brosicka #10
Chapter 32: Yaaay an update :) seriously in love with this right now