Chapter 4 : I Remember

Sky Is The Limit

Author's Note : The long italic part is Sehun's flashback, fyi


“Ta-Tao hyung?” he gasped for air. He tried to reach for him, but a force held him back and pulled him away. He was into ebony darkness. His brother was smiling, as tears fell from his face. Everything around him was happening in slow motion. He tried to get back up, but he couldn’t.


Slowly, he saw his older brother’s face change. What was once a smile full of relief and happiness morphed into a surprised and grave look. He saw his brother lunging at him, now trying to reach out to him instead. At the same time, Sehun felt a sudden chill up his back, a hand softly placed on his shoulder. Sehun was frozen in his place. His eyes begged at Tao.


“NO!” Tao shouted, clambering into the darkness.


He desperately tried to reach out for Sehun, but it was too late for him. Just then, another hand – warmer and familiar – grabbed his arm from behind. Sehun, turned his face to the person, and saw.. another Tao. Though, this Tao looked a bit more aged; He was more mature and experienced. This Tao was looking to the source of coldness, with a face full of anger.


Sehun turned his head back to the Tao that tried to reach for him before. He was still there alright – and something clicked in his head. That Tao seemed to be really young, younger that usual. And that Gucci jacket wasn’t the latest! He knows this very well as Tao always hints him to buy him some, which pretty much forced him to read all the catalogs.


No, that’s not Tao…


Not from my time..


The Tao behind him tugged at his arm. Sehun looked back.


“Come on, Sehun. Time to go..”


Sehun looked up at him and searched his eyes. But Tao was avoiding them. He was just about to say something, but he gasped for air instead. He wanted to try again, but he passed out before he could.


* * *


“So, Sehun..” Kris got up and dusted his hands, “What brings you here, really?”


“Its Suho, Kris. Its Suho.” Sehun replied shakily as Kris’s eyes widened in fear.


“What happened to Suho?” he asked urgently.


Sehun answered, shaking his head violently.


“I don’t know, I really don’t know, please help us. Its like he’s having a seizure. He kept screaming you name, we tried calming him down - ”


Suddenly, Kai appeared right behind Sehun. Sehun looked back at Kai then back at Kris. He made a hand gesture indicating that he didn’t have anything else to say. He shrugged and looked down, shaking his head.


“Okay good, you got Kris.” He said to Sehun and turned to Kris.


“Welcome back hyung. We didn’t want to interrupt what ever you were doing – though we would really want an explanation – but this is really not the time.”


Before Kris could say a word, Kai grabbed both of them and transported them back to their home.


Instantly, Kris could hear the sound of Suho’s screams, his begging, pleading. Kris was on the verge of tears.


They said they would leave him alone, they would leave everyone alone..


Before anybody could open the door, Suho crashed it open and staggered out.


“Kris, Kris, Kris.” He chanted as if he was possessed. He turned to the left and instantly saw a hurtful-looking Kris.


“Kris,” his voice softened. He seemed like he was sleep-walking, talking in his sleep. But only, his eyes were open and this was really happening. His arms were spread out, as if welcoming Kris into a hug. He walked over like a drunk person, staggering over to Kris and almost tripping over the thick snow. His eyes were red; he didn’t sleep a wink at all by the looks of it.


Some of the other members – Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Chen and Luhan – walked out right from behind him, trying to get him back into the house.


“Suho, please – “ Baekhyun pleaded.


“It’s cold out,” Chanyeol tried to reason.


When they saw Kris, a massive argument broke out.


“YOU!” Baekhyun shouted, “NOW you come back?! NOW?”


Chanyeol summoned black fire from both of his palms out of anger and came close to Kris.


“Just after they brought you back because of Suho?!” he growled, “You were my inspiration, now that inspiration is just plain bull!”


Kai and Sehun held his arms back.


“Calm down!” Sehun said.


“Kris..” Suho hugged Kris softly. Kris looked down pitying his brother, and looked back up to them with knitted eyebrows.


“I- I didn’t – “ he started.


“You didn’t what?! You didn’t KNOW? Well obviously, , OBVIOUSLY, YEAH YOU DIDN’T KNOW!” Chanyeol screamed.


Lay came out and stood in front of Chanyeol. D.O and Xiumin came out to console him.


“Control your anger, it will affect Suho..” he said softly.


“This wont help, Chanyeol.” D.O stressed down.


Xiumin summoned ice – the coldest ice he could ever summon – and held Chanyeol’s hands back.


“Stop, please.” Xiumin told Chanyeol.


The reaction made a thick fog of steam between them.


Luhan and Tao approached Kris who was standing hopelessly, looking down at Suho.


“Hyung.” Luhan started.


“We need an explanation.” Tao continued.


“We’re not dumb and we know this isn’t normal, man.” Luhan added in an undertone.


Kris combed his fingers through his hair.


“I – I think – ”


Suho screamed. He dropped down on his knees and clutched his chest.


“Kris!” his voice morphed into someone else’s. His eyes shone.


“Wu Yi Fan,” his said in another voice, “I’ll never leave you alone,”


Luhan and Tao backed away. The rest moved away from Chanyeol and approached Suho slowly. Chanyeol and Baekhyun emerged from behind.


“Suho..?” Baekhyun asked. “Are you okay – ”


“I’ll get everyone who matters most to you!” Suho broke out. “Every single one!”


They all backed away, except Kris, who held onto Suho’s shoulders.


“Suho?” he shook him lightly. “Suho! Wake up! Snap out of it!” he shook him again.


“EVERYONE!” he screamed. His head rolled on one side and then his head hung down over his shoulder.


Kris lightened his grip. “Suho?”


He started to laugh maniacally. He threw his head back. The rest stared in horror. His laughter started to die down. Suho gave a chuckle.


“Starting,” he whispered, “From the youngest member.”


Screams could be heard as chaos broke out, each and every member blocking Suho as he clawed. Sehun stood horrified, unable to let the information to sink in. Chen, Tao and Luhan ran over to Sehun and pulled him away. Kai looked back at Sehun.




“B- but..” he tried to answer but Tao was pulling him away fast.


Kris shouted. “GO FAR AWAY! GO! FASTER!”


“Come on, maknae. We got no time.” Chen said shakily.


Luhan tugged at Sehun. They ran away just in time.


“I feel.. I feel dizzy..” Sehun said as they ran.


Luhan looked at him. “WHAT?”


“I feel..” He fainted.


When he woke up, he was in a strange place. His vision was blurry. Luhan was in front of him. Chen was behind him, in the background, looking worried at Sehun. Another figure stood, back-facing Sehun, but he couldn’t make out who it was.


“Maknae. We’ll come back. I promise.”


“Wait,” his voice dragged. “Where am I?”


Chen hugged him and whispered, “Stay safe.”


“Wait,” Sehun said, but he had no energy. Soon after, he fainted again.


A few hours later he woke up, in a place he’d never been to before. On a small island with a population of less than 500 people. For a few days, he had still held on to hope. After 2 weeks, he started to doubt it. And at that time, he stopped counting his days.


* * *


Sehun gasped for air as he looked at his surroundings. He saw the familiar fireplace from his home and a fire was going. But yet, the place was still dark.


He had totally forgot about what had happened to Suho on that night. The last thing he remembers was saving Kris. But now, after all of his memories had been restored, things started to make sense, but he still needed to know what actually happened to Suho.


A cry was heard. It came from the other side of the fireplace. He slowly approached the sound. And there, he saw, the real Tao, with his back hunched over and his knees on the floor. He was crying into his hands. Tao looked up.


“They almost got you,” he rasped. “Thank goodness you’re alive.”


Sehun hugged the older male.


“Tao…” he asked, “Who almost got me?”


“Them.” He gasped, in air.




“That doesn’t matter.” Tao said. “What matters now is that you are safe.”



PHEW! I hope you are satisfied! Because this is extra long!

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omg guys i am a bad author, im sorry! in chapter 6, i changed Luhan to Xiumin! D:


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Chapter 8: Please update ~
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Chapter 8: OAO RE-DO *lè faints*
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