Chapter 2 : I Wanna Go Home

Sky Is The Limit

The sun was shining bright. Birds were singing merrily. A huge tree lay on a slope of the green hill. White, fluffy clouds overlaid the vast blue sky. The tropical scenery was practically smiling at him. Despite this picturesque scenery, his eyes glared instead at the sight in front of him and looked down to his sneakers. The scene might have been smiling, but to him, it was a smile of mockery.


First of all, he hated the sun. no offence laid against his brother but he just couldn’t stand it. His eyes just can’t stand the bright light and the heat irritated his skin. He got his pale, milky- almost transparent skin because of this. Secondly, he didn’t actually want to be there; he was forced to be there. Somehow after that incident, they decided it best for him to go away for a while, so they cast him off onto a burning tropical island in the middle of nowhere. The catch? Right after they asked him to do a dangerous errand.


Do they think I can’t handle myself?


He huffed, trying to vent out his anger and irritation; holding long grudges was dangerous for him. He vowed not to do so anymore. The last time he did, it resulted in an uttermost chaos.


Another thing that made him mad was the fact that they had to send him to a public high school there, too. What did they expect from him? High marks?


Please, I don’t need a school for that.


He hated the people in that school. Heck, the hated the people on that very island. They do nothing but live in hypocrisy, judging people what didn’t fit into their fake judgmental fiesta.


He tapped his foot for a few times impatiently as he sat on the stairs. Waiting desperately for a miracle. He looked at his surroundings; he was sitting on the staircase, in a school block that was rarely used. The walls on either side limited his vision towards the tree and the hill only and not to mention the sky, leaving him no choice to look at unless he turned backwards, which if he did, he would only be greeted by darkness.


Knowing as he hates the light, darkness would be a choice you’d think he’d most prefer. True, but just as I said, he was waiting for a miracle. And the sky was a source for his possible miracle in this situation. He looked up from his sneakers towards the open sky.




He would save him, carry him and and fky away from that hellhole. His lips tugged into a lopsided smile. Yes! He thought. That would definitely happen. He helped him for a few times too, and we owed him. He would definitely pay back this time!


He started grinning madly, until reality smacked him right in the face, elbowed his abdomen and hit his head onto the concrete wall.


Right. His wings are broken.


He had a grim look on his face.


Just because of holding a grudge.


All because of me.


He cursed to himself and punched the wall. A deep mark was left on the wall. Somewhere in a distance, thunder rumbled as dark clouds started to appear, if looks could kill, he would murder even himself. He was almost on the verge of exploding, when a voice spoke out, making him jolt up and turn around,


“Yah yah yah Sehunnah,” a familiar sultry voice voiced out in a whine. “You don’t look attractive like that. Have mercy in the ladies, yeah? And chill, man."


His eyes widened and gaped at the figure. It took him a second to let it sink in. He ran towards the person.





heylo exotics :D part one of chapter 2 is out! please be patient with me~ because i know you're a bit confused. DJ will be posting part 2 soon, and i will explain the whole situation. ciao! happy reading!

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omg guys i am a bad author, im sorry! in chapter 6, i changed Luhan to Xiumin! D:


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Guys, i apologise for the lack of updates. Me and DJ are sitting for our gce olevels this year so i hope you guys understand ♡
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