3. Words of Affection

5 Languages of Love
Language of Love #3: Words of affection
"This works by giving your partner constant compliments, sweet love notes and lots of encouragement. This is important because those who speak this language are sensitive people and don't take criticism as well as others. They may illustrate their frustrations by using sharp words or even harassing you.
(Bold - Him)
(Italic - Her)
It's been a while since we've started dating. If you consider a year and a half a while. Even after all this time, I never fail to express how much I love and care for him. Complimenting on how good he looks in his button up. The small notes I leave on his coffee mug. Even short texts every now and then telling him to never give up. Even after all this time, he rarely does the same thing. Only when I say so. He never initiated any of it. Was it always one-sided? I don't want to go on knowing that I'm the only one who keeps giving..
One day, I decided to stop all my words of affection towards him. Barely even spoke up during breakfast and simply nodded when he bid goodbye, off to work. No texts. No coffee messages. No nothing. Sounds childish but I want him to feel how I feel.
It was past 8pm when I got a text from him.
Fr: ____😘
Heading home now. Haven't heard from you all day? Are okay?
I didn't even bother replying. I went to the kitchen and started making dinner. Soon enough, I heard the door open and a shuffling of feet. I turned around to glare at him but instead, I was faced in a bone crashing hug.
"I know it's my fault. I don't say it much but I love you. I didn't know I was taking for granted all your simple gestures until today"
I still refused to talk to him. I ignored him and went back to my cooking. He knows that I need to cool down so he changed first. Not even 5 minutes after, he was helping me set up the table for dinner. After setting everything, we both sat down and ate.
"Babe, I'm really sorry"
I glanced over him and he was pouting. He rarely does that as well. I can't help but to smile. He saw me and went over to my side and hug me again.
"I love you. From now on, I'll never let a day go by without saying it to you"
"It's okay. You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable about it"
"No, I think it's about time I'll be the one telling you this over and over again"
"I love you~" he said again, kissing me affectionately on the forehead..
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EeteuksAngel #1
These were really cute! Love these all so much! ^^
YouDunnoMe #2
i love this!!!
Chapter 7: AWWWW I ALWAYS LOE YOUR STORIES!! I cant wait for your next one
Chapter 5: I agree what a tease !!! >< AGHHHH OMG TOTAL FANGIRL MOMENT!!
Chapter 2: AWWW W SOO CUTE !!! I love your stories
Chapter 1: awwww, so sweeet >< OMG, DAEBAK!!! can't wait to see more ><