2. Recieving Gifts

5 Languages of Love
Language of Love #2: Receiving Gifts
"When you are with a partner who love little gifts and surprises, this is precisely what you will get. You will constantly be showered with new clothes, flowers or even chocolates. This is exactly what they do for their partners. Giving the gift of self is also an important symbol of love to these people"
(Bold - Him)
(Italic - Her)
It was a sunny day. Lucky for me, I had a day off. I woke up from the sun shining through the curtains. I try to cover my head with the blanket. I pulled it with a strong force, assuming since my girl always hogs the blanket. To my surprise, I took all the blanket and fell off the bed. I got up and looked at her side, she was gone. A small box was left on her bedside table with a small post it note. It says..
"Was needed at the office early. Don't worry though, I'll make it for dinner. Happy anniversary!
I opened the box and saw a set of keys. Another small note was there. 
"A surprise waiting for you at the garage:)"
I hastily put on a shirt and head towards the garage. There I saw a red sports car with a ribbon on its front bumper. My phone rang and ran towards it upstairs. I looked at the caller ID, it was her.
"Hey Babe"
"Happy Anniversary! Did you like my gift?"
"Y.. Yeah. I like it."
"Doesn't sound like it.. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. We're still on for dinner right?"
"Of course. I wouldn't miss it"
"I'll see you then. Love you"
"Love you too"
I really love her. I love her gifts as well. But the more extravagant the gifts were, the more I feel guilty for nothing giving it in return. She spends so much on me while I can't even spend much on my own. The reservation at the restaurant were gonna have dinner at, took me months to get it. The menu costs half of my pay check. But it's worth it. I hope she likes it. 
After getting my suit pressed and shoes polished, I quickly head off. Just looking at the sports car is already eating me alive. So, I decided to take the bus instead. I arrived right on time, but I already see her waiting in front.
"Where's your car?"
"Let's talk about that later. Let's go in" I said, pulling her at the podium and looking for our table. We sat down and made our orders. After the waiter left, she took my hand and intertwined it with hers.
"What's wrong? Don't you like it?"
"I do"
"Then what's the problem?"
"Isn't it too expansive?"
"It's costly but it's worth it."
"I'm sorry"
"What for?"
"For not giving anything as valuable in return"
"Do you really think I care about that?"
"N..No, but I feel guilty.."
"Well you shouldn't. I feel happy every time I buy you such gifts. I'm not asking anything in return"
"Still, you deserve better. I should have at something for you"
"You already gave me something.."
I looked down at my lap, trying to avoid her gaze. I felt a hand lift up my chin. She smiled at me and said
"You. Yourself is enough."
"No more buts!"
"You love me don't you?"
"I do. A lot. More than you'll ever know"
"Then that's enough" I looked straight at her eyes and saw only sincerity. I leaned in forward to kiss her on the lips. Even if she said so, I'll still try my best to give her everything. For now, it'll be my undying love..
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EeteuksAngel #1
These were really cute! Love these all so much! ^^
YouDunnoMe #2
i love this!!!
Chapter 7: AWWWW I ALWAYS LOE YOUR STORIES!! I cant wait for your next one
Chapter 5: I agree what a tease !!! >< AGHHHH OMG TOTAL FANGIRL MOMENT!!
Chapter 2: AWWW W SOO CUTE !!! I love your stories
Chapter 1: awwww, so sweeet >< OMG, DAEBAK!!! can't wait to see more ><