ice skating

In love with a nerd like him?

I couldn’t believe such a nerd could ever look like that hot guy standing right in front of me.

“Yeobo~ what took you so long” Key said as he skipped up to JongHyun and slung his arms around JongHyun. My jaw almost dropped and Key just laughed at me.

“Your 2 are together?” I said in confusion and all of them laughed.

“No, they just act that way, don’t worry they are straight” Onew laughed as he looked at me and I just nodded.

“You know JongHyun oppa you should dress like this in school” I said looking at him as he sat down on the sofa.

“He doesn’t like to dress like this as all girls will go crazy for him and like him for his looks and money” TaeMin said looking at me and I just nodded.

“Let’s go ice skating~” MinHo declared as he took JongHyun’s hand and I just laughed at them.

“Kaja” Key said as he slung his arm around me and TaeMin skipped beside me. I saw JongHyun looking back at me and he looks kinda jealous.

“Let’s make him jealous” Key said as he looked at me and I agreed. “Jagiya~” Key said loud enough for JongHyun to hear and he turn around while I held onto Key’s arm and lean my head against his arm and we can could see JongHyun turning green with jealousy. As soon as he turned around I could help but to laugh as his face was so cute. JongHyun got into the car than me than lastly is Key. Onew was driving and TaeMin was sitting in the front seat. As Onew drove to the ice skating ring I and Key kept taking selca with each other and from the side of my eye I could see JongHyun getting really jealous he was even pouting while looking out the window. *snap* I took a photo of JongHyun and I giggled as it was him pouting.

“Aint he cute?” I said to Key as I showed him the picture I just took and he laughed. “Let’s take a pic birthday boy” I said as I turned to JongHyun and he smiled at me.

“JongHyun are you jealous?” I asked after I took the photo and he looked at me.

“Whatever for?” he said looking away and blushing.

“Nothing at all just asking~” I sang as I turned back to Key and laughed.

Throughout the whole journey JongHyun face was as black as a black hole but I can’t stop laughing, in this short period me and Key have become best friends we are so alike just that he is kinda girly and I aint that girly hahas. In the front we could see Onew and TaeMin were holding in their laughter as JongHyun’s face was priceless. Even as the side we could see MinHo looking out the window while holding in his laugher.

“We’re here~” TaeMin said as he pointed to the ice skating ring in front of us. I look away from Key to see the ice skating ring in front of us I can’t wait to ice skate but I aint good at it. As soon as we got out of the car I grabbed JongHyun’s hand.

“Pailli~” I sang as I ran with him to the ice skating ring and he just chuckled. I turned around to see the rest of the guy also running along with us and I could see JongHyun’s face turning a little red. As soon as we reached the place I looked at the huge place in awe.

“Wow its huge~” I exclaimed and the guys just nodded. We then walked up to the counter and paid for the tickets before going to rent the skates. When the guys put on their skates they were skating like a pro I can’t help but to watch in awe. Most of the girls were in awe too and many of them were talking about the guys.

“Hanuel pailli~” Key said waving his hands at me and I slowly got onto the ice ring and started to move slowly towards them.

“Have you ice skate before?” MinHo asked me as he looked at me.

“Not really I only can skate a…….” I didn’t get to finish my sentence and I fell down landing on the cold and hard ground. I looked up and JongHyun was stretching out his hand for me to take, I smiled and took his hand as he helped me up.

“Come lets skate together~” he said as he dragged me along.

“Ah slow down~” I said as I was being pulled by him.

“Call me oppa first” JongHyun said.

“BWOH?! Oppa?” I almost screamed and he slowed down.

“Yeah I’m older than you by birthday so I’m your oppa” he said pointing to himself and I just nodded.

After that we were skating around for about another hour.

“Let’s each I’m hungry~” TaeMin said pointing to the cafeteria in front of the ice skating ring.

“Yeah let’s eat chicken!” Onew declared and I just laughed.

“You guys go first I want to go to the toilet” JongHyun said as TaeMin pulled my arm and started skipping. We walked to the cafeteria and not long later we found a place to sit. I look at the direction where the toilet was at to look out for JongHyun. When he walked out I saw 2 girls flirting with him and I was getting a little jealous but when JongHyun reject those 2 girls I saw them turning my way and it was HyoSung and SunHye.

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