Silhouettes of The Two

Dia Huang Zi Tao?!

alang-alang aku terbaca and storyline dia not bad la.. 7.5 out 10?



Silhouettes of The Two

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K-rul_42 #1
Chapter 11: Bestlh fanfic ni ^^ . Btw update soon pls ^^
AuziSalsabila #2
Chapter 11: tunggu..hehehe...jgn lupa update yea
Chapter 7: Pwahahahahahaha xD serius gelak golek2 bayang dorang suma tuh.... ff terbaik maaa!! ≧﹏≦ comey gila...........!! Tetiba plak boleh falling kat si tao sekarang...... ouo tomeeeyyy~~ update laaa! *Gigit bantal*
Chapter 7: kai..hahaha ><
Chapter 7: Tao-yah... aigoo neomu kiyowo.. hahaaa sengal punya Kai.. kan dah dibodohkan dgn Luhaeenn... wakawaka... xD
Chapter 7: Dari malaysia boleh pulak dia baca thailand xD
AhSongyi #7
Chapter 7: Kai..Salah tempat xD
AhSongyi #8
Chapter 6: alahai.dahlah tengah syok baca T^T
Chapter 7: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Kyaaaa!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Seriusly meroyan terok baca ff ni T^T

sobs.. nak nangis... Tao~~ Oh my.. err.. *okey speechless*
Ehhh, geram kot kat Tao ni.. cium kang xD Haaaaaa~

paling tak tahan part karipap dgn tido atas riba tu... oh mai.. sy dri duduk atas kerusi terus bngun.. jalan-jalan dulu then kipas-kipas muka habis... Sebab TAO MANJA HABIS....KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jap,knp sy rasa eksited lebih ni?
sobs~~ :')

Fighting author-nim <333

Chapter 7: Yehet.... Dont forget to update this story.... Update soon