
When Two Hearts Become One

[Your Pov]

"_________-ah!" they said.

"Hey SHINee Oppas!" you smiled happily

"We haven't seen each other in forever!" stated Jonghyun, the short one.

"Still pretty as ever!" said Key who was smiling

"Hi Noona" said Taemin who was the maknae of the group

"Who are they?" said Minho eyeing DBSK up and down

"Do they have chicken here?!" asked Onew excitedly

Everyone gave him a weird look

You chuckled, still the same silly chicken lover Onew that you knew.

"Oppas, these are my new friends and that's my brother Yunho" you pointed to each and everyone one of them and introduced their names.

"Nice to meet you guys" said SHINee oppas who started to introduce themseleves too

"How do you guys know my sis?" asked Yunho who wasn't looking too happy

"We use to go to the same school until ______ left us!" said Taemin pouting

"Oh, sorry Taemin." you said feeling guilty

"But you guys didn't say bye to me when I left Jeju!" you said giving them the guilt trip back.

"Sorry _____, we were busy." said SHINee who was sheepishly rubbing their necks

*_____ sure is popular* thought Jaejoong who rolled his eyes

You felt the atmosphere getting awkward.

No one knew what to say to each other.

You decided to break the awkward silence.

"Oppas, I think I'm going to go with the other Oppas now, See ya guys."

"Aww, alright. Remember to contact us soon!" said SHINee

"Sure, bye Oppas" you said giving them a smile

You and DBSK left the cafe.

"Alright guys, I think I'm going to take _____ home now, See you guys later" stated Yunho

"Okay, bye Yunho, bye _____" said DBSK

[SHINEE's POV. Inside Koo Cafe.]

"Hey Jonghyun" said Key


"Do you still like ____?" asked Key

"Yes, and this time I am going to win her heart no matter what." said Jonghyun who was smirking confidently

Minho flicked Jonghyun's head.

"YAH! What was that for?" said Jonghyun who was rubbing his forehead

"You're so full of yourself." said Minho who was rolling his eyes

Onew and Taemin sat there happily eating their chicken and ignoring the converstation the other two were having.

[Your POV]

You were walking home with Yunho.

"______, why do you have so many guy friends that I haven't seen before?!" Yunho eyed you suspiciously

"Because we went to different schools so you wouldn't know about them"

"Well don't let them take advantage of you, araso?" said Yunho protectively

"Don't worry Oppa, they're good people" you said defendingly

"Araso, if you say so" said Yunho

You guys arrived at your guys home.

You greeted your mom and dad and went up to your room.

You did your homework for an hour or two and took a shower.

You skipped dinner since you were still feeling full.

You went to your bed and laid down, you thought of your 'date' with Minho tomorrow and you smiled to yourself. Your eyes slowly fell shut.

You had a nice dream, a smile crept up to your lips unconsciously.


-Comment reply-

Updated! Thanks for commenting and reading my story. :D
And I understand, I just had finals recently too, it's such a hassle! School is out for me now though.
I'll have more time to update ^____^ yay!!


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opklnm #1
update soon
mrtoast #2
yay!!!! I found you tooo!!!!!!! I was reading on winglet but now i found you here YEEESSSS!!!
Aww not Minho? LOL Now there's even more drama...<br />
Can't wait to have a date with Minho!!! I just fall in love with him recently because of City Hunter!! XD<br />
Please update soon!
Must be Minho! LOL <br />
Gosh! I really love DBSK and Lee Minho!! It's nice to have a fanfic with Minho! XD<br />
I feel bad for Jaejoong though, he's trying so hard but it just turns out badly LOL<br />
Sorry I didn't comment for some time! I just finish my finals<br />
Please update soon!
trishakeepsthefaith #5
Hey! I'm really lookin' forward to your update!! Just because i can relate it to myself. :)) Hehe! Keep it up!
Clumsy #6
@yncassie Hi new reader! Thanks for reading. ^^ And I don't know if i can continue updating this. Maybe once in awhile. I haven't updated this story recently because i've been having a writer's block, and school started, and i've been hella busy. High school is such a pain. Enough with the excuses now. I'll try to update today if I can. (:
New reader!<br />
Sounds good! Really lookin forward to your update!
Clumsy #8
@xxxarronyanxxx Thanks for the compliment and thanks for subscribing i appreciate it and thanks for everything else. (: And yes, haha, Jaejoong is my favorite. I'm bias over him, haha. And yes Fighting! :D Thanks for the first comment. (:
Hi^_^<br />
good start to your story :) i subscribed to it:D<br />
can't wait for upcoming chapters of the story. keep up the good work. and good luck with your story.<br />
oooh is Jaejoong your favourite in DBSK??<br />