Chapter 3

When Two Hearts Become One

-Your Pov-

Your alarm clock rang and you lazily went out of bed.

What a beautiful day outside you noticed. I hope it stays like this you stated smiling to yourself.

You took a shower and changed into some decent clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast with your family.

Outfit link:

"Good morning hunny" your mom stated smiling at you

"Good morning umma" you replied smiling too

"Wheres appa?" you asked.

"He had to go to work early so he already left" your umma said

And just then Yunho oppa came down to eat breakfast too.

"Good morning my lovely dongsaeng. Don't you think that short is too short?!" Yunho questioned. He was being over protective again.

You puffed up your cheeks and blew a raspberry.

"Its not short! I think its just right." You said while pouting

"Aish, fine. You can wear it but just this one time, okay?" Yunho stated

You ignored him and continued to eat.

The both of you were then done and you guys left to go to school.

And once again you were being bombared by fan girls.

You didn't like how there was so many people surrounding you and your brother so you left and decided to go look for your friend, Hye Su.

You spotted her sitting underneath a tree with two other girls. She then saw you too.

"Oh HEY ____! These are my friends Scarlet and Karen." Hye su said and was introducing you guys.

"Hello ____! Pleased to meet you" Scarlet said smiling brightly at you

"Hey ____ ." Said the more quiet one, Karen. She smiled a bit at you

"Hello guys! Nice to meet you both" You said giving them your biggest smile

"Alright we're all friends now!" Hye Su said grinning

You guys started talking to one another and soon learned a lot about one another. You guys joked around and laughed together.

You felt so blessed to make such kind friends so soon.

"Okay guys I think its time for me and ____ to go to class now, Bye Karen and Scarlet!" Hye Su said pulling on your hand and dragging you to your first class together with her

First period was boring... but you were happy that you sat next to Hye Su and Min Ho.

You kept staring at him.

He caught you staring at him.

You blushed and looked away feeling embarrassed that he caught you staring at him.

He chuckled at seeing how cute you were.

You spent the rest of the class period trying to focus your attention on the teacher instead of Min Ho.

When class ended Min Ho tapped your shoulder.

"Hey ____, I was wondering if I can have the honor to have lunch with you today?" He said giving you a warm smile that made you feel all giddy inside

"I promised Hye Su and the girls that I would eat lunch with them though" you said feeling a bit bad for not being able to eat with him

Hye Su overheard your conversation with you and him though and told you that it was fine and that she thinks that you should go eat with Min Ho.

You smiled and thanked her.

"Okay, so yeah. I'll see you at lunch later" you stated smiling brightly

Min Ho grinned and left smiling to himself.

While you and Hye Su walked to your next class that you had together she asked you a question

"HEY ____ do you like Min Ho?" Hye Su said teasingly

"Ah, noo waaaay" you said blushing

You had to admit he was cute and made you feel all giddy inside though whenever he would smile or talk to you.

"Suree ____, whatever you say" Hye Su said smirking

Second, Third, and Fourth period fly by fast and it was already time for lunch.

You spotted Min Ho sitting at a table  so you grabbed your lunch and went to sit with him.

"Hey Min Ho" You said happily

"Oh hey ____" He said grinning at you. He thought you were so cute when you smiled. He felt like pinching your cheeks.

You and him ate together and joked around.

He and you were laughing a lot.

You guys were becoming closer.

"Hey ____, Call me Min Ho Oppa" He said giving you a puppy face so that you would agree

Aish, you thought he was so cute and who could ignore his puppy face? So you agreed to his request.

"Min Ho Oppa.." you said blushing a bit

He liked hearing you call him that. He chuckled and messed up your hair.

"Hey Oppa ! Stop that, my hair is all messy now" you pouted

"Don't worry you're beautiful no matter what" he said smirking

And you just laughed at that comment.

-DBSK's Pov-

"Oh hey, isn't that ____ over there?" Changmin pointed to you and a guy sitting together.

"Oh yeah it is! Hey Yunho, you should tell your sister to come and eat lunch with us tomorrow" Junsu said smirking

Jaejoong then saw you and the guy laughing and playing around with each other.

His blood boiled with anger. He didn't know why. Just the thought of you talking to some other guy drove him mad..

He started to approach you and the guy.

He punched Min Ho squared in the face.

You ran to Min Ho's side.

"WHAT THE IS YOUR PROBLEM JAEJOONG?" you shouted feeling angry at him for hitting Min Ho

What is going to happen next? :D Stay tune to find out.

 Soo . anyways. I haven't updated in months. LOL I felt like no one was reading this so I wanted to give up on it.. But today I suddenly had the urge to writee so yeah. I'm willing to give it another try! (: SO PLEASE COMMENT. IT GIVES ME MOTIVATION TO WRITE. Oh mann now i sound like a needy person, aha. Anyways, I think this chapter LOL, had no clue what to write but i felt like writing so yeahh. :)  so sorry if its short! anyways thanks for reading... if anyone is reading this that is..  ^^

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opklnm #1
update soon
mrtoast #2
yay!!!! I found you tooo!!!!!!! I was reading on winglet but now i found you here YEEESSSS!!!
Aww not Minho? LOL Now there's even more drama...<br />
Can't wait to have a date with Minho!!! I just fall in love with him recently because of City Hunter!! XD<br />
Please update soon!
Must be Minho! LOL <br />
Gosh! I really love DBSK and Lee Minho!! It's nice to have a fanfic with Minho! XD<br />
I feel bad for Jaejoong though, he's trying so hard but it just turns out badly LOL<br />
Sorry I didn't comment for some time! I just finish my finals<br />
Please update soon!
trishakeepsthefaith #5
Hey! I'm really lookin' forward to your update!! Just because i can relate it to myself. :)) Hehe! Keep it up!
Clumsy #6
@yncassie Hi new reader! Thanks for reading. ^^ And I don't know if i can continue updating this. Maybe once in awhile. I haven't updated this story recently because i've been having a writer's block, and school started, and i've been hella busy. High school is such a pain. Enough with the excuses now. I'll try to update today if I can. (:
New reader!<br />
Sounds good! Really lookin forward to your update!
Clumsy #8
@xxxarronyanxxx Thanks for the compliment and thanks for subscribing i appreciate it and thanks for everything else. (: And yes, haha, Jaejoong is my favorite. I'm bias over him, haha. And yes Fighting! :D Thanks for the first comment. (:
Hi^_^<br />
good start to your story :) i subscribed to it:D<br />
can't wait for upcoming chapters of the story. keep up the good work. and good luck with your story.<br />
oooh is Jaejoong your favourite in DBSK??<br />