Chapter 6

When Two Hearts Become One


You can feel Jaejoong staring at you behind your back, you shivered.

It feels creepy..

You turned around and saw Jaejoong giving you a goofy smile.

Aish, whatever, just ignore it _______!

Min Ho who sat next to you noticed Jaejoong staring at you and sent glares to Jaejoong.

He noticed and smirked.

The class was long, but it finally ended.

All the students began walking out of the classroom to go to their next period.

Min Ho stood up out of his seat and tapped your shoulder.

"Hey _____, like I was saying before can I t-" said Min Ho, until Jaejoong came between you guys and interrupted Min Ho.

"YAH, WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?" said Jaejoong who was smriking evily feeling glad that he interrupted Min Ho before he could say anything to you.

"I am so not going to let Min Ho win ______'s heart first" Jaejoong thought

"Retard." Min Ho said silently feeling pissed off for being cut off again..

"YAH, what did you say? said Jaejoong giving him a pissed off look

"OH, nothing..." said Min Ho silently

"Dam Jaejoong, always in the way" Min Ho thought feeling pissed.

"What do you want Jaejoong? you asked feeling a bit annoyed.

"Want to eat lunch with DBSK?" he said knowing you wouldn't agree if he said it was only you and him

You pondered for awhile and finally agreed, since you also did want to hang out with the other guys.

"Sure, why not?" you said

"Great, see you then!" Jaejoong winked and left

"That flirt... tsk" you said silently shaking your head

"OH Min Ho Oppa, what did you want to say? you said looking at him innocently

"I uh.... was wondering if you would like to go out somewhere tomorrow since its a Saturday?" Min Ho said softly feeling his ears begin to heat up

"Is this a date?" you laughed jokingly

"NO, I MEAN, Unless you want it to be one.. well.. uh I guess so? I don't know" Min Ho said frantically feeling embarrased

"Haha, just kidding Oppa, Sure, I would love to. See you, I gotta go to class now" you said feeling happy that he asked you out on a 'date'.

"Bye _____" Min Ho said grinning happily because you accepted

You walked to Hye Su and went to your next period that you guys had together.

"Hey, what did those two talk to you about? Hye Su asked curiously

"Jaejoong invited me to eat lunch with him and DBSK, and Min Ho asked me out on Saturday?" you said nonchantly.

"OOOOH, they both asked you out?!" said Hye Su grinning

"NOOOO" you said blushing

"Why are you blusing then? Aigo, so cute." said Hye Su who was pinching your cheeks

"YAH, whatever" you slapped her hand playfully.

"I have a feeling that they both like her.."  Hye Su thought to herself.  

"well.. this is going to be a fun year with _____ around." Hye Su chuckled.

your two classes went by and it was time for lunch, yay! you thought

You got a tray and went to get your food.

After you got your food you spotted DBSk, and sat down with them.

"Hey _____" said Changmin giving you a smile.

"Hey dongsaeng" said Yunho Oppa, who was grinning at you

"Hey beautiful" said Junsu giving you a wink.

"Hi ____" said Yoochun giving you a small smile.

"HEY ______" shouted Jaejoong, oops.. maybe a bit too loud thought Jaejoong feeling embarrased.

His friends gave him a weird look.

"Hey guys!~" you said giving them a big smile.

"______, SIT WITH ME" said Junsu grinning evily

"YAH, STOP HITTING ON MY SISTER" said Yunho who was smacking Junsu with his tray.

You giggled.

"______, you can sit with me" said Changmin smiling and patting the seat next to him.

You made your way over to him and sat down.

"Stupid Changmin, I wanted her to sit with me" thought Jaejoong who felt a bit sad

"_______, want to hang out with us after school?" asked your brother Yunho

"Sure Oppa, what are we going to do?" you asked curiously

"Oh it's nothing, you'll see" said Yunho grinning

"YAY _____ IS COMI-" said Junsu but before he could finish his sentence Yunho smacked him again.

"YAH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" asked Junsu who was rubbing his head with a pissed off look.

His friensd laughed at him, and you tried to hold in your giggle.

Everyone began to have small talks with you.

"Ugh, I called her to eat lunch with me to have time to talk to her, but now they're taking all my time!" thought Jaejoong who was feeling jealous

Lunch was ending quickly.

You finished your lunch and headed to 5th period with DBSK, which was math.

In class you saw Jaejoong struggling again.

You laughed to yourself.

"Aish, why does math have to be so hard!? Why do we have to even learn it for.. what am I going to use y = mx + b in life? said Jaejoong angrily while scratching his head.

"Class, I have already finished grading your tests, some of you did really good, and some of you.. well.., I am a bit disappointed on" said the teacher

Mr. Park handed your test to you.

"Congratulations _____, you did very good! 100%, I'm proud of you" said Mr. Park grinning

"Kamsahamnida" you said feeling happy that you did well

Mr. Park handed Jaejoong's test back to him.

"Jaejoong, can we have a little talk after class during the 10 minute break?" said Mr. Park

"Yes sir" said Jaejoong feeling sad because he got only a 37%, which was an F.

Mr. Park handed the rest of the tests to everyone else in class.

He started his a new lesson.

"Today we're going to learn, blahblahblahblah" said Mr. Park (SORRY LAZY, And I don't even know what they should be learning, LOL.)

The bell rang.

"Okay class, that is all today, please have a great day and enjoy your break and head on to 6th period next" said Mr. Park

Some people began to leave the classroom.

"Jaejoong, come forward please." said Mr. Park

"______, can you come here too?" asked Mr. Park

"Sure?" you said thinking to yourself what did I do wrong?

"____________, I was wondering if you would like to tutor Jaejoong? Hes doing.. well bad in class and I wouldn't want him to fail" said Mr. Park looking at you with pleading eyes

Jaejoong had a hope of spark in his eyes, he was feeling super happy that you might be tutoring him which equals more time to spend with you!

"Um, I don't know sir.." you said feeling unsure wether to accept his request or not

"Please ____!" said Jaejoong giving you puppy eyes.

"Aish, that look of his how can I say no.." you said shaking your head

"Fine I agree." you said sulking a bit

"what did I get myself into this time?" you thought to yourself.

"Thats great" said Mr. Park feeling relieved that you accepted.

"You will start tutoring him on Monday after school, okay?" said Mr. Park

"Okay sir" said you and Jaejoong

"Okay see ya kids! Enjoy the rest of your break" said Mr. Park

You and Jaejoong walked out of the classroom.

"Komawo _____, thanks for agreeing to tutor me." said Jaejoong giving you smirk.

"Whatever" you said feeling annoyed at his smirk.

You walked away and went to your last period which was dancing, yipee!~

Jaejoong ran after you and walked beside you grinning.

I updated.. finally right? Sorries. :C

Finally had the time to sit and write a chapter.

Sorry if there is any typos, no time to check.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Love you!~ <3 ~ Clumsy


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opklnm #1
update soon
mrtoast #2
yay!!!! I found you tooo!!!!!!! I was reading on winglet but now i found you here YEEESSSS!!!
Aww not Minho? LOL Now there's even more drama...<br />
Can't wait to have a date with Minho!!! I just fall in love with him recently because of City Hunter!! XD<br />
Please update soon!
Must be Minho! LOL <br />
Gosh! I really love DBSK and Lee Minho!! It's nice to have a fanfic with Minho! XD<br />
I feel bad for Jaejoong though, he's trying so hard but it just turns out badly LOL<br />
Sorry I didn't comment for some time! I just finish my finals<br />
Please update soon!
trishakeepsthefaith #5
Hey! I'm really lookin' forward to your update!! Just because i can relate it to myself. :)) Hehe! Keep it up!
Clumsy #6
@yncassie Hi new reader! Thanks for reading. ^^ And I don't know if i can continue updating this. Maybe once in awhile. I haven't updated this story recently because i've been having a writer's block, and school started, and i've been hella busy. High school is such a pain. Enough with the excuses now. I'll try to update today if I can. (:
New reader!<br />
Sounds good! Really lookin forward to your update!
Clumsy #8
@xxxarronyanxxx Thanks for the compliment and thanks for subscribing i appreciate it and thanks for everything else. (: And yes, haha, Jaejoong is my favorite. I'm bias over him, haha. And yes Fighting! :D Thanks for the first comment. (:
Hi^_^<br />
good start to your story :) i subscribed to it:D<br />
can't wait for upcoming chapters of the story. keep up the good work. and good luck with your story.<br />
oooh is Jaejoong your favourite in DBSK??<br />