Phase II: Reunion

No One Can Tell

“Ella!! Go down here!! Someone is waiting for you!!”


Argh! It’s early in the morning when my Aunt Zhen shouted at me. I didn’t get a good sleep last night. I couldn’t help thinking and raking my precious brain cells of what happened yesterday. Okay, I decided to fix my beddings before my aunt shouts the hell out of me again. Haha, but that is one of the reasons why I love her.


“ARIEL!!!” I almost tripped when I saw my best friend.


“ELLA!!!” She shouted back and hugged me tight.


“Why didn’t you tell me you’re already here in Taipei?!”


 She just laughed at my reaction. I stared at her. She has grown prettier, and sure enough smarter. Ariel is my best friend since grade school. I was always her defender whenever she was being bullied.


Bookworm. That was her alias and probably the reason why they keep on picking up onto her.


“Eh! Don’t shout at me, I’m just right here! I wanted to surprise you, and I succeeded right? Hahaha!!!”


“Yeah yeah,, so where are you planning to stay?”


“It’s not ‘stay’ because I’m going to stay here for good. Isn’t it great?!”


“WOW!!!! Why don’t you live here, with us if it’s okay to Auntie?”


“Of course dear. No problem. As long as she’s going to help you become smarter. Haha.. ”


“Auntie?!” She is teasing me, she always do that.


“I’m just kidding. Hehe, I know you are a mart girl, just that you still needs to be taken care of, at least I won’t get worried whenever you go to school.”


“Ah, Auntie you’re so sweet.”


“Silly. I’m going to leave now. Ariel welcome to your new home.” Then she kissed Ariel’s cheeks and mine, and then she left.


“Auntie Zhen is still nice as ever. I love her.”


“So it means you’ll also study here? We will going to be classmates again?” I asked with excitement written all over my face.


Its her first day of school so I decided to tour her around the campus. We’re on our way to our respective room, when I heard girls screaming like there’s no tomorrow. Gosh, it irritates me, especially my ears.


“Elle, why are they screaming?” Ariel asked me while I keep on looking at the girls. “Look!” She added.


I turned to look at the direction Ariel’s pointing.


Well, it’s nothing to be worried for, it’s just…





“Don’t shout! I can hear you. So what if it’s Chun Wu? Why shout?!”


I have this feeling that Chun changed. After the ‘sorry incident’, he became cold toward me. Duh?! What am I saying? So back to the commotion there, I don’t know if I will laugh or not. He is totally changed from a childish boy to a notorious playboy?! What is he thinking?


“AHA! Ella you never told me you got a thing on Chun Wu.”


“What thing? Don’t talk rubbish things Ariel. I’m not attracted to him.”


She laughs.


I glared at her.


“I didn’t say you’re attracted to him. Ha-ha, cat caught your tongue?”


“Oh please…” I shook my head in Ariel’s stupid talks.


“I’m just joking. I think I…”


“You think what?”


“I think I’m in love.”



“What?!” It’s just her first day of school, and she already found a prince charming? And just who is that?


I looked at her, and it seems she is in her dreamland. She’s smiling to herself.


“Ariel, you’re in love with whom?”


“I am not yet ready. Ha-ha, I’ll tell if I am.”







“Chun, can you teach this one?” One of my classmates asked while handing her notes to Chun.


“Oh, that one, it’s easy. It goes like this.”


After that, she gets back to her seat and started whispering to her seatmates.


I looked at Chun and was surprised to see his looking at me too.


I immediately turned to focus to my notebook and pretend I’m writing something, but it was just circles.


Is he still looking at me? Curious, I looked at him again, but this time, he’s nowhere to find?






“AH!!” I was shocked. Chun is just half inches away from my face. He is laughing like a . I thought he had changed, but I guess, he is still the same.




I rolled my eyes and stand up annoyed by him again.

Everyone is staring at us. I don’t know why.


“Are you still mad at me?!” He dared to ask me.


“Oh Chun. Why are you thinking that? Of course I’m not. Why would I? You’re always NICE at me.” I pretended to sound sweet.



Okay, I think it’s enough. Ha-ha!


He’s going to say something when our teacher arrived.


Haizzt, another boring day.


“Get one piece of paper we’re having a quiz.”




Oh crap! I didn’t study. What am I going to do?



I saw Chun, just calm, and smirking?



“Someone is going to fail in our quiz from not studying. Ha-ha!” He whispered to his seatmate.


I heard that!


I just stare at my paper, hoping some answer will pop out from my brain. But so disappointing, there is nothing.


Bids of sweat are rolling down now to my forehead. Our teacher is so strict. I’m not having any luck as of this moment. I can’t even peep to my seatmates. HUHUHU…








Half an hour passed, and my paper was so cleaned. I hate this day! I didn’t answer even a single question. Ariel is excused of course; this is just her first day.




“Ella, how’s the quiz?” Ariel asked me after the class.


“Great.” I answered but curved my lips feeling annoyed.


“I saw Chun, he is so confident with what he’s writing. Is he smart?”


“Smart .”


“You’re just envy. Ha-ha. Poor Ella.”


“Eh! You should be comforting me!”


“Oh sorry. Forget about that, just study next time and make sure you’ll perfect the quizzes okay?” I nodded.


I am thinking, what if Ariel took the quiz? I’m sure she will get high score. Tsk tsk tsk. That’s what you get for thinking nonsense reasons why some jerk changed.



“Ella!” A familiar voice called me and it was,


“Aaron, hey!”


“Going home?” He asked while resting his arms on my shoulder.


There it goes again. I feel uncomfortable. He’s being touchy these past few days.



“Hi! I’m Ariel!” Ariel pulled me into her side. Phew! Saved by the bell.


I muttered ‘thanks’.


“Oh. Hi Ariel. Ella’s best friend?”


“How’d you know?”


“Just a wild guess.”


“Ha-ha. And you are her?”


“I’m her boy friend.”



Aaron whispered something but unfortunately, I didn’t hear it.


“You’re her what?” Ariel asked him to repeat again.


“A VERY closed friend.” He smiled and volunteered to send us back home again.


 Honestly, I don’t want to go home yet, so I told him to send Ariel instead. He hesitated not to send me home with her but I insisted.




“Chun, oh….uh….stop….slow down….”


I heard someone calling that jerk’s name.



What is he doing? He probably might not doing…or…making….uh!



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K-pop_lover123 #1
Chapter 1: nice story?