Phase I: Confusions

No One Can Tell


            I, Ella Chen am really irritated when it comes to Chun Wu. Why? You’re asking why? Who wouldn’t be annoyed when you always get naughty, nonsense and so silly things from him? It all started when we became seatmates. He always makes fun of my hair. He plays his pen to my ears, and then makes a horrible laugh. Then one time, when we’re having our physics class,


“Ei. Ella, I have something for you.” He said while laughing at me.

“Stop pestering me. I’m not going to be nice at you.”

“This is for you.” He is holding something.



“AHH!!!!!!” What the hell?! I screamed at the top of my lungs because he threw me a green tiny frog and it landed right away at my lap.


It was such regret; the teacher is out for a meeting. I wanna tell her what that Chun Wu did to me, but then I realized, she might think I’m still a kid complaining to her mother.


Then, when I am on my way home with my bike on my side, I saw him approaching me. I rolled my eyes. What does he want this time?

I heard him calling my precious name.


He’s running towards me with his friends. Gosh, what’s he up to?

I didn’t run away from them, for they’ll think I’m scared. And so, I just continue my walk.


He grabbed me in my wrist and turned me to him. I was stunned. I was going to say something, when he interrupted me.




“What?” I heard him in fact, but I’m teasing him now.


“I said I’m sorry okay?!”


“EH! You’re apologizing while you want to eat me! WHAT KIND OF ATTITUDE IS YOURS?!”




“HUH! Why?! Did I ask you to apologize?! What for?!”


He didn’t answer; I think I defeated him now. Huh! Then one of his friends, Jiro yelled.




They are really friends, all are troublesome and pig headed.

Chun left with his friends following him. They are talking to him and I don’t care what the hell it is all about.


I finally reached home. I changed to shorts and shirts then I drop myself to my bed. I am thinking of him. I hate it, when I find myself pitying him.


“I didn’t ask him to apologize!” . I was the one who should be mad and walk away, yet he’s acting like he’s the victim here. At the same time, I am confused. I’m confused, is it him? It’s the first time, I heard him say ‘sorry’ to me. It was a sleepless night for me. I tossed and tossed on my bed thinking of anything. Again, it’s the first time I saw him that serious and so close to me. Argh! This is killing me!




The other day, I was sitting on my chair, when Aaron Yan from other section entered in the classroom. Aaron is nice to me. Sometimes, he makes me wonder why he is so sweet to me. He offers me a ride when I forget my bike to bring with me, but he doesn’t mind other girls even if they need to walk home. They said, he got a huge crush on me. DUH?! He’s so popular, while I’m just an average girl. Well, I don’t care about that crush crush issue. Back to him, I was startled when he approached Chun and gave him a punch to the face. All my classmates are shouting. Some cheers for Aaron, and others for Chun. No one dares to stop the fight. They’re afraid Aaron’s Gang and Chun’s might get back at them. So they remained standing and watching the scene.



“ELLA!!!!!!” Ouch! I fell on the floor, when I tried to interfere. I don’t want to hurt anyone of them. Eh? Whatever!


At least it stopped. Aaron held me up; while I saw he brushed Chun’s hand off of me. Jesus. They’re throwing death glares again. Then Chun walked away, followed by his gang. His gang, why they didn’t stop him? Useless.


I accompanied Aaron to clinic, volunteering to put the ice bag to his cheeks.


“What’s wrong?” Aaron touched my hand and I removed it quickly. I felt uneasiness. Then I heard him muttered ‘sorry’.


“It’s okay.” I assured him.


I was thinking over Chun. But why? I’m thinking what the root of the fight is. Why did he get angry all of the sudden and wanted to bite me? Does he have his medication as of now? Silly me.


“Aren’t you going to asked me why did it happen?”


“Are you going to tell me?”


“Actually, it happened because~” *bang!*



Chun barged in and stared at Aaron, then at me, then back at Aaron. As usual, he’s with his monkey friend.


“I thought this is the clinic.”


“Chun, we’re not in a clinic, we’re in a couple’s room.” Jiro said.


Are they looking for a fight again?


“LET’S GO!” Chun commanded Jiro, and then left the couple’s room. I mean the clinic. Stupid.



“What’s with him?” I asked the smirking Aaron.




“Don’t mind him. He’s going insane soon. So childish.Tsk tsk tsk.”



Honestly, Aaron didn’t tell me the real reason of the fight. He just told me, it’s because of a stupid thing. I’m not wondering anymore. A stupid thing for a stupid person.

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Chapter 1: nice story?