Phase IV: Connection

No One Can Tell

“Aaron, oh hi. Why are you still here?” Ella asked, sensing the building tension.


He didn’t answer, looking at Chun. They’re throwing death glares to each other. What is really the root of their quarrel? It’s obvious, they’re enemies. But it’s intriguing, right?


“I had fun spending time with Aunt Zhen and Ariel, so I didn’t exactly notice the time.” He coldly said, because of Chun. ‘Why are they together?’


They are standing there, until the lady and an old one called their attention.


“Ella! Why are you just now?”


“Yeah, Ella. We chatted for almost 3 hours.” Ariel added, bringing her presence to the group.



 “I uh.. I just finished some school stuffs. That’s why I’m late.” Yes! She had raked an alibi.



“Whatever. Oh! I see there is another handsome man there.” She’s referring to Chun.



“He’s going home, Aunt Zhen.” Ella quickly said looking at Chun, making an ‘go-home- now-look’.


She looked at her niece, feeling weird. ‘What’s with the teenagers nowadays?’



While to Aaron, he knows that Aunt Zhen is aware of someone in the school is making fun of her precious niece; and she curses that man. He made a grin upon his face.


“Aunt Zhen, we’re leaving now. Thanks for the time; I really enjoyed talking with beautiful girls like you.” He’s such an expert.


And Aunt Zhen blushed like a giddy teenager at that moment.


“Silly, take care. And you too, young man.”


Chun didn’t talk a bit since they came to her house. He was guilty, and worried about Ella’s wound. They haven’t still noticing it.


He nodded as a response.



Aaron went home with his bike, opposite direction of where Chun was.


Honestly, what he said and acted a while ago was just a façade. The truth is, he wanted to talk in a rude way, seeing Chun and ‘his’ Ella together.




Getting a band aid, she covered her wound from yesterday and look at the mirror.


Chun called her last night.


His voice sounded forlorn, but with sincerity. He has no phone at home, but it seemed he looked for a phone boot just to apologize to her.


She is not used of Chun’s nice side, or should I say heartfelt side? Even though, she didn’t speak a single word, Chun just keeps on saying sorry’s.


Shaking her head, she spoke. “Ella. You’re getting exaggerated. Why will Chun change? Remember those times he bullies you. Remember those times, he never go home until he hasn’t giving you a headache. No no no no. Stop thinking, he had changed. That won’t happen. And worst, don’t you EVER think, f~”


She was cut shorted by Ariel. Leaning her shoulder to the door, while her arms on her chest, she said, “Ella Chen, I never thought you have some hidden talents in monologue.”


She was startled. “Oh my God!” She exclaimed, clutching her chest. “ARIEL! You scared the hell out of me!”


“HAHAHAHA!!!” Ariel laughs, and later on stopped. “Sorry, just finish practicing your piece because we’re going to be late.”


Ella made a ‘W’ from her fingers to Ariel.


An amateur basketball tournament will be held in their school gymnasium today.


“Eh, Chun, what’s wrong?” Jiro asked, popping from nowhere.


“Your face.”


“Wei! What’s wrong with my handsome face? Insecured?


“My .”





“You know what, if you keep staying like that, you won’t keep her by your side only.”


“What stupid things are you talking about?”


“Puzzled? Come on Chun Wu. We’ve been best friends. I know you too well.”


“Just go with the point, man.”



“You really don’t know?”






“Look at your back.” Jiro commanded, thus Chun followed.



Ella and Ariel are rushing towards the gym and then stopped at the front. They are panting so hard because the game is about to start.


“Ella, *pants…pants* I really don’t understand why a girl like you is so interested in a man’s sports, *pants… pants…pants*.


“Oh shut up. Just be thankful I invited you, you’ll benefit a lot.”


“Are you serious? How?”


“Because I can find you some boyfriends out there. Hahaha!!!”


Ariel frowns at Ella’s reason.




He can see her laughs. He can see her smile. The way she wears, not too girly, but absolutely more stunning than other pretentious girls. Her little gestures, makes his heart jumps and at the same time, ache.


Why did he have to do that in the first place? Now, Jiro is suspecting him. Is it too obvious? He bet its not. He’s good in acting. Well, he doesn’t know when it comes in front of her. Who is Jiro talking about?




Meanwhile, Ella and Ariel found their comfortable seats on the bleachers not too close and not too far to the main attraction.


“I know, you really like basketball that’s why you dragged me here.”


“Oh please, don’t look like that. Don’t tell me you’re just going to be bored?”


“Wow, you guessed it right. How did you know?”


“Hehe, Ariel dear, just look at the players and you won’t get bored. Alright? Now sit back and relax. ” Ariel sniffed.


The crowd started to cheer for their bets. Two famous teams in their campus will compete today, and that includes Chuns’ and Aarons’. They do not need to argue or compete with each other now. They must cooperate to build a team spirit, or else their coach will kick their out of the court.




And so, the game has begun.


Players started to roam and cover the court. They don’t give single chance to their opponent. Team spirit is building, bringing the game more exciting. As exciting as the girl sitting and then standing every point their bet makes.




“Ella! Don’t block my sight! I can’t see him! ”


With that Ella, stopped and look at Ariel.




“Err, I mean.. I can’t see them!!” ‘Good Lord. Hold your tongue Ariel Lin.’



Back to the game, Chun, Aaron and all the players are not afraid to dive on the floor to catch the ball.



“Yes!! You got it!! Woohoo!!!” Ella shouted and shouted while Ariel is covering her ears.





Now, Aaron got the ball. He’s thinking twice if he will pass it to the man waiting before him.


“Aaron! God damn it! Pass the ball!!” Their coach yelled at him.



“What is he thinking?” Ella asked. Then she noticed Chun.



May be he’s seeing the ball as Ella. He won’t give her to Chun when he already has it. He owns the ball. He owns her. That’s the thoughts that keep running through his mind.


WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE, Chun stole the ball. He made the crowd to react as ‘o_o’ when he jumped nearing the ball to the loop.  This made Aaron worked up!



They exchanged “steal parts” to each other. The court is now heated up and creating a fascinating scene. But their team mates continued playing not minding the two. Their energy is contagious, so the two bulls forget the might be trouble.


Ella eyes them suspiciously. “My God, why can’t they just go with the play and act as team mates for the sake of the game? Tsk tsk tsk, what is really with those two?”



“Why don’t you ask Chun later?” Ariel suggested.


“What? I’ll go ask Chun later? Why him?”


“Huh? I don’t know either. Hehe,” She laughs nervously.



Ella’s POV


Honestly, I don’t think about yesterday anymore. I admit, I got irritated to him. But when he said sorry last night, I was moved and I realized he didn’t do it on purpose. Will I follow Ariel’s suggestion, or will I just ask Aaron?



(A/n: Author’s POV)


The game ended, giving the victory to Chun’s and Aaron’s team. They asked for their coach’ forgiveness. Good thing he accepted it and so the team parted their ways.


“Aaron, kindly give these boxes to Ms. Shirley. She needs this now.” He instructed.


“But coach~” He was cut off by his coach’ glare. “Fine.”




Ella is going to ask Aaron what happened earlier, when she saw he left already. Ariel excused herself to go to ladies room.


“I’ll accompany you.” Ella offered.


“No, it’s okay. I can manage. Just wait for me right here, okay?” She nodded.



So she was left alone.




Chun saw Ella, he hesitated to approach her.


When he’s passing by her, someone bumped into him and that made him FELL ABOVE HER.


He landed right above her. Their lips touched. They taste each other’s lips. But of course, not responding, it’s scandalous, if they did. They are in the public place, inside the gymnasium. Ella’s eyes widened in shock and blinks rapidly compared to the normal one.




Chun’s POV


OH MY BUDDHA! What have I done?! My hearts skip beats into rhythm. I was connected to her at this moment. I can feel her heart’s thudding.


Her lips are damned soft.  It feels like…it feels like, heaven?



(A/n: Author’s POV)


Students surrounded the couple. Aren’t they aware of their audiences?


Gathering up all their senses, Ella pushed Chun hardly against her.. They immediately stood up, embarrassed of what had just happened. She gave a strong SLAP to his face. He was shocked. She covered her lips with her palm and run away.





She runs away from humiliation. Why didn’t she push him earlier than before? She is so confused what she really feels inside of her. It’s that man’s fault for bumping to him. She reached the playground outside the campus, and sat on the swing.






While, Chun… he has gone astray from the gossipers. He just wants to approach her and ask if they’re okay now, but what happened might be an answer to his query.



“ !!” He curses what turned out as he caresses his swollen cheeks. He must apologize to her. But why? She slapped him while he didn’t do it intentionally. He was also surprised, in fact. But what if, she’s angry and she throws her temper to him? Afraid to be slapped again?



Ahhh, forget those ‘what if’s’ and proceed to her whereabouts.




“My God what did they do?!” One of the girl students asked.


“Aren’t they logger heads? May be they are a couple now?”


“Kissing in front of the public?”


“Yeah, she’s so flirt. She snatched our Chun!”


“Does Chun rally likes her? He seems to like her kiss.”




“WEI!!!!!” A girl shouted behind making the chit- chatters startled. “Don’t you dare call my best friend ‘A FLIRT! You are the one who’s flirt!” Ariel shouted.



“Brave enough huh? You’re new here right?” The acting leaded asked.



“REALLY! I’m brave! So what if I’m new here?” She retorted back, but feeling nervous. Ella, her defender is not here. Now she’s the one, who needs to defend her best friend.



“Angela, just teach her a lesson that she won’t definitely forget.”


“What else?”

She smirks and pulled Ariel’s hair out of the blue.


“Angela! Angela! Angela!” They shouted for Angela.

Poor Ariel, she was now doomed. Her hair is so messy.





“Girl’s stop it!” One of the teacher’s screamed. Selina called him to stop the bullying.


“Are you all right?” Selina asked in a concern voice.


Ariel nodded. Selina helped her stand up.



The battle was settled. “I’ll just call Ella, and tell her you already left. Don’t worry about her, okay?”


“Thanks, Selina.”


“That’s nothing, besides I also want to see her and talk about something.”



He found a familiar figure on the swing. Looking at her back, he can’t tell if she’s crying or not. He hides behind the tree watching her hair dance through the wind. Then his gaze landed at her lips. Her soft, luscious and pouting lips whenever she’s getting irritated to him. He touched his. ‘Are you getting ert now, Chun Wu?’



Ella stand up and is going to leave the place when suddenly, someone called her name.


“Ella.” It was a statement and not a question. The voice is firm and strong. It is very familiar.


She turned around and saw the man who stole his ‘first kiss.’ Yeah, her first kiss.

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K-pop_lover123 #1
Chapter 1: nice story?