She's my owner and He's my glue

You're my Glue ^3^

The day passed by fast but everyone had a great time. I didn’t see the two of them after what happened and surely I didn’t want to see their faces. We got everything fixed and headed to our cars but then the manager of the beach ran towards me and Yuri.

“Excuse me Dara-ssi, Yuri-ssi I have a little bad news!” the manager said. We were curious to what the problem was since the day has went by perfectly. “What is it?” I asked. “Well, the roads to Seoul were closed coz of a storm coming from the south, I’m afraid you all have to stay here for the night.” He explained. I looked at the beach and saw a peaceful water, how can a storm be coming, then it hit me, we were in the west right now so of course it would seem calm here but the storm can move to our direction. “Okay, we’ll just call our managers!” I said then he talked again. “They’ve already called here, that’s how I know about the roads being closed!”  Our managers really care for us.

I whistled and everybody looked at me, it’s a good thing I know how to whistle or else we’ll be loosing our voices right by the time we’ve said what we wanted to say. “Attention! It seems like there is a storm in Seoul right now and all the roads are closed, so I’m afraid we might have to stay here for the night!” I yelled. Everyone took it pretty well. “Does everyone all have extra clothes?” Yuri asked and everyone said yes. Good thing I packed extra clothes today.

“Can everybody go to the hotel and get a room!” I said. I’m pretty sure the room arrangements isn’t going to be by groups, it didn’t matter to me, if anything happens its all the leaders responsibility.

I was hoping to be in a room with Yuri or the girls but I didn’t. Yuri’s room is with Key and Nicole since she thinks SOMETHING might happen tonight. Seungie is with his group and the 3 girls are all separated from me so I have to share one with Donghae. It’s not like I don’t want it but it’s just awkward.

We went to all our rooms and rested, we’ll probably talk later – I mean with everyone. “So!” I said as I pursed my lips. “So!” he repeated. “I’m going to go take a shower!” I said and walked to the bathroom.

It was already 7 pm and I’m sticky and all that. I decided to take a bath instead of a shower, I filled the bathtub and found rose petals in the cabinet. The water was warm, it help relax my body. For half the time I was inside I just stared at the ceiling and the half was me singing some songs.

*knock*Knock* someone knocked at the door. “Dara you okay in there?” Donghae asked worriedly. “Yeah why?” I asked. “Well, you’ve been there for almost 2 hours now. I need to take a shower too you know!” he said. I just sighed and got dressed.

I walked out the bathroom and saw Seungie in the bed. “What are you doing here?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. “I was just talking to hyung about GLUES!” he said, emphasizing GLUES, it took me a second to understand what he meant by that. “Yah!” I shouted I was going to hit him with the towel when he ran outside and shouted “Goodluck hyung!”

I turned to look at Donghae “What was that about?” I asked him. He just raised his shoulder and went to the bathroom.

I put aside my stuff and sat in the bed. There was nothing to do so I just lied down, then I heard a sweet voice singing.

아직까지못해준그말. 목이메여시큰한그말. 누구보다사랑해. 오직너와나난나나난나나난나(I still can’t saying that
I’m falling head over, tingling to say that word
Love you more than anyone else
Only you and me and me, and me, and me)

이순간이행복해정말. 내게와서고마워정말. 나를다줄한사람오직너와나난나나난나나바로너. (I’m really happy in this moment
Really thank you for coming to me
Thanks for the one who loves me
Only you and me and me, and me, exactly you)

His voice was so sweet that I closed my eyes listening to it. I wondered if what Seungie said earlier was true, if he likes me or not. But why would he like me when there are much better girls around than me. He’s probably just kidding to take my mind off of my problem.

The breeze coming from the window was cold yet warm, I wasn’t sleepy at all but I crawled under the blankets and closed my eyes. I can still hear Donghae singing, he’s voice is so warm. The singing ended so I assumed he was done taking a shower, when I heard the door opened I didn’t open my eyes and just stay quietly.

“You asleep already?” he asked but I didn’t answer. I felt him crept up the bed and under the covers. I was about to push him off, just as a joke but then he hugged me. It was so warm and I didn’t want him to let go of me.

He started singing Bom’s song Don’t Cry, the song fit perfectly with his voice. “Donghae do you like me?” I asked. He was surprised more that I was awake than with the question. “You’ve been awake the whole time?” he asked. I giggled and nodded. “Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked again. I snuggled in his chest and said “I didn’t feel like it!” I answered. “Now it’s your turn to answer my question!” I ordered him, kindly of course. I didn’t lift my head to see his expression and understand his answer coz I was afraid to get hurt again.

“No!” he said dryly. I felt my heart broke again, so much for the Glue that will never let it break again. I clutched his shirt and was about to start to cry when he held my face with both his hands and then said. “I don’t like you coz I love you!” he said while looking at my eyes, I felt like I was going to melt. I didn’t expect this answer from him.

Before I could say anything he pulled my face closer to his and kissed me. It was short but I felt all the feelings he had with that kiss. I can actually see myself being with him. He ended the kiss but not the eye to eye contact.

“Please give me a chance!” he asked. he hugged me tightly almost choking me. “How can I answer if you won’t let me breathe!” I managed to choke out. “OH!” he said and let go off me. I looked him right in the eyes and the words I wanted to say was stuck in my throat. I knew that if I wouldn’t say anything he’ll think that he doesn’t have any chance at all. I tried so hard to talk but his eyes weren’t helping so I just did what I think is the most obvious answer. A kiss.

It wasn’t as long as the first kiss but it was enough to tell him yes. “I’ll take that as a yes!” he smiled and hugged me. “You better be a good glue!” I jokingly said. “What’s with you and Seungie and glues?” he asked confusely. “Let’s just say Seungie was very sensitive earlier!” I explained and he had the “are you serious” look.

“Why don’t we go ask them!” I offered. Before we could get out of the room he pulled me back. “Is that all you’re wearing?” he asked as he look at me from top to bottom. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I asked. I seriously didn’t know what was wrong with it. “You’re only wearing a short and a tank top!” he pointed out but I still didn’t get what’s wrong. “I don’t like any boys getting any closer to my girl!” he explained. I pinched his cheeks because it was very cheesy. “Aigoo! Fine but I don’t have any other clothes!” I honestly said. He went to his bag and took out an over sized shirt.”Really!” I said. He didn’t say anything and put the shirt on me. “Let’s go then!” I pulled him. We went up to the 4thfloor were all the others room were.

We finally got there, the noises were so loud we can hear it all the way from our room, not really.*Knock*Knock* he knocked on the door then we heard Yuri yell it’s open. We went in and found the 8 people plus 2 bb members in the bed and the 2 love birds in the corner.

“Omo!” Yuri gasped while she pointed at our linked hands. I didn’t even realize we were holding hands until Yuri pointed it out.  “Yay! Finally!” Seungie jumped off the bed and ran to hug us. “Finally?” everyone yelled. “What’s going on!” Jiyong asked. “The fish finally found its owner!” Donghae said then gave me a quick kiss in the cheeks which made me blush as hell.

“Dara?” Jiyong turned to me to ask. I really wanted to punch him in the face but since there were a lot of people I calmed myself. “I finally found my GLUE!” I said. Me and Seungie both laughed so hard.

“Stop hogging my girlfriend!” Donghae whine and pulled me off of Seungie and Seungie just stuck his tongue out at him and said “MERONG”.

We played cards and games, everyone was having fun, even me but I often catch Jiyong looking at me and Donghae. Everyone got tired and sleepy so we went back to the room our room also.

“Sleep tight princess!” he whispered and kissed me in the forehead. “Did you call me girlfriend just because Jiyong was there?” I asked. “That too and because I wanted you to be my girlfriend.!” He answered back. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” I lifted my head and looked at him. “I am asking but if you’re not ready yet its okay, I can wait!” I sighed.

We stayed quiet for a while then I decided to break it. “Yes!” I answered. “Yes to what?” he asked. He was so cute, “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend!” I explained. He got up and looked at me. “Really?” he asked again. I gave him a peck in the lips then said “Good night BOYFRIEND!” I giggled. He hugged me tighter and closer to him. I felt so happy.

Days passed by and I became the happiest girl in the world. For some miracle our ceo’s agreed to meet with us together. We both explained and told them about our relationship and they seemed to be okay with it. Our friends also agreed with our relationship, but I’ve never seen Jiyong around us often anymore.

After our 3rdmonth anniversary we decided to go public and luckily our fans and everyone supported us. We were known as the DaraHae couple.

“I’m glad you’re my owner!” he smiled then I said “I’m glad you’re my glue!”. We looked at each other’s eye then both said “I Love You!”.




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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Jiyong is a d*** in this story. Glad she took the chance to be with Donghae ^_^
jetpitchblack #2
Chapter 4: darahae is <3....
rouleauxlang #3
I wonder if ever they'll be a real couple !!!???
What do you think now ??
Possible, right?
Darahae feels... ^_^
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 4: haist darahae...
Chapter 4: I'm an Appler but JIYONG is such a JERK here...his lost...I'm reading all of Dara's fics, well all of those which she didn't end up with Jiyong...haha
eternalmaknae #6
darahae ftw!!! ^^ me gusta this pairing, thanks for writing the story :D
darahae_2018 #7
#8 cute and sweet!!!^_^<br />
Wow, Jiyong is such a jerk here..I hope he regrets leading Dara on like that...<br />
aww.. i love you for making darahae stories.. kekeke.. thank you! it's really sweet.. :D
Aww.I love this story.It's so cute and so sweet.