You're my Glue ^3^

Tears were falling from my eyes and there was no way I could stop them. I felt myself dried out but the tears still didn’t stop. I made my way to the washroom to wash up my face before showing it to everyone specially 8 people in particular (Bom, CL, Minzy, Donghae, Yuri, Seungie, Key and Nicole).

I washed my face and my eyes over and over again but it wasn’t helping at all. I gave up and went to the beach, then only did I remember the sunglasses I had in the van but since I don’t have my keys with me I seem to be out of options.

I breathe in and out a couple of times before going there. I put on my best smile, I’m just hoping nobody sees the pain behind it. I saw all 8 of them having a water fight, then I thought of a plan on how I could avoid there questions. If I ran up to them and join them it’ll probably work. It was the only plan I had at the time.

I ran as fast as I can to the water and unluckily I tripped, hitting my face in the water. Everyone gathered up around me and asked me if I was okay. ‘if I don’t say anything I’m dead’ I told myself. So I started splashing them water and fortunately they joined in too.

We had fun and I was happy that they didn’t notice but still broken hearted. Everyone left to go eat lunch but I stayed in the water for a moment, I wasn’t ready to see them after finding out about the whole them dating.  Then suddenly a pair of strong, warm hands wrapped itself around me.

“You should go eat!” I softly told him, trying so hard to hide the sadness and pain in my voice. “You should too!” he said back. We stayed quiet for a moment; it wasn’t as awkward as I thought it was. It was definitely what I needed, someone to hold me and keep me from loosing myself again.

“What’s wrong?” he softly asked, while he buried his face in my neck. “I just had my heart broken into pieces!” I honestly said. There was no way I could hide it from him, I was actually thankful that it was him and not someone else. “So you’ve finally found out about him and Taeyeon?”  he said. I was surprised, I felt my body harden and I’m sure he felt it too. “You’ve known and you didn’t tell me! What kind of a friend are you?” I spit it back at him. He sighed before saying something. “Let me ask you, would you have believed me if I told you earlier or would you hate me for saying something ridiculous. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to lose our friendship coz of them!” he answered. I heard the sincerity in his voice. He loosened his arms around me and backed away. “I understand if you wouldn’t want to talk to me!” he spoke sadly. Before he could make a big gap between us I reached for his hand and said while my head was down. “Please stay with me!”. He walked back to me and hugged me, I didn’t know how but I cried myself out and he just let me. I buried my face in his neck and he carried me back to the others.

I heard everyone stop what they were doing and probably looked at us. I could feel their stares. “What happened?” Bom asked. I was waiting for Donghae to tell them something but he didn’t, he just shook his head which I think meant not now.

He put me down in the sand and was about to let go off me when I pulled him back. I definitely needed someone right now, even if it’s him. He gladly sat beside me and comforted me the whole time. Yuri offered him something to eat but he didn’t eat, he said he’ll eat with me later.

I’ve gotten better a little and I think my eyes are not red anymore so I lifted my head to see what was happening. Mostly everyone went back to what they were doing and some stayed with me, the 8 and my brother who was giving me an ‘are you okay’ look, I just nodded so that he wouldn’t worry too much then he went back to his playmates. I didn’t notice Seungie sitting beside me until I hit him in the arm.

“Ouch!” he said in English which made me smile. “Finally your smiling!” he said then ruffled my head. “You want something to eat?” Donghae asked as he got up. “Ne!” I answered politely. He was as surprised as I was to how I spoke. “Okay!” he said simply then headed to the food.

“Nuna!” Seungie called. “Oh!” I answered dryly. “I think Donghae hyung likes you!” he smiled. I was confused to what he said, Donghae likes me? That doesn’t make sense. “What!” I asked. “It’s obvious, you probably didn’t see it but the way he looked at you when you were crying it’s as if he felt it too.!” He explained while looking at the others playing. “He doesn’t like me!” I sighed. He didn’t talk for a while which I assumed he accepted defeat but then he talked once more. “Why not give him a chance!” he offered. I know him well enough that he wouldn’t stop until he gets what he wants but not this time. “You can’t fly with a broken wing and certainly can’t love with a broken heart!” I told him, I felt my eyes getting a little wet. “I’m sure you know the quote “A broken heart is like a broken mirror, it’s better to leave it than get hurt fixing it?” he said and looked at me, I just nodded my head and said. “Exactly!” then he talked again. “But what if you use a GLUE to put back the broken heart and after all the pain you went through fixing it the GLUE will make sure it never breaks again.!” He pointed out. For a kid who doesn’t really talk much about love he sure knows a lot. He emphasized on the glue so much and everytime he says it he looks at Donghae.

What if what he’s saying is right? I asked myself. Before I could answer fish came back with food. I stared at him until he had his first bite then he noticed. “What are you looking at?” he asked with a stuffed mouth. “You remind me of Glues!” I said jokingly then looked at Hyunseung and we both laughed so hard. “What!” he shouted and we just kept laughing.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Jiyong is a d*** in this story. Glad she took the chance to be with Donghae ^_^
jetpitchblack #2
Chapter 4: darahae is <3....
rouleauxlang #3
I wonder if ever they'll be a real couple !!!???
What do you think now ??
Possible, right?
Darahae feels... ^_^
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 4: haist darahae...
Chapter 4: I'm an Appler but JIYONG is such a JERK here...his lost...I'm reading all of Dara's fics, well all of those which she didn't end up with Jiyong...haha
eternalmaknae #6
darahae ftw!!! ^^ me gusta this pairing, thanks for writing the story :D
darahae_2018 #7
#8 cute and sweet!!!^_^<br />
Wow, Jiyong is such a jerk here..I hope he regrets leading Dara on like that...<br />
aww.. i love you for making darahae stories.. kekeke.. thank you! it's really sweet.. :D
Aww.I love this story.It's so cute and so sweet.